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1、人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,Unit 8,It must belong to Carla. Section B (2a2e),人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,paying attention to the underlined parts.,It was snowing, andsoI could not go out. AsI am very tired, I am going to bed. I studybecauseI want to learn. Sinceit is late, I shall go home now. The watch was c

2、heap,butit goes quite well. We all tried our best.However, we lost the game.,leading in 导入,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,7. Thoughthe task was difficult, they managed to finish it on time. 8. We must not only finish our task but also do it well. 9. You can go by airorby train. 10. I was reading a magazinew

3、henhe came in. 11. WhileMary was writing a letter, the children were playing outside.,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,连词是一种连接词与词、短语与短语以及句与句的虚词, 它不能独立担任句子成分而只起连接作用。 表示前因后果的连词有:so(所以)等; 表示原因的连词有:because, since, as等; 表示意义转折的连词有:but, however, though; not only but also表示递进意义,“不仅而且”; 表示选择关系的连词有:or (或者;还是); 表示两个动作同

4、时进行的连词有:when, while等。,连 词,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,2a Match each linking word or phrase with its purpose.,Linking word or phrase,Purpose of linking word or phrase,so,as, because, since,but, however, though,not only but also,or,when, while,expressing a difference,giving a choice,expressing a result,exp

5、ressing two things happening at the same time,giving reasons,adding information,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,Do you know the name of the picture?,the Stonehenge(巨石阵),人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,Stonehenge-Can Anyone Explain Why It Is There?,Q: This article will talk about _. A. the history of Stonehenge B. the

6、 mystery of Stonehenge C. the use of Stonehenge,Predicting,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,2b Skim the article and underline the sentences with linking words or phrases.,not only but also, or, since, because, as however, but, although, when ,while,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,How many people visit Stonehenge every

7、 year? Who is Paul Stocker? Do people think it hard to build Stonehenge? Why?,Read the article again and answer the questions.,More than 750,000 visitors.,He is a historian.,Yes, because the stones are so big and heavy.,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,Match the main idea with each paragraph.,Para.1,Para. 2,P

8、ara. 3,Para. 4,A. What was it used for?,B. Who built it?,C. What is it?,D. How was it built?,Stonehenge,Skimming,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,4. What do people want to see there in June?,3. How many visitors does it received every year?,2.Where is it?,1.What is it?,1.Read Para.1 and finish the mind map.,S

9、tonehenge,Its a rock circle.,Its in Britain.,It receives more than 750,000 visitors.,They want to see the sun rising.,Detailed Reading,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,2. Read Para.2 and then fill in the chart.,Detailed Reading,cant be true,was a_,was built so many_ ago. The leaders arrived much_.,ancient lea

10、ders tried to_ with the gods,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,2. Read Para.2 and then fill in the chart.,Detailed Reading,cant be true,was a_,was built so many_ ago. The leaders arrived much_.,ancient leaders tried to_ with the gods,temple,communicate,centuries,later,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,3. Read Para.3 and

11、fill in the chart.,1.Another popular idea,2.Other people,3. Some think,4.Others think,might be a kind of _,the sun _ into the center of the stones,the stones have a_ purpose,can prevent_ and keep people _,might be a_ place or a place to_ancestors,to celebrate a_ over an enemy,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,

12、3. Read Para.3 and fill in the chart.,1.Another popular idea,2.Other people,3. Some think,4.Others think,might be a kind of _,the sun _ into the center of the stones,the stones have a_ purpose,can prevent_ and keep people _,might be a_ place or a place to_ancestors,to celebrate a_ over an enemy,cale

13、ndar,illness,healthy,honor,victory,shines directly,medical,burial,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,4. Read Para.4 and answer the questions.,It must be almost 5,000 years old.,No, they dont.,He thinks they are hard-working and great.,Group work,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,What is it?,Who built it?,What was it used

14、for?,Stonehenge,How was it built?,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,What is Stonehenge?,a rock circle,It is a rock circle.,Look and answer,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,Ancient leaders built it. They tried to communicate with the gods there.,ancient leaders,However, it cant be true.,Who built it?,tried to communicate

