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1、素能提升演练(十三)必修5 Unit 13 . 单词拼写1. It has been _ (证实,确定) that teachers salary will be closely connected with their performance. 2. He was _ (指控) of purposely creating difficulties. 3. I decided to _ (专注,集中)all my efforts on the present task. 4. His jokes provided some comic _ (宽慰,轻松) in what was really

2、a dull speech. 5. Nobody believes his _ (预言) about earthquake any more. 6. The teacher was _ (满意的) with the achievement the children had got. 7. Many wives always depend on their husbands _ (判断力). 8. The _ (描述) about the monster living in the mountain made people believe the existence of savages. 9.

3、 When you grow up, you should learn to be _ (独立的) and support yourself. 10. The _ (联系) between the two makes us think of the cause and effect of them. . 单项填空1. 2012遵义模拟It was in the stone house_ was built as a school by local villagers_ the boy finished his primary school. A. which; thatB. that; whe

4、reC. which; whereD. that; which2. For example, have you ever wondered why some of the smartest students in your class, who you think deserve good grades, sometimes _ failing exams? A. come upB. put upC. end upD. keep up3. When you are studying, dont try to remember everything. _ what is really impor

5、tant. A. Depend on B. Concentrate onC. Pay attention D. Rely on4. 2012兰州模拟I really dont know what I_yesterday evening without your helpGlad to have been some help to youAcould doBcould have doneCshould doDmust have done5. An earlier online survey showed that the majority of Chinese believe Yuan Long

6、ping _ a Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution to fighting world hunger. A. reservesB. preservesC. respectsD. deserves 6. The bus explosion last week was said to be _ to a certain terrorist organization. A. connectedB. combinedC. relatedD. linked7. The manager _ one of the hotel servants of stealin

7、g the money. A. blamedB. accusedC. scoldedD. charged8. The mother was greatly _ at the news that her son was found by the police. A. relievedB. relaxedC. satisfiedD. enthusiastic 9. _ him and then try to copy what he does. A. Glare atB. Glance atC. Stare atD. Watch10. Was the suspect pronounced guil

8、ty? Yes, the new evidence _ the first witness story. A. confirmedB. claimedC. declaredD. observed11. I feel sure that _ qualification, ability and experience, you are abundantly suited to the position we have in mind. A. on account ofB. in terms ofC. in spite ofD. by means of12. 2012桂林模拟It is report

9、ed that the government has _ the outbreak of violence by sending a large group of soldiers to police the area. A. gone forB. reacted toC. appealed toD. made for13. There is no doubt _ the Dallas Mavericks will defeat the Washington Wizards in the next game. A. whetherB. ifC. whichD. that14. The pres

10、ident arrived in Pyongyang on August 4, _ the start of the short visit to Korea. A. markedB. having marked C. markingD. to mark15. 2012芜湖模拟Although the working mother is very busy, she still _ a lot of time to her children. A. devotesB. spendsC. offersD. provides. 阅读理解(A)Chelsea Clinton, the 31-year

11、-old daughter of former President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, is stepping into her own spotlight. According to the New York Times, NBC has hired Clinton to become a full-time special correspondent(记者) for NBC News. Her feature stories will reportedly be used in the “M

12、aking a Difference” series, which runs on “NBC Nightly News”. The sections attract people who volunteer to improve the lives of others in their communities. When Bill Clinton won the presidency in 1992, the first lady asked the press to keep Chelsea out of the public eyes. As a young adult, Chelsea

13、continued to avoid media attention in order to attend college and quietly enter the business world. Once her mother decided to run for the presidency in 2007, however, Chelsea made hundreds of public appearances, mostly on college campuses, to support the campaign. More recently, she has worked for

14、New York University and promoted her fathers latest book. She is currently pursuing a doctors degree at Oxford. Clinton is the second daughter of a president hired by NBC News; Jenna Bush Hager, daughter of former President George W. Bush, works as a correspondent for NBCs “Today” show. 1. Chelsea C

15、linton continued to stay out of media attention to_. A. improve the lives of othersB. help her father in the electionC. study and go to the business circleD. support her mother for the presidency2. What does the underlined word “run” mean in Paragraph 2? A. is shownB. flowsC. is managedD. spreads3.

