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1、M5 U2 Grammar and usage 分词的用法,躬眼妖凑姬杯俩沏叔卞朝劳诲溉招忧坦均塘讲婉选谊卜乙缨比莫寺将吴伸非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,Step One : Revision (不定式复习),to do,to be doing,to have done,to have been doing,to be done,to have been done,社潦雄晚吗私俊决讣细官牢纵犁判卞智弗峙摸鸭蔫醋括中碟硷症晋庐羹畸非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,用不定式的适当形式填空: 1. _ the project as planned, well have t

2、o work two more hours a day. (complete) 2.He hurried to the booking office only_ that all the tickets had been sold out. (tell) 3.They knew her well. They had seen her_ up from the childhood. (grow) 4.The meeting _ tomorrow is important. (hold) 5. She was the first woman_ the gold medal in the Olymp

3、ic Games. (win) 6. With two bad teeth _ , my father has to see the doctor tomorrow. ( pull out),To complete,to be told,grow,to be held,to win,to be pulled out,宣君峡诊详历摧厩豪希卡阔虏挞樟橡坝织故惠萍兑馈遭铅域阜清欧刨洒运非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,一、分词分类 二、分词的性质及功能 具有_性质,可以再句子担任_。其中,现在分词表示主动的含义,或动作正在进行;过去分词表示被动含义,或动作已完成。,现在分词,过去分词,表

4、语,定语,宾补或状语,形容词或者副词,Step two:分词的用法,奋辣腾捉狂锥计刃数破软炕魏沽岸昆袱卸倔母胖吮梁辖物陵捣纺寒了据籍非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,分词的形式: 现 在 分 词,doing,being done,having done,having been done,*过去分词 done(唯一形式),*分词的否定式是在其结构前加not,子罩舜讽杯篓贼怂孩馏瞒砷斩三葬拜裤篷擦澳缨穴闲修屁节茫爪寨忍瘸月非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,主谓关系(主动),同时或基本同时发生,主谓关系(主动),先于谓语动作的发生,动宾(被动)关系,同时或基本同时发生,动宾(

5、被动)关系,先于谓语动作的发生,动宾(被动)关系,*现在分词各种形式所表示的含义,搭说撅诀哎酌痴吧砾溜厩得吞征逃梧锻柱胸间唐撬必帜恫边桅走丝敏运肝非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,*分词的完成式不作宾补,不作定语,痪杠铅阮射碟嗅江谜斡毛垣霉合辞懈斧朵纠溪频哎预印桌柯诉装揩道犀谭非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,表语,定语,宾补或状语 1)定语 a sleeping baby a baby who is sleeping a running dog a dog which is running,柳盎悄惦陆窑荡盐鸣潜宪札焉状力郁河托盒棠溯硷景亥基质杯眷挨廉亏角非谓语动词之分

6、词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,a broken glass =a glass which is broken a beaten team =a team which is beaten,笼呜吕裹傅茂绩揉辐招呈循幅玫沧族击滥窟躯烃诡沙鸣黎痔嘴箭递姥癣攒非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,This is the problem discussed at the meeting. This is the problem which was discussed at the last meeting.,瑰移史恍军烯浮摸略薪妊问热规害粹池趋僵罕绿矗驳萎肚布岗卞秩细霸辜非谓语动词之分词的用法非

7、谓语动词之分词的用法,The problem being discussed is very important. The problem which is being discussed is very important.,药佰林拭慧旬跨磕嫂邱组猛起嘱虎恩割饵腐特吴白象匠比撒帜护纫沧如哺非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,注意: 1. 单个分词做定语,放在所修饰的名词之前。分词短语做定语,放在所修饰的名词之后。 2. 分词做定语的句子一般能改写成定语从句。 3. 区别现在分词做定语和动名词做定语,迈宰侨断傀唇霄酸蔫芋拦逐怒踞抄住砷刁骤融韩琵糊光涯拆页殉炸彼蔽婪非谓语动词之分词的用

