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1、 乐余高中高三英语综合试题五 by zhm第一节:语法和词汇知识21. _ Olympic Marathon is 26 miles and 385 yards, _ distance from Marathon to Athens. A. The; the B./; a C. An; a D. /;the22. I prefer a flat in the downtown area to _ in the suburb, for I want to live near my school. A. one B. that C. it D. this 23. However I tried t

2、o read it, this sentence just doesnt make _. Could you explain it to me? A, sense B. meaning C. thought D. idea24. The reading club in our school welcomes those _ of detective stories. A. interested B. enthusiastic C. fond D. addicted25. In my childhood, I was often _ by Mother to mind my behavior.

3、A. hoped B. demanded C. allowed D. reminded26. Although Jane agrees with me on most points, there was one on which she was unwilling to _.A. give out B. give in C. give away D. give off27. I think you must be mistaken about seeing him at the theatre; Im sure he _ abroad all week. A. is B. was C. has

4、 been D. had been28. Over the past ten years, there _ great changes in our family life. A. has been B. were C. have been D. was29. Sichuan Province, _ in southwest China and _ an area of 485,000 kilometers with the largest population in China, is one of the largest and most inaccessible provinces in

5、 China.A. located; covered B. locating; coveringC. located; covering D. locating; covered30.-Is that the small company you often refer to? -Right, just the one _ you know I used to work for years. A. that B. which C. where D. as31. People in Yangzhou are proud of _ they have achieved in the past ten

6、 years. A. that B. which C. what D. how32. - Did your father phone you shortly after the accident? - No, it was a fortnight _ he gave me a phone call. A. sinceB. whenC. while D. before33. Was it in Disneyland, _ many cartoon characters can be seen, _ the film was set?A. that; where B. that; when C.

7、in which; where D. where; that34. - Guess what! I have got A for my oral English test. - Great! You _ practiced a lot and you see it pays off.A. should B. must have C. must D. should have35. -You shouldnt have taken pictures before the carved stones.-_.A. Pardon me B. Yes, I will C. Never mind D. Do

8、nt mention it第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)Just north of the airport in Phoenix, in one of Americas most noisy and violent neighborhoods, if you listen closely, you can hear a chorus of small voices from a classroom in a white brick school building. Brenda Combs is 36 her students in song. “When we wak

9、e up in the morning,” she 37 in a passionate voice, “we can brush our teeth comb our hair eat some food . and get ready for a 38 day.” The kids in this summer class 39 in age from 5 to 12 and, like most pupils at StarShine Academya school 40 kindergarten through 12th gradecome from Phoenixs poorest

10、families. Some of their parents are drug addicts; 41 are homeless. The woman by the chalkboard, in her opinion, has 42 a kind of success that once would have seemed well 43 her grasp. Combs, who runs the summer program and teaches third and fourth grades the rest of the year, was recently 44 in Whos

11、 Who Among Americas Teachers. When she received her masters in 45 from Grand Canyon University last spring, First Lady Laura Bush sent 46 on her graduation. As Combs was being interviewed on CNN, the universitys CEO 47 up with a surprise graduation present: a full scholarship toward a PhD. “Brenda i

12、s extremely 48 ,” says StarShine Academys founder, Patricia McCarty. “I often think of how many people used to walk by her and say, Shes a(an) 49 . ”What makes Combs such an extraordinary educator of 50 childrenthe kind whose students 51 later to thank hermay be the years she spent living on the str

13、eets as a desperate crazy addict. She slept under bridges and 52 through rubbish containers for breakfast. And she 53 used a comb or a toothbrush.Combs, 45, likes to show teenage students her “before” 54 , which portray a tired, dirtied “throwaway” with cold eyes. “ 55 and abused,” she says, “I know

14、 what its like to want to get high. They trust me because Ive been there.”36. A. heading B. singingC. tellingD. leading37. A. says B. singsC. shoutsD. speaks38. A. fresh B. cleanC. latestD. brand-new39. A. range B. beginC. startD. teach40. A. serving B. helpingC. organizingD. educating41. A. the oth

