U5 More Practice(2).ppt

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《U5 More Practice(2).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《U5 More Practice(2).ppt(14页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5 More practice,Benefits from studying abroad,What do you say about studying in France, Italy, Australia, Canada, Germany, Singapore, or anywhere in the world? That sounds exciting, doesnt it? Exchange programme students can truly get a lot of benefits (益 处) from this. These benefits include: b

2、ecome a member of an overseas (海外的) family attend an overseas school learn a new language make friends from around the world immerse (使陷入) yourself into a different culture experience life as an overseas teenager,explore (探索) a new country, culture and customs broaden (拓宽) personal and educational p

3、erspectives (看法) take courses (课程) not offered in the home schools access (接触) courses with different perspectives experience personal growth become more independent and resourceful Exchange programmes or study abroad programmes are a great investment (投资) for students. But more importantly, it is h

4、elpful for the betterment of the society.,Which country do you like best?,Warming up,Do you love to travel and meet new people? Have you ever lived and studied in another country? Do you think educational exchange is helpful?,Pre-reading,Discussion,fantastic activityactivities geography reference ad

5、venture,极好的;了不起的 adj. 活动 n. 地理;地理学 n. 参考;证明人,介绍人 n. 冒险活动;冒险经历;奇遇 n.,Words,社会技巧 交朋友 与某人待在一起 学习;了解 等待,social skills make friends stay with sb learn about wait for,Important Phrases,1 What new experiences can students gain from the educational exchange ? 2 How many parts are there in the educational ex

6、change? What are they? 3 What will you do in the exchange country ?,They can experience a different cultrue and learn a new language. They can also improve their social skills and make lots of friends.,While-reading,A1 Read the article and answer the questions.,There are two parts in the educational

7、 exchange. In the first part, an exchange student will travel to your home country and stay with your family. In the second part, you will travel to your exchange partners home country and stay with his or her family.,You will go to school with your exchange partner. You will also take part in local

8、 activities.,Take part in our educational exchange,Do you love to travel and meet new people? Yes? Have you ever lived and studied in another country? No? Well, join our educational exchange now! Our educational exchange is fantastic. You can experience a different culture and learn a new language.

9、You can improve your social skills and make lots of friends.,There are two parts in our educational exchange. In the first part, an exchange student will travel to your home country and stay with your family. In the second part, you will travel to your exchange partners home country and stay with hi

10、s or her family. You will go to school with him or her. You will also take part in local activities. You can apply for our educational exchange if you: are aged between 14 and 17. would like to learn about the language, culture, history, geography and way of life of another country. Have a reference

11、 from your head teacher. It will be the adventure of a lifetime. So, what are you waiting for? Apply today!,1.Have you ever lived and studied in another country?,ever 意为“曾经”,多用于现在完成时的一般疑问句。 never 意为“从不”,表否定,多用于现在完成时。,Language points,你曾经来过广州吗?是的。/ 不,我从来没有。,Have you ever visited Guangzhou? Yes, I have

12、. / No, Ive never visited it.,another 意为“另一个”(三者或三者以上中的另一个) each 意为“每一个” other 意为“其他的” the other指 两者中的另一个 others=other +n. 泛指 the others = the other + n. 特指one the other some. others,2. You can improve your social skills and make lots of friends. 我有很多朋友。,I have many / plenty of / a lot of / lots of

13、friends.,lots of ,a lot of, plenty of 既可以修饰可数名词也可 以修饰不可数名词,常用于肯定句中。,3. You will also take part in local activities.,also, too, either, as well都意为“也”,但用法有所区别: also 用于肯定句,放在句首 too 用于肯定句,放在句尾 either 用于否定句,放在句尾 as well 用于肯定句,放在句尾,e.g.你也可以参加教育交流。 1) You can _ take part in the educational exchange. 2) You

14、 can take part in the educational exchange_ . 3) You can take part in the educational exchange _ _ .,also,too,as well,take part in 指参加运动、比赛、竞技项目等 join 指加入组织、团体、党派,成为其中一员 join in 指参加某活动,后跟活动的名词作宾语, 短语join sb in (doing) sth attend 参加、出席会议,Will you _ us _ a game of cards? I will never forget the day wh

15、en I _ the Party. You must remember to _ the important meeting. All students are happy to _the school activities.,join in,joined,attend,take part in,1. Henry wants to _ a place at the university. 2. The novel describes _ of the ordinary people there. 3. How long do I have to _ the next bus? 4. Space

16、 exploration helps us _ the Earth. 5. How many Asian countries have _ the Olympic Games?,根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,注意其形式。,take part in, learn about, wait for, the way of life, apply for,apply for,the way of life,wait for,learn about,taken part in,1)Do you want to go on an educational exchange? 2)Why or why not?,In pairs, discuss with your partners.,Comprehension,


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