英语说课稿Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.doc

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1、七年级英语Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs(教案、说课、教学反思)Unit Two Stories and FablesLesson One Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (教案) By Zhou JuanTeaching Material: Book 1 of Grade 7 Unit 3 Lesson 1 Teaching objectives: To tell stories and use the present perfect tense1. Learning : The new words and expression

2、s in the text2. Ability: To tell stories and use the present perfect tense3. Emotional: To know what is kind and jealous and to be friendly to othersLink-up with Ladder Education:(攀登结合点)1. Level A students can know the meaning of the story.2. Level B students can use the present perfect tense freely

3、. 3. Level C students can act out the short play and use the present perfect tense.Key points and difficulties:1. Words and expressions: instead, on and on, at last, clean and tidy, one after another, wake up, from then on, 2. Sentence patterns:. . has sat.Teaching methods:1. Asking and answering2.

4、Reading and role-play3. Working in pairs or groups Teaching procedures:1. Tuning in period1) Play a game: Watch a cartoon of Scene I and dub the cartoon, then ask and answer the questions one after another. 2. Learn the text and make a dialogue of Scene II and Scene II.1) Enjoy Scene II of the carto

5、on.2) Act a dialogue between the huntsman and Snow White 3) Show the cartoon of Scene III and practice.3. Ask and answer the questions according to the text .4. Learn some key points in the text.5. Developing skills6. Homework : Finish the survey and recite text loudly .Unit Two Stories and FablesLe

6、sson One Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (说课稿)By Zhou JuanTeaching Material: Book 1 of Grade 7 Unit 3 Lesson 1 (新世纪版)Teaching objectives: To tell stories and use the present perfect tense1. Learning : The new words and expressions in the text2. Ability: To tell stories and use the present perfect te

7、nse3. Emotional: To know what is kind and jealous and to be friendly to othersLink-up with Ladder Education:(攀登结合点)1. Level A students can know the meaning of the story.2. Level B students can use the present perfect tense freely. 3. Level C students can act out the short play and use the present pe

8、rfect tense.Key points and difficulties:1. Words and expressions: instead, on and on, at last, clean and tidy, one after another, wake up, from then on, 2. Sentence patterns:. Who has sat on my chair?Teaching methods:1. Asking and answering2. Reading and role-play3. Working in pairs or groups Teachi

9、ng procedures:1 Tuningin period1) Play a game: Ask a student to show some actions to let the rest guess the verbs and say them with their past form and participle. (请一名学生表演动作,其他的学生猜出英文意思,并讲出它们的过去式和过去分词。)drink drank drunkeat ate eatenopen opened openedkill killed killedcut cut cut hear heard heard sl

10、eep slept sleptread - read - read2) Watch a cartoon of Scene I and dub the cartoon, then ask and answer the questions one after another. (观看短剧视频,学习新单词,短剧配音, 理解检查)(1) Youve heard the story of Snow White. Today lets learn the text of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in English. I am sure you are intere

11、sted in dubbing the film and acting out the short play. First please enjoy a cartoon.(2) Follow the cartoon and try to dub the cartoon(3) Work in pairs and dub the cartoon by yourselves(4) Dub the cartoon ( girls the Queen, boys the magic mirror)(5) Ask and answer the questions according to the pict

12、ure one after another.I. _ is the little girl?II. Is the woman a _?III. The Queen is Snow Whites stepmother,_ she?IV. _ is the mirror saying?V. The Queen wants to kill Snow White, _ she?2. Learn the text and make a dialogue of Scene II. (学习课文,完成编写关于短剧第二幕的对话, 并且模仿配音。)1) The Queen wants to kill Snow W

13、hite. She told her huntsman to kill Snow White. Please enjoy Scene II of the cartoon. (1) Follow the cartoon, then make a dialogue between the huntsman and Snow White. You can use the short play on your paper cues.Scene II In the forest(Snow White and the huntsman are in the forest)Snow White: Why d

14、o you want to kill me?Huntsman: The Queen want to kill you.Snow White: Why does she want to kill me?Huntsman: Because you are more beautiful than she.Huntsman: I wont kill you. Ill kill a bear and take its heart to the Queen . Go away quickly. Never come back! .Go, go!Snow White: Thats very kind of

15、you. Thank you very much.(2) Work in pairs and dub the cartoon (between the huntsman and Snow White)(3) Dub the cartoon.2) The huntsman didnt kill Snow White. And what happened then? (1) Lets go on watching.(2) Follow the cartoon and read the sentences loudly.3) Snow White went into the little house

16、. Then who were the masters of the little house. I will show you the cartoon of Scene III.6(1) Watch the cartoon(2) Follow the cartoon and try to dub the cartoon(3) Dub the cartoon in groups3. Ask and answer the questions according to the text .You can work in pairs then we are going to have a group

17、 contest. 4. You have master the main idea of the text, please enjoy the whole cartoon about the text then work in groups of 11 and try to act your short play about Snow White. A role- play. Work in groups of eleven and act out the short play Characters (人物): Scene I: the Queen, the mirror, Scene II

18、: Snow White, Mr Huntsman Scene III: the seven dwarfs, Snow White Scene I In the palace ( In a room of the palace, a beautiful queen is looking into a magic mirror. )The Queen: Mirror, mirror on the wall, Who is the most beautiful of us all?The mirror: Snow White is the most beautiful of you all.The

19、 Queen(angrily): Snow White must die.Scene II In the forest(Snow White and the huntsman are in the forest)Snow White: Why do you want to kill me?Huntsman: your stepmother told me to kill you.Snow White: I dont believe you. Why does she want to kill me?Huntsman: Because you are more beautiful than sh

20、e.Snow White: Oh, my dear!Huntsman: Dont be afraid, poor girl! I wont kill you. Ill kill a bear and take its heart to the Queen. Go away quickly. Never come back!Snow White: Thats very kind of you. Thank you very much.Huntsman: Bye! Take care.6. Homework : recite text loudly.教学反思:Snow White白雪公主是学生最熟悉的一篇童话故事,一听说要学习这一课,学生们都特别激动,课件用动画将一个个故事片断展示出来,学生们都急于模仿、表演,将皇后的恶毒、妒忌;Snow White 的纯洁、善良;The Seven Dwarf 的可爱和滑稽;Huntsman的无奈与忠诚演绎的淋漓尽致。但本课词汇量大,复合句较多,在复合句的诵读方面还存在着一些遗憾和不足,在以后的教学中,应加强这方面的训练。关于重点语法:现在完成时的操练和讲解可放在下一课时进行,在本课知道含义就可以了。教师在课堂组织教学时,可采用以下循序渐进的方法:短篇对话单词、词汇句子课文理解检查模仿诵读模仿表演


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