Unit 1He lives the farthest from school..ppt

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1、Unit 1,He lives the farthest from school.,长城,桂林,百色澄碧湖,乐业天坑,Learning goals学习目标,1.能扎实掌握Module 4 unit 1的单词和短语. 2.掌握交通方式的表达,并能运用形容词和副词的最高级介绍常见交通方式的特点。 3.通过自主学习和合作探究,掌握形容词、副词最高级的用法,并运用到对话中。,-How do you go to school every day?,-I go to school by bike every day.,I ride a bike to go to school every day.,Tra

2、nsportation 交通工具,ship,plane,underground,taxi,train,bicycle/bike,car,bus,by,I go to school by,take the/a,I take theto school.,A: How do you go to school ?,B: I go to school by_ /I take the_to school.,Pair work,A: where do you live ?,B: I live in_,Baise,bus,bus,观察领悟,fast,faster,the fastest,How can we

3、go to Shanghai?,38,54,120,the cheapest,the most expensive,Taking a bus is cheap.,Riding a bike is_.,But walking is_ of the three.,cheaper,the cheapest,Taking an underground is expensive.,Taking a taxi is _.,But taking a plane is _.,more expensive,the most expensive,underground,crowded,Taking a bus i

4、s crowded.,Taking a train is more crowded.,Taking a subway is the most crowded of the three.,Task1: 形容词和副词比较级和最高级构成,一、单音节和 部分双音节词的规则,slow _ _ fast _ _ young_ _ tall_ _,slower,slowest,faster,fastest,younger,youngest,taller,tallest,一般在词尾加 _,_,er,est,(写出下列单词的比较级和最高级),2. fine _ ,_ late_,_,finer,finest,l

5、ater,latest,以字母e 结尾的词加 _ _,r,3. thin_,_ big_,_,thinner,thinnest,bigger,biggest,重读闭音节词只有一个辅音字母时, 双写这个辅音字母,再加_,_,er,est,st,4. easy _,_ lucky_,_,easier,easiest,luckier,luckiest,以辅音字母加“y”结尾的双音节词, 先改“y”为“i”再加 _,_,er,est,5.expensive _, _ difficult _, _,more expensive,most expensive,more difficult,most dif

6、ficult,大部分双音节词和多音节词在词前加_, _,more,most,【小组探究总结】,2.以字母e 结尾的词,加_,_,3.重读闭音节词只有一个辅音字母时, 双写这个辅音字母,再加_,_,4.以辅音字母加“y”结尾的双音节词, 先改“y”为“i”再加_,_,5.大部分双音节词和多音节词在词前加 _,_,形容词和副词比较级和最高级构成,1.一般在词尾加 _,_,er,est,r,st,er,est,er,est,more,most,小组合作,用形容词和副词的比较级和最高级 描述一个人的外貌,性格特征。,写出下列形容词和副词的比较级和最高级。 tall long short large c

7、lose late big hot busy easy comfortable expensive dangerous,用所给词的适当形式填空: 1.I think traveling by plane is the_ ( comfortable ) way . 2.Paul is the_ (short) of the three boys. 3.I think it is the_ (easy) of all the questions. 4.The apple is the_ (big) on the apple tree. 5.Bill runs the_ (fast) of all

8、my classmates. 6.Anna is the_ (beautiful) among the girls.,Match the words in the box with the pictures,bus ship taxi train underground,Listen and match the words in the box with the pictures in Activity 1. You need to use oneword more than once.,listen and read,全班朗读,分组朗读,phrases,迟到 乘公共汽车 道路交通事故 乘出租

9、车 最舒适的方法 最便宜的 繁忙的交通 骑自行车 这么多 大多数的 小心 去学校 远离 乘地铁 离学校近 与一样 记得做某事 总是,be late for,take a bus /by bus,a road accident,by taxi,the most comfortable,the most expensive,by bike,so much,most of,be careful,go to school,far from,take the underground,close to school,the same as,remember to do sth.,all the time,

10、heavy traffic,找出含有形容词、副词最高级的句子,1 Its the most comfortable way, but its also the most expensive. 那是最舒服的方式,但也是最贵的。 2 He lives the farthest from school. 他住的离学校最远。 3 Her home is the closest to school, so she walks . 她的家离学校最近,因此她步行。 思考:含有形容词最高级的句子结构? A + be/v.+ the+最高级+in/among/of,-How does Betty get to

11、school ? -She gets to school,by bus (by bike),by underground,on foot,by bus,Smart ears,Who is the fastest to get the answers?,The _ way to go to school is by taxi. 2. Tony lives the _ from school. 3. Linglings home is the _ to School, so she always walks. 4. For Betty, going to school is the_ choice

12、.,close comfortable far good,most comfortable,farthest,closest,best,Activity 4,Complete the sentences.,All the students take the bus to school_ Sam. The _ train in the world is Shanghai airport train. I saw a(n) _ on my way to school yesterday. I do not take the bus to school because it is usually very_.,accident crowded except most modern,except,most modern,accident,crowded,Activity 5,Homework:,1. Try to retell the dialogue 2. Exercise book , M4 unit1,


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