U4 A.let‘s learn1.ppt

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《U4 A.let‘s learn1.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《U4 A.let‘s learn1.ppt(21页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 What are you doing?,A.Lets learn,Lets sing,Warm up,1. What day is it today? 2 .Whats the date today? 3. Can you.? Make a phone in our class.,Sunday morning,I often sweep the floor.,sweep the floor,sweeping the floor,What are you doing? I am sweeping the floor.,9:05 / evening,I often/usually r

2、ead books at 9:05in the evening.,read a book,reading a book,What are you doing? I am reading a book.,cook dinner,cooking dinner,What are you doing? I am cooking dinner.,answer the phone,answering the phone,What are you doing ? I am answering the phone.,draw pictures,drawing pictures,What are you doi

3、ng? I am drawing pictures.,do the dishes,doing the dishes,What are you doing? I am doing dishes.,Lets learn,game1,Lets play,What are you doing? I am +V ing.,drawing pictures.,doing the dishes.,answering the phone.,cooking dinner.,reading a book.,Listen and pass the box,cooking lunch watching TV wate

4、ring flowers,doing homework answering doing the dishes the phone,playing sports flying kites drawing pictures,Exercises,找朋友 doing TV playing to music going breakfast watching eyes exercises listening the piano visiting an e-card having hiking sending grandparents,I am,What are you doing?,选择填空:,Can y

5、ou _ the dishes. A. doing B. do C. does 2. Chen Jie is _ pictures in the art room. A. drawing B.draw C. draws 3. What do you _? A. doing B. do C. does 4. What are you _? A. doing B. do C. does 5. He often _ books in the morning. A. reading B. read C. reads,B,A,B,A,C,Home work,1.Make a rhythm. 2.read the book and listen to the tape.,Bye-bye!,


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