15、ers B. anotherC. othersD. other42. A. won B. achievedC. receivedD. obtained43. A. within B. on top ofC. away fromD. beyond44. A. printed B. praisedC. listedD. graded45. A. education B. musicC. songD. art46. A. gifts B. congratulationsC. presentsD. money47. A. taken B. lookedC. showedD. appeared48. A

16、. open-minded B. giftedC. warm-heartedD. brave49. A. educator B. teacherC. throwawayD. beggar50. A. dangerous B. endangeredC. riskyD. at-risk51. A. drop by B. walk pastC. come acrossD. meet with52. A. searched B. attemptedC. foundD. sold53. A. regularly B. frequentlyC. sometimesD. seldom54. A. songs

17、 B. photosC. storiesD. books55. A. Hardworking B. DisappointedC. HungryD. Wealthy第四部分:任务型阅读(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)Salem, the “City of Peace”, is a small city with a big history. It is the second established city in Massachusetts and the second oldest settlement in New England. While Salem has been

18、 long known as the “Witch(女巫)City” due to the notable witch trials of 1692, Salem also played an important part in Revolutionary times and was an active leader of several Massachusetts industries. In the early part of the 19th century, Salems ships were pioneers in the India trade and opened up comm

19、erce with Africa, China, Russia, Japan and Australia. In Salem, you will find mansions of some of the countrys first millionaires and the birthplace of celebrated author Nathaniel Hawthorne. Salems 18.5 miles of tidal shoreline includes 7 public beaches.Salem is located approximately 16 miles (30 mi

20、nutes) north of Boston and is bordered by Beverly, Danvers, Lynn, Marblehead, Peabody, Swampscott and the Atlantic Ocean. Boston & Maine Railroad serves Salem with transport service, and the MBTA maintains a rail stop and bus service. Air service is available from Beverly Airport (5 miles away) and

21、Logan International Airport (16 miles away). Access is also available on a ferry from Boston.Salem has various restaurants including outdoor cafes, various restaurants and fine dining establishments. For shoppers there are malls and department stores, an open market, a waterfront village, as well as

22、 a downtown shopping district.There are many local artists and musicians who have shops along the city streets. On a nightly basis, one can stop in a local restaurant or nightspot and listen to some of the most creative music north of Boston. World famous artwork is displayed at the Peabody Essex Mu

23、seum and the work of local artists can be found displayed in many downtown shops including Artist Row.The City of Salem has long had a commitment to the promotion of art and culture. The Salem Cultural Council is a local agency of Salem residents that supports public programs and educational activit

24、ies in the arts, sciences and humanities. Local artists and theaters, such as CinemaSalem, the Salem Theatre Company, the Salem State College Center for the Arts, the Griffen Theater and The Rebel Shakespeare Company provide entertainment and learning opportunities to residents and visitors alike. T

25、he Salem Arts Association, Inc. is an entirely volunteer-run nonprofit arts organization. The SAA seeks to bring art, in all its forms, to the community and bring the community, in all its diversity, to the arts in Salem, Massachusetts.Title: Salem, the “City of Peace”History1. It has long been know

26、n as the “Witch City” 71 1692.2. It played an important part in Revolutionary times.3. It 72 several Massachusetts industries actively. 73 16 miles (30 minutes) north of BostonTransporta rail stop and bus serviceair service 74 serviceDiningwide 75 of restaurants 76 malls and department stores etc.Mu

27、sic and art1. the enjoyment of the most creative music north of Boston at 77 2. the 78 of world-famous artwork and the work of local artistsPromotion of art and culture1. Public programs and educational activities are supported.2. Entertainment and learning opportunities are 79 .3. Art is 80 to the

