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1、 转载七年级英语下册知识总结U1很高兴见到你. Nice to meet you. 你好! How do you do! 他的电话号码是什么? Whats his phone number? 他的电话号码是298-4671? His phone number is 298-4671 他的姓是什么? Whats his last name? 他的姓是谢。 His last name is Xie. 汤姆的姓是什么? Whats Toms family name? 汤姆的姓是谢。 His family name is Xie. 她的名字是什么? Whats her first name? 她的名字

2、是琳达 Her first name is Linda. 你的名字是什么? Whats your name? 我的名字是:Sam Xu.My name is Sam Xu. Dave的姓是Hand.Davids last name is Hand. U2 劳驾你! Excuse me! 这是你的铅笔吗? Is this your pencil? 不,不是。它是她的双肩背包 No, it isnt. It is her backpack. 那是你的双肩背包吗? Is that your backpack? 是,它是。它是我的双肩背包 Yes, it is. It is my backpack.

3、一串钥匙 a set of keys 怎样拼它? How do you spell it? 失物招领处 Lost and Found Case 请打电话2984671找Sam Please call Sam at 2984-671. 打电话 找call at 为了 in order to 用英语 in English 我的学生证 my school ID card 一张身份证 An ID card U3 这是你的女儿。 This is your daughter. 这些是我的女儿。 These are my daughters. 那是我的堂(表)兄弟。 That is my cousin. 哪

4、些是我的堂(表)兄弟。 Those are my cousins 这是你的姐姐. This is your sister. 这不是你的姐姐. This isnt your sister. 这些是你的姐姐吗? Are these your sisters? 是,他们是。不,他们不是。 Yes, they are. No, they arent. 那是他的叔叔 That is his uncle. 那不是他的叔叔 That isnt his uncle. 那些是他的叔叔吗? Are those his uncles? 是,他们是。不,他们不是。 Yes, they is. No, they are

5、nt. 谢谢帮我。 Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你的帮助。 Thanks for your help. 你的家庭照 your family photo 一张你的家庭照 a / the photo of your family 这是我的家庭照。 Here is my family photo. U4 在椅子下面/在桌子下面. under the chair /under the table 在沙发上面/在床上面 on the sofa / on the bed 在地板上 on the floor 在墙上 on the wall / in the wall 在 和之间 bet

6、ween and 在抽屉里/在双肩背包里 in the drawer / in the backpack 在窗口附近 near the window 在门旁边 beside the door 贴近这张书桌 next to the desk 把 带到 / 把带来 take to / bring to 把.带到那里/ 把带来这里 take there / bring here 写下 write down 索要 ask for 坚持做某事/ 继续做某事 keep doing = go on doing 数学书 math book 闹钟 alarm clock 电脑游戏 computer games

7、录像带 video tape 我的双肩背包在哪里?Where is my backpack? 在椅子下面。 Its under the chair. 我的钥匙在哪里? Where are my keys? 在抽屉里。 They are in the drawer. 我的书在哪里?(复数) Where are my books ? 在双肩背包里。 They are in the backpack. 我的电脑游戏在哪里? A: Where is my computer game? 我不知道。在你的床上吗? B: I dont know. Is it on your bed? 是的,它是。 A: Y

8、es, it is. U5 在电视上 on TV 还有更多 and more 运动收藏品 ports collection 做运动 play sports = do sports = have sports 看电视 watch TV 打排球/打篮球/踢足球/ play volleyball/ basketball / football / soccer 听起来/ 看起来 sound + adj / look + adj 让我们 Lets + V 原形 Lets 的反意疑问句的附加句是: Lets 的反意疑问句的附加句是 : shall we? 那听起来好/ 有趣/ 无聊 That sounds

9、 good / interesting / boring. 让我们玩电脑游戏吧! Lets play computer games. 你有一只网球拍吗? Do you have a tennis racket? 是,我有/ 不,我没有。 Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 她有一个足球吗? Does she have a soccer ball? 是,她有/ 不,她没有。 Yes, she does / No, she doesnt 我没有一只乒乓球拍。 I dont have a Ping-Pong bat. 运动俱乐部 sports club U 6 喜欢做某事/ 想去做某事

10、 like doing/ like to do 看起来像/ 寻找/ 查字典/ 照顾 look like / look for / look up / look after 像(指性格) be like 许多 lots of = a lot of 健康食物 healthy food 作为早餐/午餐/晚餐/正餐/甜品 for breakfast / lunch / supper / dinner/ dessert 吃得好 eat well 跑步明星 running star 打篮球很棒。 play basketball well 他们喜欢薯片。 They like French fries 他们不

11、喜欢薯片。 They dont like French fries. 他们喜欢薯片吗? Do they like French fries? 是的,他们喜欢/ 不,他们不喜欢 Yes, they do. / No, they dont 他喜欢草莓 He likes strawberries. 他不喜欢草莓 He doesnt like strawberries. 他喜欢草莓吗? Does he like strawberries? 是的,他喜欢。/不,他不喜欢。 Yes, he does/ No, he doesnt U7 从买 buy from 卖给 sell to 服装店 Clothes

12、Store 仅仅15 美元 for only $ 15 每件仅仅15美元 for only $ 15 each 出售中 be on sale 大甩卖 at great sale 物美价廉 at a very good rpice 看一看 have a look at = take a look at 从那之后 after that 运动类/ 男仔类/女孩类 for sports / boys / girls 尝试 try on 价格标签 price tag 书包/运动包 bags for books / bags for sports 非常谢谢你。 Thank you very much. 不

