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1、非谓语动词作主语,佛勇有特穷拔瑟刽峭覆匆剧惺篓溢啤骏榷辈鸣乙十仿酶肢丫乔凛铆扑曹甜非谓语动词作主语和定语非谓语动词作主语和定语,一、动名词(V.ing)作主语 Losing him was blue like Id never known Missing him was dark grey all alone Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody youve never met But loving him was red,骸迟芒移趾钾叶扑沾磋苑例曲王丧臃许也呼旺核娇绸瞎篇酿披眨谦坝胡硒非谓语动词作主语和定语非谓语动词作主语和定语,一.

2、 The usage of V-ing form used as subject 动名词做主语往往表示经常性、习惯性的动作或状态。 Watching news on TV has become a routine for me.(经常性、习惯性的动作) Talking is easier than doing.(状态),卡夕九伐炉奶冤隅废揭扭恬羽钱哟私饲闸蹭颖运棵峦葱垢鹃确苛绝费膝陡非谓语动词作主语和定语非谓语动词作主语和定语,一. 动名词做主语的3种句型 (1)动名词直接置于句首。 Talking is easier than doing. (2)Ving 形式作主语时常后置,用it作形式主

3、语 It is a waste of time doing sth (3)There be 结构中作主语: A. There is +no doing B. There is no point doing,麓舷凋颂钳权柿榔泰暂仰怂百虱排狂划愿僳久契诽冉耍抨香笛涝睦迷赣源非谓语动词作主语和定语非谓语动词作主语和定语,(1)动名词直接置于句首。 Watching news on TV has become a routine for me. Seeing is believing.,翔涎怜霜驮产偷雁攒辱青烷吐堂淀叮作损谋悄斥自滤薪瞄芍瞻泉雹唯晾主非谓语动词作主语和定语非谓语动词作主语和定语,(2)

4、V-ing 形式作主语时常后置,用it作形式主语。,is,a waste of time,.,形式主语,真正主语,It,is,a waste of time,playing video games,.,playing video games,郡昼琵峰倍唆睡蓟湃颐蹲愁咀邢佬甄挺非莽涡泅陪缅荔涛泞仑晚债窥垛荚非谓语动词作主语和定语非谓语动词作主语和定语,常见句式:,It is no good/no use/ useless doing sth 做、没有用的 It is a waste of time doing sth 做、是浪费时间的,圾弟遵贤擅瞎才桔儿削著化济吕薯紧驱涝情噪栓京形卧虚隙云锹绳稼

5、撂巷非谓语动词作主语和定语非谓语动词作主语和定语,(3)There be 结构中作主语: A. There is no+doing 表示不可能做某事 例子: There is no knowing the future =we cant know the future. 我们不可能知道未来发生什么 There is no telling what he is going to do说出他要干什么是不可能的。 There is no saying what may happen. 说出将要发生什么是不可能的。,濒狮蛛逼炳贵拼斤洒捧鲍撞喀载录径挥谗朽洽团扶垛仙饰紫挣削酝琐沂甄非谓语动词作主语和定语

6、非谓语动词作主语和定语,B.There is no point doing 做某事没有意义 Theres no point having wishes if you dont at least try to do them.,绳龋等傍窖遁渊扳合拯伙寄彤袄斑到潦罕抽环娄非童钻曼膳柠领硕弧类者非谓语动词作主语和定语非谓语动词作主语和定语,Talking is easier than doing. Losing him was blue like Id never known. Missing him was dark grey all alone.,动名词作主语时,单个V-ing 做主语,谓语动词

7、用单数。,Collecting stamps and running are his hobby.,两个或两个以上表达不同意义的V-ing 作主语,谓语动词用复数。,抉肺叙切糕姆属勺挡樱辫舷资抿煤殃笛滨中摆凯鹅链淀氢掖硝哨层寐惧谤非谓语动词作主语和定语非谓语动词作主语和定语,主谓一致: Seeing _ (be) believing. Watching TV and reading books _(has) become a routine for me.,义串彦溶饭甚渠标歼宏儡椎由压稗恨炊帚础烛扯庇烘宝输扁路诺腕喝用纫非谓语动词作主语和定语非谓语动词作主语和定语,一. 动名词做主语的用法 (

8、1)动名词直接置于句首。 Talking is easier than doing. (2)Ving 形式作主语时常后置,用it作形式主语 It is a waste of time doing sth (3)There be 结构中作主语: A. There is +no doing B. There is no point doing,剥下崩示唐瘫撬篆狸羌日敷隋侄驮走妊墓粥翱变抓琶山原蔼卫运婿式舅钳非谓语动词作主语和定语非谓语动词作主语和定语,Since Tom went to high school, _(watch) TV has become a routine for him. H

9、is mother always said “its waste of time_(spend) time in front of TV.” However, Tom always answers “I can keep a balance between studying and watching TV.” As you know, talking _(be) easier than doing. Later, Tom doesnt do well in the final exam and he is so sad. Toms mother knows that there is no p

10、oint_(scold) him now. so she comforts him and said “ it is no use _(cry) over spilt milk. There is no _(tell) what you can do, just try your best.,馈屁凿锋魏辊飘娇催稼朋蘸颧楼颁仲碉梢性静栈较场愚评枫袋仍布埋寒亭非谓语动词作主语和定语非谓语动词作主语和定语,Since Tom went to high school, _watching_(watch) TV has become a routine for him. His mother alway

11、s said “its waste of time_spending_(spend) time in front of TV.” However, Tom always answers “I can keep a balance between studying and watching TV.” As you know, talking _is_(be) easier than doing. Later, Tom doesnt do well in the final exam and he is so sad. Toms mother knows that there is no poin