28、community and the community to the arts.第二节:写作(满分 25 分)接连发生的酒后驾驶、飙车肇事致死案,引发了社会高度关注。8月15日起,全国行动,重拳整治“酒驾”,各地出台措施,狠扎酒驾痛穴。请你根据以下内容,以Treasure Our Lives为题在你个人博客上发文,奉劝司机朋友珍爱生命,切莫酒后驾车。案例15月7日,杭州市中心飙车案,过路浙大毕业生身亡。26月30日,南京司机醉驾肇事,5死4伤。呼吁1. 关爱生命,关爱社会,关爱家人。2. 履行公民职责,拒绝酒后驾车。3. 路人自我防范,避免交通事故。措施考生自拟(至少三项措施)。参考词汇:飙车

29、 drag-race;醉驾drunk driving;路人pedestrian。写作时注意格式,词数150左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。Treasure Our LivesWith the number of cars increasing in cities, traffic accidents occur frequently, calling serious attention across the globe and becoming a major concern in our society today._第三部分:阅读理解AThe moon is made of ice-cre

30、am. Little green men live in the center of the earth. Nearly everyone tells lies. Only the third statement is true. Or at least that is what Dr. Robert Feldman of the University of Massachusetts says. Dr. Feldman conducted an experiment in which he asked 240 students to talk to each other for minute

31、s. He filmed the conversations and then asked the students to watch themselves to confirm if all that they had said was true.It turned out that nearly all of them had lied at least once. Many were surprised about the number of things they said that just werent true or so they claimed. It seems that

32、we not only lie, we do it naturally and without thinking.“Its so easy to lie,” said Dr. Feldman “We teach our children to be honest, but also to be polite and avoid offending people. Kids get a mixed message and that affects how they behave as adults.”According to Dr. Wendy Gamble of the University

33、of Arizona, kids dont need any instructions in lying. It comes naturally to them. Dr Gamble, a psychologist, has identified four different types of lies that both children and adults tell. The “pro-social” lie is told to help or protect other people. The “self-enhancement” lie is told by someone who

34、 wants to look good to other people. The selfish lie protects the speaker by harming someone else. And worst of all, the “anti-social” lie is told for the pleasure of getting someone else into trouble.According to Dr. Feldman, men and women lie in different ways as well. “Women are more likely to li

35、e to make the person they are with feel good. Men lie to make themselves look better,” he says. The husband tells his wife hes due for a promotion at work. “Of course you are,” she replies.“Honesty is the basis of healthy relationships,” says Dr. Gamble. “But rather than dismiss all lying as bad, we

36、 should reflect that deception is common and often socially acceptable.” Perhaps we already do. In the English language, the word liar is usually only used to describe the person who tells selfish or anti-social lies. The rest are referred to as “white lies”. These are joke words which show that we

37、can tolerate people who dont tell the truth all the time. If people did not make up stories, there would be no literature, poetry or films.Some psychologists argue that the lies people tell each other help hold society together. They make us feel good about each other and ourselves and encourage tol

38、erance and trust. Just think what the world would be like if everybody said exactly what they thought all the time.Yet there are times when people also need to hear the truth. It would be wrong to say that lying makes the world go round. Its the little green men in the center of the earth who do tha

39、t.56. It is _, according to Dr Gamble, that makes people lie.A. parents instructionsB. school education C. social experiences D. human nature57. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The little green men in the center of the earth make the world go round.B. Lies are actually com

40、mon and acceptable in daily lives but not all are bad.C. We should always tolerate people who dont tell the truth all the time.D. The world would be lovely if everybody told exactly what they thought.58. In paragraph 5, the wife said “Of course you are” to _.A. make her husband feel great B. build u

41、p her husbands confidenceC. show her love to her husbandD. help with her husbands promotion59. “I never tell lies” is a(an) _. A. “pro-social” lieB. “self-enhancement” lieC. selfish lie D. “anti-social” lieBAbout an hour and a quarters train ride north from Grand Central Terminal, a visit to Cold Spring is a neat trick the perfect way for New Yorkers to travel to small-town America, but be home before midnight. Its historical Main Street, which runs straight to the Metro North train station, is lined with those little stores that make many shoppers ama


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