16、Which is the right order of the events? a. Chelsea helped to sell Bill Clintons latest book. b. Chelsea pursues her doctors degree. c. Chelsea supported her mothers career. d. Chelsea was out of the public attention. A. d, a, c, bB. c, d, b, aC. c, b, d, aD. d, c, a, b4. According to the text, we ca

17、n conclude that_. A. Chelsea Clinton is the second daughter of Bill ClintonB. Chelsea Clinton is in favour of her parents careers C. Chelsea Clinton always follows her mothers adviceD. Jenna Bush Hager is a correspondent for “NBC Nightly News”(B)2012广州模拟A black and white kitten with a broken back la

18、y on animal doctor Betsy Kennons examination table. A regular customer had rushed him to her office after his pet dog brought the cat home in his mouth. The dogs owner was horrified, believing that his pet had caused the cats injuries. But Kennon found no teeth marks or bite wounds, which showed tha

19、t the dog had probably saved, not harmed, the kitten. In Kennons opinion, however, the cat was a hopeless case. Many doctors would have put down such a badly hurt animal. But she couldnt be so cruel. The kittens bright eyes and sad face had won her over. There was no way of finding his owner, so Ken

20、non, a single woman aged 56, decided to keep him. She gave him a round of shots and fed him food mixed with medicines. He couldnt move his back legs but soon started pulling himself forward with his front legs. The doctor named him Scooter and contacted a company that makes carts for disabled animal

21、s. Scooter took to his new wheels like a natural. In no time he was able to move freely, if somewhat awkwardly, around Kennons office, home and even her backyard. The sight of the determined Scooter was uplifting and amusing in equal measure and Kennon had to smile each time the cat entered the room

22、. Kennon was convinced that her kitten could share his high spirits with others. So she took Scooter to the local hospital to see if he could help the patients. His first patient was an elderly woman whod had a stroke and hadnt spoken to anyone for two days. Scooter jumped out of Kennons arms and on

23、to the bed, rolled over to the patient, and lay gently near her cheek, purring softly. The woman looked at Scooter. “Kitty, ” she murmured as she began to talk to him. Amazed, Kennon turned to the doctorand saw that she was in tears. The cat had engineered a small miracle. Today Scooter spends about

24、 ten hours a month working with patients who are recovering from strokes and injuries. Again and again, Kennon watches as her cat provides hope and comfort. As one patient whod lost her leg in a car accident said, “If he can do it, so can I. ”5. From Paragraph 1, we know that _. A. the dogs owner wa

25、s a stranger to Kennon B. the cat had several bite marks on its bodyC. the dog was extremely cruel to the catD. who actually injured the cat was unknown6. The underlined phrase “put down” in Paragraph 2 most probably means _. A. hurtB. killedC. refused D. replaced7. Why did Kennon decide to keep the

26、 cat? A. She wanted a companion. B. The cats owner abandoned him. C. She liked the cat. D. The cat was hopeless. 8. How did Kennon help the cat move around? A. By curing his broken back. B. By getting him a special cart. C. By feeding him medicines. D. By exercising him in her backyard. 9. According

27、 to the passage, what is the main reason that the cat works miracle? A. He is able to inspire others. B. Patients feel sympathy for him. C. People are amused by his appearance. D. He has the ability to cure the ill. 答案解析. 1. confirmed 2. accused 3. concentrate 4. relief 5. prediction 6. satisfied 7.

28、 judgments 8. description 9. independent 10. association. 1. 【解析】选A。考查强调句式和定语从句。句意:正是在当地村民建的那座石房子里,这个男孩上完了小学。此句为强调句,强调地点状语in the stone house; 其中,第一空填which,引导定语从句,在定语从句中作主语;第二空是引导强调句的引导词,用that。2. 【解析】选C。考查动词短语辨析。句意:例如:你有没有想过为什么你班里一些最聪明的学生,你认为他们应得到好的成绩,结果有时会考试不及格? end up doing sth. 结果为,以结束;come up 发生,

29、出现;put up举起,建造,留宿,张贴;keep up 持续不停。3. 【解析】选B。考查动词短语辨析。句意:学习的时候,不要试图记住所有的东西。集中注意力于真正重要的东西。depend/rely on依靠,信赖;concentrate on集中于;pay attention 集中注意力,其后接宾语时,需加to。4. 【解析】选B。考查情态动词。句意:昨天晚上,如果没有你的帮助,我真的不知道我能干些什么。非常高兴对你有所帮助。由语境可知,这儿是对过去的虚拟,故用could have done, 其他选项无此用法。【变式备选】He _ full marks, but he was so car

30、eless as to make a spelling mistake. A. must have gainedB. can have gainedC. could have gainedD. must gain【解析】选C。考查情态动词用法。句意:他本来可以得满分,但是他是如此粗心,结果犯了一个拼写错误。must have done一定做过;can have done 可能做过;could have done 本来能够做却未做。5. 【解析】选D。考查动词辨析。句意:早期的一个网上调查表明大部分中国人认为袁隆平应该因为他对抗击世界饥饿所作的贡献获得诺贝尔和平奖。reserve 储备,保留,预

31、约;preserve保护,保存;respect尊敬;deserve应得,值得。6. 【解析】选C。考查动词辨析。句意:上周的公共汽车爆炸案据说与某一个恐怖组织有关。be connected with 与有关/联系;be combined with 与结合;be related to 与有关联;be linked with与有联系。注意介词的搭配。7. 【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。句意:经理指控宾馆的一个服务员偷了钱。blame sb. for. . . 因责备;accuse sb. of. . . 因指控,控告;scold sb. for 因责骂/斥责;charge sb. with. . .