13、用谢 You are welcome. 不用谢 Not at all. 不用谢 Thats all right. 不用谢 Thats OK. 很乐意(不用谢) Its my pleasure. 给你 Here you are 我们有红色的毛衣。/ 各种颜色的 We have sweaters in red / all colors 来(Samsam Store)为自己挑选 Come and see for yourself ( at Samsam Store ) 我们有仅售12美元的包。 We have bags for only $ 12 我们出售的长裤仅仅30美元。 We sell pan

14、ts for only $30. 我能帮你吗? Can I help you? = What can I do for you? 是的,我想要 Yes, please. I want a 我正在找 I am looking for 我想要 Id like 只是看看。 Just looking. 你想要什么颜色? What color do you want? 蓝色。 Blue . 你想要什么尺寸? What size do you want? 中码。 Size M. 它多少钱?/ 它们多少钱? How much is it ? / How much are they? 它值多少钱?/ 它们值多

15、少钱? How much does it cost? How much do they cost? 价格是多少? What is the price? 它是7美元。/ 它们是7美元 Its $ 7 . / They are $ 7. 我会买它的。 Ill take it. Ill have it. Ill get it. 就那么多啦 Thats all. 不只那么多。 Thats not all. U8 篮球比赛basketball game 排球比赛 velleyball game 学校郊游 school trip 校庆 School Day 演讲比赛 speech contest 生日晚会

16、 birthday party 美术节 / 音乐节 Art Festival / Music Festival 出生于 be born in / on (有日用 on ) 出生日期 date of birth 你的生日是什么时候? When is your birthday? 我的生日是8月21日 My birthday is August 21st. Liu Ping的生日是什么时候? When is Liu Pings birthday? 她的生日是2月23日 Her birthday is February 23rd. 你的年龄是多少? What is your age? 你多大啦? H

17、ow old are you? 我13岁 I am thirteen. U9 在周末 on / at weekends 了解 learn about 一个出色的演员 a great actor 你想去看电影吗? Do you want to go to a movie? 是,我想/ 不,我不想 Yes, I do. / No, I dont 她想去看电影吗? Does she want to go to a movie? 是,她想/ 不,她不想 Yes, she does / No, she doesnt 他喜欢动作片,但他不喜欢喜剧 He likes action movies, but h

18、e doesnt like comedies. 你喜欢什么种类的电影? What kind of movies do you like? 我喜欢纪录片和恐怖片 I like documentaries and thrillers. U10 想做 want todo sth 对友好 be good withbe friendly to 帮某人做某事 help with / dosth 下棋 play chess 说英语 speak English 弹吉它/ 弹钢琴 play the guitar/ play the piano 打中国功夫 do Chinese Kung fu 加入艺术俱乐部/

19、音乐俱乐部 join the art club / music club 展示某人某物/把某物展示给某人 show sb. sth =show sth to sb. 非常谢谢你 Thanks a lot = Thank you very much 来加入我们! Come and join us! 她能说英语吗? Can she speak English? 是,她能 Yes, she can. 是,一点点 Yes, a little . 不,她不能 No, she cant . 你想加入什么俱乐部? What club do you want to join? 我想加入游泳俱乐部 I want

20、 to join the swimming club. U11 去上学go to school 起床 / 到达 get up /get to 吃早餐/ 午餐/ 晚餐 have breakfast / lunch / supper 洗澡 take a shower/ have a shower 去上班 go to work 整晚/ 整天 all night / all day 去睡觉 go to bed 大约在7点 at around 7 到家/ 回家 get home/ go home 听 listen to 在早上 / 在下午 / 在傍晚 in the morning /in the aft

21、ernoon /in the evening 在的早上 on the morning of 听到某人做某事/正在做某事 hear sb do / doing sth 看到某人做某事/正在做某事 see sb.do / doing sth 做功课 do homework / do my homework 最好的祝愿 Best wishes 乘17路汽车上学 take the number 17 bus to school 载他上班 take him to work 吃早餐是多么开心的时间 What a funny time to have breakfast! 感叹句的构成 How + adj/

22、adv + 主语+谓语 What + adj + n 复数 + 主语+谓语 What a (an) + adj + n 单数 + 主语+谓语 你通常什么时候起床? What time do you usually get up? 我通常在6点上班 I usually get up at six oclock. 他什么时候吃早餐? What time does he eat breakfast? 他在7点吃早餐 He eats breakfast at seven oclock. 她什么时候上学? When does she go to school? 她在8点上学 She goes to sc

23、hool at eight oclock. 什么时候 = when = what time U12 与玩耍 play with 上数学课/ 上英语课 have math/ have English 四处跑 run around 最后一节课 last class 从到 from to 对某人严格 / 在某方面严格 be strict with sb. / be strict in sth 下课后 / 放学后 after class / after school 你最喜欢的科目是什么? Whats your favorite subject? 我最喜欢的科目是科学 My favorite subject is science. 他最喜欢的科目是什么? Whats his favorite subject? 他最喜欢的科目是美术 His favorite subject is art. 你为什么喜欢数学? Why do you like math? 因为它有趣 Because its interesting. 你为什么喜欢体育? Why does she like P.E? 因为它令人兴奋 Because its exciting.


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