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1、1. 能正确询问并回答乘坐某种交通去某地,如:How do you go to school ?I go to school By bike.How can I get to the park?You can go by the No.15 bus. 2. 能够描述人们日常出行的方式,并简单陈述理由。如:Usually I go to School by subway,because it is fast.3.能够辨认一些常见交通标志,了解并遵守交通规则,会看交通指示灯。4.了解音标/i:/ /i/ /p/ /b/ /t/ /d/的音和形,能区分/i:/ 和 /i/。1 .How do you

2、 get there?1.四会:A和B部分Lets learn Lets talk中的四会单 词及句子。2.三会:A和B部分Lets learn、 Lets talk、Lets read中 的三会单词及句子。3. 了解音标部分的音标音和形 会读例词。4. 理解吟唱Lets chant 部分的 歌谣。5. 了解Story time,Good to know Task time等部分的内容注:四会:听 说 读 写 三会:听 说 认读小学英语六年级上册知识结构图(一)1.能够简单描述城市、城镇和社区内公共设施的大致位置,如:Where Is the cinema ? It is next to th

3、e hospital .2. 能够询问路线并简单回答,如:Where is the post office? Its east of the cinema.Turn left at the cinema ,then go straight .Its on the left.3.了解地图的基本表示,并能用东南西北简单表示行政区划的位置。4.了解音标/e/ / /k/ /g/ /f/ /v/ /s/ /z/的音与形并能读例词。2.Where is the museum?1.能够用be going to 句型交流行事计划,如:What are you going to do This evening

4、 ? Im going to the cinema.2. 能够用where when 替换句型What are you going to do?中的疑问词提问 并回答,如:Where are you going ?Im going to the bookstore.When are You going ?Im going at 3 oclock.3.能够了解他人的行事计划并转述,如:He/she is going to .4.了解音标/a:/ / / / /m/ /n/ / 的音与形并能读例词。3.What are you going to do ?1.能够询问和简单描述业余爱好,如:What

5、s your hobby?I like collecting Stamps .He like collecting stamp,too.2. 能够用一般现在时的一般疑问句形式询问他人的住所及工作情况并回 答,如:Does he live in city? Yes,he does.Does he teach English?No,he Doesnt.He teach art.3.能听懂会唱歌曲“My pen pal4.I have a pen pal .小学英语六年级上册知识结构图(二)1.四会:A和B部分Lets learn Lets talk中的四会单 词及句子。2.三会:A和B部分Lets

6、 learn、 Lets talk、Lets read中 的三会单词及句子。6. 了解音标部分的音标音和形 会读例词。7. 理解吟唱Lets chant 部分的 歌谣。8. 了解Story time,Good to know Task time等部分的内容注:四会:听 说 读 写 三会:听 说 认读1.能简单介绍人物职业,如:Shes a teacher.2.能够运用句型What does your mother do ? Where does she work? How does she go to work?等询问他人的工作情况,并作出回答。3.能够按要求较好完成Group work 等活动。4.能够听懂会唱歌曲”My family活动。1.能够简单讲述水循环的过程,如:Where does the rain come from?It Comes from the clouds.2. 能够简单叙述植物的种植过程,如:Put the seeds in the soil.Water it Every day3.会唱歌曲“Little water drop.6.The story of rain.5.what does she do?


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