32、 控告。注意介词搭配。【变式备选】The policeman stopped him when he was driving and _ him of speeding. A. chargedB. scoldedC. blamedD. accused【解析】选D。考查动词辨析。句意:警察在他开车时拦住了他,并指控他超速。charge sb. with. . . 控告;scold sb. for 因责骂/斥责;blame sb. for. . . 因责备;accuse sb. of. . . 因指控,控告。注意介词搭配。8. 【解析】选A。考查形容词辨析。句意:那位母亲听到警方找到了她的儿子的消

33、息后放下了心。relieved 放心的;relaxed 放松的;satisfied 满意的,满足的;enthusiastic热情的。9. 【解析】选D。考查动词及动词短语辨析。句意:看着他,然后尽力模仿他做的。glare at瞪着;glance at 一瞥;stare at 盯着;watch观看。10.【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。句意:嫌疑犯被宣判有罪?是的,新证据证实了第一目击证人的证词。confirm证实;claim宣称,声称,要求;declare宣布,声明,宣称;observe观察,庆祝,遵守。11. 【解析】选B。考查短语辨析。句意:我相信就资历、能力和经验而言,你足够适合担当我们希望

34、得到的职位。on account of由于; in terms of 就而言;in spite of尽管; by means of 依靠,借助于。12. 【解析】选B。考查动词短语辨析。句意:据报道,政府已经对暴力冲突作出了反应,派了大量的士兵去维持该地区的安定。go for去找,努力获取;react to对作出反应;appeal to吸引;make for走向。13. 【解析】选D。考查句型结构和名词性从句。句意:不用怀疑达拉斯小牛队会在下场比赛中战胜华盛顿奇才队。There is no doubt that为一常用句型“是毫无疑问的”。【知识拓展】英语中表示确定性意义的动词后的陈述性从句的

35、引导词常用that, 而表示不确定性意义的动词后则常用疑问性引导词whether/if或其他疑问词。如:I decide that we should go there immediately. I dont decide whether I attend the meeting. I am sure that they will lose the game sooner or later. I am not sure if they can complete it on time. I dont doubt that they are good to me. I doubt whether/

36、if we can buy a laptop of that style. 14.【解析】选C。考查非谓语动词。 现在分词作伴随状语,表示句子主语同时所做的另一个动作。15. 【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。句意:虽然这位职场妈妈非常忙,但是她还是把大量的时间用在孩子身上。devote致力于,奉献;spend花费,度过;offer提供,给予;provide提供。. 美国前总统克林顿和现任国务卿的女儿切尔西逐渐步入公众的视野,据纽约时报报道,切尔西已经成为美国全国广播公司的一名通讯记者。1. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Chelsea continued to avoid media

37、attention in order to attend college and quietly enter the business world”可知切尔西克林顿避开媒体的关注是为了上大学并进入商业圈。2. 【解析】选A。词义猜测题。联系上文可知“Her feature stories will reportedly be used in the Making a Difference series, which runs on NBC Nightly News. ”的句意为“切尔西的专题报道将被应用到Making a Difference系列节目中,这档节目在NBC Nightly New

38、s中演出。”根据句意可知此处run意为“(连续地)播出”。3. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据文章第三段的叙述可知D项符合题意。4.【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据文章第三段中的内容可知,2007年,希拉里竞选总统时切尔西为其助阵;近来,切尔西又为克林顿的新书作宣传。通过切尔西的这些举动,我们可推断出她非常支持她父母的事业,故选B。文中没有信息告诉我们切尔西是克林顿的第几个女儿,排除A项;虽然在第三段中我们得出切尔西支持其父母的事业的结论,但不等于她总是听从妈妈的建议,排除C项;通过最后一段可知Jenna Bush Hager is a correspondent for NBCs “Today

39、” show,而不是“NBC Nightly News”,故排除D项。5. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第一段内容可知,这只猫是由一只狗叼回来的,但猫的脊背上没有牙齿的痕迹或被咬的伤口,因此排除了狗伤害猫的可能性。第一段中没有给出猫受伤的真正原因,因此D正确。6. 【解析】选B。词义猜测题。根据第二段第一句可知,猫的伤很严重,没有治愈的希望,许多医生遇到这样的情况,通常会让动物死去,结合“But she couldnt be so cruel. ”可知选B。put down指药死(衰老或有病的动物)。7. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。第二段提到了Kennon收养这只猫的原因:这只猫的明亮的眼睛和悲伤的脸征服了Kennon,她不忍心让这只猫死去;由此可推知选C。8. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知,帮助这只猫四处走动的是一辆特别的手推车。9.【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据最后两段内容可知,这只猫陪伴在病人身边,给病人安慰和希望,从精神上给病人力量,因此选A。


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