Module 2She’s reading a book. .ppt

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《Module 2She’s reading a book. .ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 2She’s reading a book. .ppt(18页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Module 2Shes reading a book.,This is my friend.,/frend/,Can you introduce your friends to us?,This is my little sister.,/litl/,litte girl little boy little cat,eating,reading,playing basketball,Hes eating/reading/playingbasketball.,She is. He is,Hes taking pictures.,Shes watching TV.,Shes reading a

2、book.,Hes playing with a toy train.,2,4,3,1,read a book 看 书,This is my friend,Lingling. She is reading a book.,He is playing with a toy train.,play with a toy train 玩玩具火车,This is my little brother,Tom.,take pictures 照 相,This is my friend,Daming. He is taking pictures.,watch TV 看 电 视,This is my siste

3、r,Amy. She is watching TV.,Lets Choose,Take pictures 看电视 Play with a toy train 看书 Watch TV 照相 Read a book 玩玩具火车,现在进行时: 表示现在正在进行的事 am/is/are加上动词的ing形式 例如:I am watching TV. She is reading a book. You are looking at me .,Can you give some examples? 举举例,cooking,am playing,are doing,drawing,going,drinkin

4、g,jumping,Do you want to be an actor? Come and join us!,电影魔法森林演员招募,We need two actors: one people do the actions. (一人做动作,例如写信、照相、打电话等) One guess: she/he is (一人猜答),Amy is. Daming is Mum is Dad is Grandpa is,Homework:,1、听磁带熟读课文。(1星) 2、听磁带熟读课文并背下来。(2星) 3、找一些自己的照片和你的好朋友互相介绍,下节课上课前两人一组介绍对方的照片。,Thank you!,


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