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1、TEM-8 PART IV PROOFREADING as, what, ) 关系副词(when, where, why, that),63,教育课资,能做先行项的指示代词: 单数形式只能是that, 复数形式只能是those(不能是these):,64,教育课资,哪些情况下定语从句只能用that做关系代词: 1. everything, nothing, something, anything等不定代词做先行词: I do not buy anything that is too expensive. There is something that you dont know. 2. 人和物

2、一起做先行词 The farmer has a clever son and a large farm that make him have a sense of pride. 3. 先行词被序数词,形容词最高级或any, only, all, every, no, some, much, few, little等成分修饰时: He is the only man that can speak four foreign languages in our company. Tell us all things that you know. It is the largest map that I

3、 ever saw.,65,教育课资,哪些情况下定语从句只能做which关系代词: 1. 非限定性定语从句中,先行词表物: Beijing, which has been Chinas capital for 800 years, is rich culture. 2. 出现在介词后面,先行词表物: This is the question about which we have had so much discussion. The tool with which he is working is called a wrench. 3. 非限定性定语从句中指代前面一句话,66,教育课资,先行

4、项+介词+关系代词+定语从句结构中介词的选择: 1. 看搭配 A. 所选介词和定语从句中的动词,形容词和名词构成固定搭配: He is the man on whom you can depend. He gave me some references with which I am not familiar. This is a key site over which our troops has lost control. B. 所选介词和先行词构成固定搭配: The ease with which Mr. Green carried the heavy machine was unbel

5、ievable. Public demonstrations are an effective means by which the people can bring social inequalities to the attention of the government. When television was first introduced, the extent to which it would affect human society could not have been foreseen. The rate at which they are being destroyed

6、 has increased. 2015(6),67,教育课资,看定语从句句意是否完整: 如果完整,所选名词就应该和前面的先行词构成固定搭配 如果不完整,所选名词就应该和定语从句中的名词,动词和形容词构成固定搭配,68,教育课资,2. 看句意选介词: Egypt enjoys a long history - which it is known. Hang Zhou is a human paradise - which it is known. Our life is like a wheel with six spokes: family, financial, mental, socia

7、l and spiritual. The physical spoke is our health, - which nothing makes sense.,69,教育课资,2. 看句意选介词: Egypt enjoys a long history for which it is known. Hang Zhou is a human paradise as which it is known. Our life is like a wheel with six spokes: family, financial, mental, social and spiritual. The phy

8、sical spoke is our health, - which nothing makes sense.,70,教育课资,2. 看句意选介词: Egypt enjoys a long history for which it is known. Hang Zhou is a human paradise as which it is known. Our life is like a wheel with six spokes: family, financial, mental, social and spiritual. The physical spoke is our healt

9、h, -which nothing makes sense.,71,教育课资,2. 看句意选介词: Egypt enjoys a long history for which it is known. Hang Zhou is a human paradise as which it is known. Our life is like a wheel with six spokes: family, financial, mental, social and spiritual. The physical spoke is our health, without which nothing

10、makes sense.,72,教育课资,The company, - which Max Harrison was until recently the chairman, has made loss of three million pounds this year. The company, of which Max Harrison was until recently the chairman, has made loss of three million pounds this year. 定语从句: Max Harrison was until recently the chai

11、rman of the company (which).,73,教育课资,关系代词as: 既可引导限定性定语从句也可引导非限定性定语从句:,74,教育课资,The young man cheated his friend, as was disgraceful. The young man cheated his friend, which was disgraceful.,75,教育课资,76,教育课资,关系副词,常见关系副词: when, where, why, that how(?): when的先行词是表时间的名词,where的先行词是表地点的名词,why的先行词是表原因的名词reas

12、on 先行词是表时间或地点的名词,不一定都用when和where引导:,77,教育课资,先行词是表时间或地点的名词,不一定都用when和where引导: I ll never forget the day - I spent on campus. Ill never forget the day - we first met on campus. This is the place - bred many famous scientists. This is the place - many famous scientists often get together.,78,教育课资,先行词是表

13、时间或地点的名词,不一定都用when和where引导: I ll never forget the day which I spent on campus. Ill never forget the day when we first met on campus. This is the place - bred many famous scientists. This is the place - many famous scientists often get together.,79,教育课资,先行词是表时间或地点的名词,不一定都用when和where引导: I ll never for

14、get the day which I spent on campus. Ill never forget the day when we first met on campus. This is the place - bred many famous scientists. This is the place - many famous scientists often get together.,80,教育课资,先行词是表时间或地点的名词,不一定都用when和where引导: I ll never forget the day which I spent on campus. Ill n

15、ever forget the day when we first met on campus. This is the place where bred many famous scientists. This is the place where many famous scientists often get together.,81,教育课资,先行词是表时间或地点的名词,不一定都用when和where引导: I ll never forget the day I spent on campus. Ill never forget the day we first met on camp

16、us. This is the place bred many famous scientists. This is the place many famous scientists often get together.,82,教育课资,How不能做关系副词?,2005年7题 The ways how universities made themselves attractive to students include soft majors, student evaluations of teachers-.,83,教育课资,表方式的先行词way/manner在定语从句中方式状语: the

