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1、教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学 科英语年 级九年级教学形式新授课教 师陈蕾单 位三原龙桥中学课题名称Lesson 25学情分析 学生在七八年级已经有了一定的关于就医话题的基础,所以学习本课应该不是很难,但是对于九年级学生来说,必然要增加一定的要求,比如,用重点的单词或短语,句型进行编写对话的练习,让学生对于就医情景有了 更真实的了解。教师可以为他们提供一些所需要的实物,使表演更加生动真实。对于基础较差的学生来说,能简单的使用基本短语就可以了。同时,要让他们理解课文,能用自己的语言去复述课文大意,也是一个不错的练习口语的方法。在本节课中,我想训练学生学会总结的好习惯,比如让他们熟读课文,找出与生

2、病就医有关的语言,并让基础较好的学生进行适当的补充。使学生对这一个话题能进行全面的了解。为了直击中考,我还设计了补全对话的练习题,让学生在进行了大量的口语练习之后,能进行一定的笔头训练,也是一个好的方法。最后我还设计了一个小游戏,目的是为了提高学生的学习兴趣,增加英语学习的娱乐性,使学生在英语课堂上能够享受到快乐。教学目标 1. Language goals: fever,hospital,nurse,pain,weak.spirit,abdoman.get dressed,in poor spisits2. Ability goals:Talk about parts of the bodi

3、es and vocabulaties related to illness and hospital.3. Moral goals:Teach the students how to see a doctor in foreign countries.教学过程Step 1.OrganizationFirst the teacher greets Ss “Good morning,class”Step 2.Warming upTalk about the following questions:(1) How often are you ill?(2) What is th last time

4、 that you are ill?Step 3:PresentationThe teacher says to the Ss like this:Yesterday I had a cold, so I didnt feel very well .I had a headache and had a fever.Can you tell me what I should do?Yes,but I dont know how to see a doctor.Can you tell me something about it?The teacher writes them on the Bb.

5、Step 4 New conceptT: 1. What happened to Danny? 2. Does he go to see a doctor?Then the teacher will show some more questions about the text on the small Bb.1. What does Danny do at 3:00 a.m?(Whats wrong with him?)2. What does Danny have for dessert?3. How do Dannys family go to the hospital?4. Who t

6、alks with Dannys father and where does she take them to?5. Who is the doctor? What does she say to Danny?6. Does Danny have to stay in hospital?Step 5.Act outDivide the Ss into several groups and act out the role-play in front of the class. Choose the best one and give them praise.Step 6:Practise:1.

7、 She is here in body,but not in s_.2. Lily says that shes w_in English.3. In hospital the n_ helped me to wash.4. Dannys broken leg gave him a lot of p_.5. Mrs.Green said his son had a high f_.Step7: Play a game class activity Circle.Directions:Divide the class into four groups. Make space for the g

8、roups to form two double circles.Direct two groups to form the inner circles in which the students facer outwards. The other two groups should form the outer circles in which students face inwards. You can use this arrangement of students for any kind of question-and-answer activity.The students wil

9、l review vocabulary for parts of the body. Each student in an outer circle asks a question or gives a direction to the person he or she is facing in the inner circle. For example:Where is your foot?Point to your ear.Pull your nose.Move your elbow.The facing student follows the direction as quickly a

10、s possible. Then the next person in the outer circle asks a question or gives a direction.Students should correct each others mistakes so that each question and response are correct before the next student has a turn.The double circle that finishes first is the winner.作业或预习基础题1.Remember the sentence

11、s related to illness2.Read the whole text three times at least.提高题用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Please _ me _ at 6:00 tomorrow morning.(wake up)2. I washed and _then had breakfast.(get dressed)3. He didnt_yesterday. (feel well)4. You will be _soon.(good)5. If you dont know a word.you can_it _ in the dictionary.(look up)6.Yesterday Tom _.so he couldnt go to school.(have a fever)自我评价组长评议或同行评议(可选多人): 评议一单位: 姓名: 日期:


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