15、 with the gods there,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,It might be a kind of calendar. Because the sun shines directly into the center of the stones.,a kind of calendar,the sun shines directly into the center of the stones,What might it be?,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,a medical purpose,It might have a medical purpo

16、se.,What purpose might it have?,Because it can prevent illness.,can prevent illness,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,It might be a burial place or a place to honor ancestors.,a burial place,What place might it be?,a place to honor ancestors,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,It might be a place to celebrate a victory.,a

17、place to celebrate a victory,What place might it be?,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,Which group is the winner?,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,Summary,1. Something about Stonehenge.,1. What is it?,2. Who built it?,3. What was it used for?,4. How was it built?,mysteries ?,2. The use of linking

18、words and phrases.,so; or; when; while; as; because; since but; however; though; not onlybut also,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,1.This is my twin sister Lucy. Not only she but also I _ good at drawing. A. is B. am C. are,B,2.Mr. Wang _ the danger of doing so.A. came out B. pointed outC. worked out D. gave

19、out,B,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,3 She is looking forward to _ a special gift. A. receiving B. receive C. accept D. accepting 4. Mary felt surprised when she _ the a birthday present from Jack because they havent seen each other for over five years. A. received B. accepted C. receive,A,A,人教版九年级英语UniSect

20、ionBa2e,5 He gave me some flowers, but I didnt _ them. A. accept B. receive C. accepted 6. MrsLiuiskindandalways _her helptoothers. A.shares B.receives C.makes D.offers,A,D,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,7. (2010江苏省连云港市)To _ nature is to help ourselves, or we will be punished. A. protect B. prevent C. provi

21、de D. pollute,A,8.- Hi, this way, please. - OK.I sometimes have no sense of _ when I arrive at the crossroad. A. position B. direction C. situation D. condition 解析:需根据句意来分析。have no sense of direction 意为“没有方向感”。,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,9. Jennifer takes a lot of exercise every day and she is always fu

22、ll of _. A. knowledge B. energy C. change D. Courage 10.With the help of his friends, he changed a lot. Maybe thats the _ of friendship. A. station B. energy C. decision D. invention,B,B,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,Bermuda Triangle 百慕大三角洲,世界诡异地域,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,所谓百慕大三角,即指北起百

23、慕大,西到美 国佛罗里达洲的迈阿密,南至波多黎各的一个三 角形海域。在这片面积达400000平方英里的海面 上,从1945年开始数以百计的飞机和船只,在这 里神秘地失踪。当然,这些失踪事件不包括那些 机械故障、政治绑架和海匪打劫等,因为这些本 不属于那种神秘失踪的范畴。 由于事件叠出,人们赋予这片海域以“魔鬼 三角”、“恶运海”、“魔海”、“海轮的墓地”等浑 号。这些浑号反过来又烘托了这里特有的神秘而 怖恐的气氛。 现在,百慕大三角已经成为那些神秘的、不 可理解的各种失踪事件的代名词。,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,2、中国阿尔泰山荒原通天石人,被疑为人类对外星文明的记录。矗立

24、在草原上的石人成为一种神秘主义的象征,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,3、古埃及金字塔1,pyramids of Egypt,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,4、玛雅文明,在玛雅人的编年史中,曾记载了地球9000万年至4亿年之间的事。,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,5.巴别通天塔,巴比伦是一座令人神往的古城,它位于幼发拉底河和底格里斯河的交汇处。,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,南美火地岛:浮出地面的骷髅头,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,斯堪的纳维亚半岛峡湾:狮身人面守护者,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,

25、南斯拉夫境内:熟睡的老猫,/ju:usl:vj/ Yugoslavia: the sleeping cat,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,南美秘鲁:富兰克林头像,/pr/ Peru in South America The picture of Franklin,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,新西兰南岛:不可思议的太极图,south island of New Zealand /nkredbl/ incredible Taichichuan,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,Beauty is found everywhere. Our eyes d

26、o not show a lack of sense of beauty, but a lack of observation. -Auguste Rodin,生活中并不缺少美, 缺少的只是发现美的眼睛。 -奥古斯特罗丹,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,Enjoy our life, love the world!,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,Homework Write a short passage about a mystery that is similar to Stonehenge.,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,Thanks for your listening!,人教版九年级英语UniSectionBa2e,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!,


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