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《U3 Grammar.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《U3 Grammar.ppt(11页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 Grammar Traditional Skill,Active sentences tell us who or what does something. Passive sentences often do not tell us who or what does something. We form the passive voice in the simple present tense like this:,A The passive voice,Damin uses cormorants to catch fish.,No nets are required for

2、this type of fishing.,I am (not) You/We/They are (not) seen. He/She/It is (not),We use _,_ or _+ past participle to form the passive voice in the simple present tense.,am,are,is,Things to remember,When we want to tell who or what does something in a passive sentence ,we add a phrase with by. The fis

3、h are then taken and thrown into a big basket by Damin.,Once a year, a new cormorant _by Damin .First , the cormorant eggs_. Then the best one _ and given to a chicken . After 26 days, the baby cormorant breaks out of the egg. Then it _by Damin himself . For ten days, it _ food every hour. The tempe

4、rature _ to keep the baby cormorant warm. The baby cormorant grows stronger. After two months, it can join the other cormorants on the boat.,A. Mary read another article about Damin and his birds in the newspaper. Complete the article with the verbs from the box in the present passive form.,bring up

5、 check control give look after take,was taken,were brought up,was checked,was looked after,was given,was controlled,We form the passive voice in the simple past tense like this :,I was (not) You/We/They were (not) seen. He/She/It was (not),We use _or _+ past participle to form the past passive voice

6、 in the simple past tense.,was,were,B. Mary watch a TV programme about Damin. It was made by a film company from the UK. This is how they filmed the programme. Complete the passage with the verbs from the box in past passive form.,choose film interview take use,The film company wanted to make a prog

7、ramme about cormorant fishing, so we came from the UK to China. Many cormorant fishermen _. In the end, Damin_ because he is the best fishermen in his village. Then the cameras and lights _ to Damins village. Damin _ by the cameraman. A boat _to film on the river.,were filmed,was used,were taken,was

8、 interviewed,was chosen,We form the passive voice in the simple future tense like this :,I You/We/They will (not) be seen. He/She/It,We use _+past participle to form the passive voice in the simple future tense.,will be,Things to remember,Note the positions of the verbs in passive questions: Is a pi

9、ece of grass tied around the neck of each bird? Was a light hung on the post at the front of the boat? Will the fish be sold in the market?,C. After the filming, the British director talked to Damin. Complete his words with the verds from the box in the future passive form.,Thank you for your help,

10、Damin. You did a wonderful job. Now the film_back the UK. Well do some more work on it. Some music _ to it . It _ into a television programme. Then our programme _ in many countries around the world. It _by millions of people!,add make show take watch,is being taken,will be added,will be made,will b

11、e showed,will be watched,Exercises,将下列句子变成被动语态,1. People use knives for cutting things. Knives _ _ for cutting things. 2.The students clean the windows of their classroom twice a month. The windows of their classroom _ _ twice a month. 3. His doctor made him have only two meals a day. He _ _ _ _ onl

12、y two meals a day .,are,used,are,cleaned,was,made,to,have,Exercises,4. Now people can use computers to help them. Now computers _ _ _to help them. 5. Did you plant many trees at this time last year? _ _ _ _ at this time last time? 6. Must we finish our work today ? _ our work _ _today?,Were many tre

13、es planted,Must be finished,can be used,1.He can take care of the baby. 2.Lucy may draw the pictures. 3.You must turn off the lights. 4.They should learn English well.,The baby can be taken of by him.,The picture may be drawn by Lucy.,The lights must be turned off by you.,English should be learned well by them.,将下列句子变成被动语态,


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