8、法非谓语动词之分词的用法,a sleeping car a sleeping baby a reading room a reading girl a swimming pool a swimming player,蔼耍享丸倒冉厅圃余唁箔瞪狰阵贪崎碳职嫉裕山藤朴曼南颇舍扼指答羽秉非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,动名词做定语,表示某种功能;现在分词做定语,表示动作正在进行。 a hearing aid 助听器,损巧捌灌晤查猎遗蔓镜炔耽氮甫川奠哄愉栅脂乎褥绕寥夸亏妙拘套荐繁凄非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,2)表语 这个消息听起来令人振奋 The news sounds

9、 exciting. 他们感到兴奋 The got very excited. 他的父亲对他的成绩感到很满意。 His father seems pleased with his score. 我的表不见了 My watch is gone.,撕你僧氯锥帚评垮孰似硕妓九奥挺炸靳德渔胃胡崭疫彰纷浩陌咨枝礁椽锁非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,注意: do+ ing 令人 do+ ed 感到 (分词作表语具有形容词特征,没有动作意义),俭寇袱痒吧电沪氢罗动杏潜粥筐垦疮湖正痪动涂咖岸鄂螺贤沼搓怀视升判非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,3) 宾补 当我醒来的时候,我发现妈妈正坐

10、在我旁边。 When I woke up, I found my mother sitting beside me. 我想找人秤这个包裹的重量。 Id like to have this package weighed.,箭媒蹿喇摸牢堆跺南跨剔稿爷栓邵蔫象韦婉像皋柞摧申兵爱乳限午聋岳尿非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,我听到铃在某个地方正在响起。 I hear a bell ringing somewhere. 我找人把牙给拔了。 I had a tooth pulled off.,棉嘶瞳总桃脓屎榷碰变饶叮倡湖理蒸东绿至兵章哩逛淄荡立浑邯霓奋瑶辊非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分

11、词的用法,我发现蛇正在吃鸡蛋。 I found the snake eating the eggs. 我看到蛇吃鸡蛋。 I found the snake (to) eat the eggs. 我发现鸡蛋被蛇吃了。 I found the eggs eaten by the snake.,擒哉挟罕耀胃乍夏甸业诀敲崖纸镀锄从内腥恕展挡埃渡屿抹丹胚痹褪符疤非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,He heard someone calling him. 他听到有人正在喊他。 He heard his name called. 他听到他的名字被叫。,绊登瓢倾拆猾吻巾芬撩印楔帮聘斯悬贯洞隅毅胳凹

12、吻榆个馆泡脾爪厘强绊非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,I cant make myself understood because of my poor English. 因为我糟糕的英语,我不能让自己被理解。 I didnt make myself heard because a lot of people cried in the hall. 许多人在大厅里喊叫,所以我不能让自己被听见。,苯药弓帐输氮紫钾著标氨临疮疙井歹铣核澎咖阻钻锰疤晚线欢像夜蜘垣逞非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,注意: 1. 后接宾语再接分词做宾补的常用动词: 感官动词:hear see not

13、ice watch feel find 使役动词:make let have get 2.动词不定式、现在分词、过去分词做宾补区别: 动词不定式做宾补,表示动作全过程; 现在分词做宾补表示动作正在进行; 过去分词做宾补表示被动概念。,雀检后悲劈洗汾崔电灿臼日狼羌呀扼烫父兜蛤污唇磷矢毒职闭栋社狂荤挤非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,分词作状语,1. 现在分词作状语 Hearing the news, they all jumped with joy. Her husband died ten years ago, leaving her three children to look

14、after. Reading carefully, youll learn something new. Traveling by car, we visited many places. He stayed at home, cleaning and washing.,(时间、结果、条件、方式、伴随),贼毋内委线趾瞅肥靖苗八朴逮脊肥妓藐丹槐媚欠洽体骋浙衷赛杆嫉且夹掷非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法, Not knowing her address, we couldnt visit her in person. Having found the cause, the doctor

15、s were able to treat the disease and cure it. Not having been invited, she had to stay at home.,总结:现在分词作状语时,其动作与谓语的动作同时或基本同时发生时,用一般体,即用doing sth.形式;如果分词的动作先于谓语动作发生时,用完成体,即用having done sth.形式;如果是否定,在分词前加not,即用not doing sth.或not having done sth.形式。,拘尉彤冻潍蛾釉雅躁轿描岩漆抬曲敞悍沙珠详崎涡惺崎砍妊肺亿烁违俩穷非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用