17、 way/manner(s) + that+定语从句 the way/manner(s)+ in which + 定语从句 the way/manner(s) +定语从句 Thats the way in which she speaks. Thats the way that she speaks. Thats the way she speaks. Thats the way how speaks. (Randolph Quirk. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. pp.1254),84,教育课资,关系代词在定语从句中的误用

18、: 2007(10): these-those, 代词误用 2008(6): those-that,代词误用 2012(7): that, 关系代词缺失,85,教育课资,比较结构,比较结构: 为了避免重复,从句中常出现省略和替代,注意保持句子前后比较对象的一致,特别要注意代词是否使用正确;专八中的比较结构中比较的成分时所有格+名词中心词,86,教育课资,08年6题: There were proposals that independence should be linguistically acknowledged by the use of a different language fro

19、m those of Britain. 05年3题: increasingly the outlook of universities in the United States is a indistinguishable from those of business. 03年8题: their marriages remained intact to a greater extent than that of couples who married in earlier as well as later decades. 99年8题: their blood cholesterol leve

20、l are very low (about half of the average American adult.) 所有格+名词+比较结构+所有格+代词, 一定要是同类事物比较,87,教育课资,常用比较结构: 用形容词/副词原级as - as- 用比较级和最高级more-than- the more-,the more- more and more,88,教育课资,more - than -: 在有than的比较结构中,主句中必须有比较级形式出现。 On the whole, ambitious students are much likely to succeed in their stu

21、dies than are those with little ambition. In the long run, however, this hurry to shed full-time staff may be more harmful to industry as it is to the workforce.,89,教育课资,为了保持句子平衡,than后从句可能出现倒装和替代 Foreign-born Asians and Hispanics have higher rates of intermarriage than did U.S.-born whites and black

22、s. In addition, far more Japanese works expressed dissatisfaction with their jobs than is their counterparts in other countries surveyed. 助动词: 时态看主句,单复数看从句主语,90,教育课资,为了保持句子平衡,than后从句可能出现倒装和替代 Foreign-born Asians and Hispanics have higher rates of intermarriage than do U.S.-born whites and blacks. In

23、 addition, far more Japanese works expressed dissatisfaction with their jobs than did their counterparts in other countries surveyed. 助动词: 时态看主句,单复数看从句主语,91,教育课资,as - as - (第一个as是副词, 第二个as是连词) as + 形容词/副词+as This parcel is as heavy as that one. Eyes are as eloquent as lips. She runs as fast as her b

24、rother. She behaves as politely as her brother.,92,教育课资,as + 形容词+名词+as as+ 形容词+不可数名词/复数可数名词 She has written as many essays as her brother. I have not drunk as sweet coffee as this. She is as efficient a worker as her brother. She is a worker as efficient as her brother. I do not want as expensive a

25、car as hers. I do not want a car as expensive as hers. as + 形容词+a/an+可数名词单数+as,93,教育课资,表示倍数的结构:,94,教育课资,练习,Paper produced every year is three times the weight as the worlds production of cars. They have produced one million cars with a total value 20 times than what it was in 1990s.,95,教育课资,A is to

26、B what C is to D Air is to us what water is to fish. The people is to the peoples army what water is to fish. Reading is to the mind what sight is to the body. Reading is the thing to mind which sight is to the body. 变体: what/as C is to D, so is A to B/A is to B What air is to us, water is to fish.

27、As air is to us, so is water to fish.,96,教育课资,比较结构中常出现的单词和搭配: differ/different/distinct from, distinguish from as opposed to, bear resemblance to, vary from, like, unlike, alike, contrast, contrary, compare, comparison, liken, match, same, similar, identical, equal, equivalent, the same as , prefer

28、- to -,97,教育课资,连词-语篇和逻辑,1. 常在什么地方设置连词错误 2. 常考什么样的逻辑错误 3. 注意几个由动词演变而成的连词,98,教育课资,1. 常在什么地方设置连词错误 -两条线索的衔接或比较处 (06-9,07-4,07-1,09-5,10-4,11-10,12-10,14-8,15-2),99,教育课资,2. 常考什么样的逻辑错误?,100,教育课资,101,教育课资,转, but, nevertheless, however, 并, and, or, 因,since 果,therefore, so 让, although 最常考的因果关系和转折关系的混淆 时间: w

29、hen,102,教育课资,连词-语篇,逻辑错误:由动词转化而来的连词/起连接作用的介词特别注意: given, granted, provided, providing, considering, judging from, seeing, in that,103,教育课资,Judging by his jovial manner he must have enjoyed his meal. Theres no annual fee provided/providing that you use the credit card at least six times a year. John d

30、id quite well in his exams, considering how little he studied. Given that the patients have some disabilities, we still try to enable them to be as independent as possible. Seeing that hes been ill all week, hes unlikely to come.,104,教育课资,七. 复习建议 返璞归真, 小词搭配: have, do, make, take, let, set, go, come, get, give, ask, put, play, pay, pass, push, pull, come, throw, work, cut, call, care, carry, see, raise, run, speak, stand, raise, rise, turn, return, use, stay, show, say, talk, fail, live, keep, hold, break, bring, catch, lead, gain, help, lose, stick 常用搭配,105,教育课资,


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