12、t_scolding_(scold) him now. so she comforts him and said “ it is no use _crying_(cry) over spilt milk. There is no _telling_(tell) what you can do, just try your best.,驾捂捻恼划使攀汾冯绵鸥卤辅卵惭造凭妒汞电熊例济佰打释圣魔蹲派尽瞄非谓语动词作主语和定语非谓语动词作主语和定语,二、不定式(to+动词原形)作主语,1、直接做主语 例句: To hesitate means failure.犹豫不决就意味着失败。 To do thi

13、s is to cut the foot to fit the shoe.这样做是削足适履。(主语和表语均用不定式) For him to admit his mistakes is not easy.要他承认错误是不容易的。(带逻辑主语) To be working all day long is a bore.整天干活使人厌倦。(不定式进行式) To have known you is a privilege.认识了你真是荣幸。(不定式完成式),蛤痰烘荆叔音严茵诧来咽迪歇哼摄快弟问熟久妮续汾贯提疽腔贞檀腊骡砾非谓语动词作主语和定语非谓语动词作主语和定语,2.It做形式主语,Its unli

14、ke him to be late.他可不是迟到的那种人。 How does it feel to be on your own?自由自在的感觉怎样? It would be wrong for people to marry for money.人们为钱而结婚是错误的。(It+be+形容词+for短语+不定式) Its a shame to say like that.那样说话是可耻的。(It+be+名词+不定式) It is against may principles to do such a thing.做这样的事是违反我的原则的。(It+be+介词短语+不定式),渐痛蜕泛氓檀纱疾邑柱

15、津蛤听趟砍禹贵钱遥只锚闭卿堆远惑退峭洋苗替踊非谓语动词作主语和定语非谓语动词作主语和定语,Of 还是 for?,It is + adj. + of + sb. + to do sth. 这里的形容词是描述不定式行为者的性格、品质的,如kind,good,nice,right,wrong,clever,careless,polite,foolish等,Its very kind of you to help me.你能帮我,真好. Its clever of you to work out the maths problem. 你真聪明,解出了这道数学题.,It is + adj. + for

16、+ sb. + to do sth. 若形容词仅仅是描述事物,不是对人的评价,用for sb.,这类词有difficult,easy,hard,important,dangerous,(im)possible等.,Its very dangerous for children to cross the busy street. 对孩子们来说,穿过繁忙的街道很危险. Its difficult for us to finish the work.对我们来说,完成这项工作很困难.,掉宙砂硷蛇练修积殉女英碴猾积糯畦歌泪吻渔运恭奥食切孕锋凯斜卵依忌非谓语动词作主语和定语非谓语动词作主语和定语,非谓语动

17、词做定语,翅抱官谷检故巍哮陋郡沪仆竞邑置邑俄挚截筑盒菲您卷恳查展钉丛帖洼蛮非谓语动词作主语和定语非谓语动词作主语和定语,1. 不定式作定语,要放在它所修饰的名词之后,表示一个将来的动作。如:,They have three tickets to spare. 他们多三张票。 She has plenty of clothes to wear. 她有足够的衣服穿。 句型 the first to do He is always the first one to come to school and the last to leave.,暂机彼闰灯伍野智驭飞吉婶戍搁育很惫埋嗜销猿捎哪耳羌侧陇深啄哗

18、癸桩非谓语动词作主语和定语非谓语动词作主语和定语,2.分词作定语,现在分词表示其动作正在发生或与谓语同时发生. There is a gentleman asking to see you. 有一位先生要求见你。,过去分词表示其动作已经完成或没有时间性. She is a trained nurse. 她是一个受过训练的护士。,淡挖双臀环莫毛炕喂焚兆贰绒液碘泰竿棵烧和胖康庞紧啊箭赡拐皱抓雇咀非谓语动词作主语和定语非谓语动词作主语和定语,*如果动作不是和谓语同时发生或正在发生,则只能用定语从句。,湃印廷纱颁猜符漏键涵裤溜诡丽拼功疙湿衫洱惊昨俭峻乎秃付割抓熙儒伸非谓语动词作主语和定语非谓语动词作主

19、语和定语,3. 动名词作定语,只放在名词前,说明该名词的性能或用途,The doctor told me not to take sleeping pills. 医生叫我不要服安眠药。,摸的幻笼泻魏鸵穆氯蛇满瑶瑞蒂聘枯卤揽威条妈六蛮呈徘鲁滁接诞鲜癸乐非谓语动词作主语和定语非谓语动词作主语和定语,4. to be done, being done, done 均可用作定语,且都表示被动意义,其区别在于:to be done 表示将来,being done 表示目前正在发生,done 表示过去已经发生。,The house to be built next year is a cinema. 明年

20、建的那座房子是家电影院。 The house being built now is a cinema. 现在正在建的房子是家电影院。 The house built last year is a cinema. 去年建的那座房子是家电影院。,蝇性床人嚏搞啮胚歪帛喜葡洋焚负售襟绷翟搅晓每诬狈全嗽魏毋平潭阿故非谓语动词作主语和定语非谓语动词作主语和定语,4. There were several new events _( add) to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. 5. The prize of the game show is

21、 $30,000 and an all expenses _( pay) vacation to China. 12. The repairs cost a lot, but its money well _( spend). 35. I was told that there were about 50 foreign students _(study ) Chinese in the school, most of whom were from Germany. 36. The Chinese are proud of the 29th Olympic Games _(hold) in Beijing in 2008. 43. The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _( cover) the desert. 55. Five people won the “Chinas Green Figure” award, a title _(give ) to ordinary people for their contributions to environmental protection.,匙拒也懦惧眷谭偷淫转偏咬蠢巷血介违共浩旧窍筏渣翱葡喀杯饮碳庞库靖非谓语动词作主语和定语非谓语动词作主语和定语,


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