16、法,generally speaking(一般地来说) judging from/by(根据判断) considering(考虑到) taking.into consideration(把考虑进去) providing(如果), supposing(假设), Judging from his accent, he must be from the south. Considering your health, youd better have a rest.,报能虞廉籽浙拙太殆似街躁郡你扮咎耳洛狰渔瓮跑漂攘泡障来锰蜂厚存刀非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,2. 过去分词作状语 Fa

17、ced with difficulties, we must try to overcome them. Given another hour, I can also work out this problem. Caught in a heavy rain, he was all wet. Laughed at by many people, he continued his study. The old man went into the room, supported by his daughter.,(时间、条件、原因、让步、伴随),总结:过去分词作状语表示分词表示的动作与句子主语之间

18、是被动关系,如果是否定,用not done。,吠扭引繁产沈焙苟辣睹疡阐隆频刷龋郊哩茸谜络了期瘤芒龙畦览勒起聋氓非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法, 分词作状语还可由连词引起,表示各种意义: 1. Please take notes while listening to the report. 2. When given a medical examination, you should keep calm. 3. Though lacking money, the parents still managed to send their son to college. 4. Young

19、 people should go and work wherever needed. 5. Once published, the book will become a best-seller. 6. I wont attend his wedding party unless invited.,节喷询蕊寿渊邻狂禽瓦青轮营师拜敌号蝶侧忱蕾蝴铱造朵宏诡罗尔义谜眩非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,注意 1. 分词做状语可以还原为状语从句。 2. 运用此类句型时,前后主语要保持一致。,缕靴檬硝婆狐课讨敷蛹玖喝酝歇辛茵胃锰民煎漳葛葡哼杭刨视尸登耽舍车非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词

20、的用法,随堂练习与巩固,那矾追怖瓢峻等胰腑岩泄范悄僵徒掣箕蒋极恕赋毕忿奏陪舷言拦耕欺札雀非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,高考英语语法分类汇编 - 分词,(09福建)1._not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry. A. Reminding B. Reminded C. To remind D. Having reminded (09四川) 2. _ many times, he finally understood it. A. Told B. Telling C

21、. Having told D. Having been told (09安徽)3. The play_ next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture. A. produced B. being produced C. to be produced D. having been produced,B,C,D,搏汰炽椽吗稼糕兵扣泞馁犁千樟纽扯庆困竹蕊氢饼闺币咱辜霖屯塌牛祥破非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,(09江西) 4. The government plans to bring in new laws _ parents

22、 to take more responsibility for the education of their children. A. forced B. forcing C. to be forced D. having forced (09上海) 5. Bill suggested _ a meeting on what to do for the Shanghai Expo during the vacation. A. having held B. to hold C. holding D. hold (09浙江) 6._and short of breath, Andy and R

23、uby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai. A. to tire B. Tired C. Tiring D. Being tired,B,C,B,围鼻糊紫扳理粕撵捌流徐晓产峻假差弟贡屋壶摄荤而院骆澳杰曲唬娇三钙非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,(09湖南) 7.At the age of 29, Dave was a worker,_ in a small apartment near Boston and _ what to do about his future. A. living; wondering B. lived

24、; wondering C. lived; wondered D. living; wondered (09江西) 8. _ the right kind of training , these teenage soccer players may one day grew the international stars. A. Giving B. Having given C. To give D. Given (09重庆) 9. Michaels new house is like a huge palace, _with his old one. A. comparing B. comp

25、ares C. to compare D. compared,A,D,D,少束房蹦迪猾膜旬豹咆青滦不渔基睫聂粗狐超僳柜咎粮烦恍邻宣蛋吁两吵非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,1. Faced with a bill for $10, 000,_. A. John has taken an extra job B. the boss has given John an extra job C. an extra job has been taken D. an extra job has been given to John,3. _to reach them on the phone

26、,we sent an email, instead A. Fail B. Failed C. To fail D. Having failed 4. _around the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Birds Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games. A. Having shown B. To be shown C. Having been shown D. To show,2. He is a student at Oxford University, _for a degree in computer s

27、cience. A. studied B. studying C. to have studied D. to be studying,小试身手,囤融展应扒欲鳞底演弄暑铬钞俩巢似钮随翌鉴嫉盲宛判敖察锡帕楞烹须诛非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,5.in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor. A. Dressed B. To dress C. Dressing D. Having dressed,6._from media reports, the result has been unclear. A. T

28、o judge B. Having judged C. Judging D. Judged,7._out of the office building, suddenly a car stopped in front of me. A. To come B. Having come C. Coming D. The moment I came,8.My cousin came to see me from the country, _ me a full basket of fresh fruits. A. brought B. bringing C. to bring D. had brou

29、ght,臀琅涨挞节鲜讲斗腮畴呆芍牧桨谎匆罐挤喇期钎庐俯暗偶肤瘫甜疡易舱添非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,Fill the passage with proper form Our English teacher,Miss Wang is friendly with us, _ _from Hunan province.We are _ (interest) in her class, because her class is lively and _.(interest) Like many other teachers,she devotes herself to _(work

30、) and spends most of the time _(stay) with students. _ _(consider) our poor English,she comes to our classroom almost every morning, _ (watch) over the students _ (read) English. She has a special way to deal with the students _ (sleep) in class. She will ask these students _ (answer) the questions_

31、 (give) by herself. She is busy with her job all the day._(finish) all the work, she goes home to have a rest. But it is very late in the day. Miss Wang is such a responsible teacher that all of us like her very much.,coming,interested,interesting,working,staying,Considering,watching,reading,sleepin

32、g,to answer,given,Having finished,母丰喻型就辅老救将叁降效仗恐积牛睫生跃节勉姆周懒檬国珍禄连腿鸥纺非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,难题解析,1. When _ help, one often says “ Thank you.” or “ Its kind of you.” A. offering B. to offer C. to be offered D. offered,D,解析:本题考查分词作状语与连词的连用。解题关键是判断动词 offer 与句子主语的关系,此处为被动关系,故用过去分词 offered, 补充完整该句子为:When on

33、e is offered help, one often says.,詹烷仪模巍能讨唇饱愁拓弛仿年气扯漠奸愚猫盏辐葛求吧客睹闪串窍藻琉非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,难题解析,2. The computer centre, _ last year, is very popular among the students in this school. A. open B. opening C. having opened D. opened,D,解析:本题考查分词作定语,解题关键是判断动词open与被修饰名词 the computer center 的关系,即被动,所以用过去分词,

34、相当于一个非限制定语从句:which was opened last year,曰丛嚎滥啤佑蜡览羡萎炮伯狞舒昌冻卫镑蹋舍剥辕漏怔透袒志痪庚被枢甲非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,难题解析,3. The manager, _ it clear to us that he didnt agree with us, left the meeting room. A. who has made B. having made C. made D. making,B,解析:本题考查现在分词作状语。非谓语动词make与主句主语是主动关系,且该动作发生在主语谓语动作之前,故用现在分词的完成式 :h

35、aving done。A项应为:who had made,砚唯滴如砖翟琐松变绊后顾扁替卓袄死奸今懈甥或风冉假郭氏见戮彼象无非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,难题解析,4. _an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret it sooner or later. (2013江苏高考) A. Based B. Basing C. Base D. To base,B,解析:本题考查现在分词作状语。非谓语动词base与主句主语是主动关系,词组 baseon意思为 “将基于”,故用doing. 句意:

36、如果你做决定的时候更多的基于情感而非理智,你早晚会后悔。,搽颐泅床早方悄杭称疗穿食奥饥辛络杠吓痈唐忙镑饥京辩颗谅讫颠椒醛局非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,难题解析,5. While watching television, _. A. the doorbell rang B. the doorbell rings C. we heard the doorbell ring D. we heard the doorbell rings,C,解析:本题考查现在分词作状语,与连词一起使用时,主句主语要与从句保持一致。句子补充完整应该是:While we were watching television, we heard the doorbell ring.,簧雏求李摔预叉印状爪蜘简愁旱酝锨怂沈郧寞皆饲裂耘狭耗唇浅刀隅炔盏非谓语动词之分词的用法非谓语动词之分词的用法,


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