unit 4 Where is my schoolbag SectionA-3.ppt

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《unit 4 Where is my schoolbag SectionA-3.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit 4 Where is my schoolbag SectionA-3.ppt(24页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?,Section A Period 2 (3a-3c),Wheres Sally? Shes in /on / under / behind / near the box.,on,in,under,behind,near,Challenge your memory,记忆挑战,Wheres Sally? Shes the box.,3a Look at the pictures and complete the conversations.,A: Where _ the keys? B: Theyre _ the _.,are,on,tabl

2、e,A: Wheres the _? _ it on your desk? B: No, its _ the chair.,book,Is,under,A: Where _ the pencils? B: I dont know._ they in the _? A: Yes, they are.,are,Are,schoolbag,3b Ask and answer questions about the things on the right.,A: Where are my books? B: I dont know. Are they on the desk? A: No, theyr

3、e not. (Yes, theyre.),A: Where is my book? B: I dont know. Is it on the desk? A: No, it isnt. (Yes, it is.),Describe the picture.,3c Student A, look at the picture on Page 19. Student B, look at the picture on the right. Ask and answer questions to find the differences.,A: Wheres the schoolbag? Is i

4、t under the table? B: No, it isnt. Its on the table.,Sample dialogue,Find the Difference,Picture 1,Picture 2,In Picture 1, the is In Picture 2 , its ,In Picture 1, the are In Picture 2, theyre ,In Picture 1, the clock is on the wall. In Picture 2, its on the floor.,In Picture 1, the books are on the

5、 bookshelf. In Picture 2, theyre on the table.,Sample answer,Talk about the differences between the two pictures with your partner.,A,B,Where is & are .? “Where is & are .”为特殊疑问句,用于询问物或人的位置、地点。where意为“在哪里”, 是对地点提问的特殊疑问词,用来引导就地点进行提问的特殊疑问句。,注意: 句中be动词的形式由句中主语的人称和数决定。 如果主语为单数, be动词就用is, 回答时用it回指。 Where

6、s my backpack? 我的背包在哪里? It is on my desk. 它在我的书桌上。,如果主语为复数形式, 则be动词用are, 回答时用they来回指。 Where are your parents? 你父母在哪儿? They are at home. 她们在家里。 拓展: 常见的特殊疑问词还有: what (什么), how (怎样), who (谁), which (哪一个)。,【活学活用】 补全对话,每空一词。 1. Where _ my computer game? _ _ on the table. 2. Where _ your books? _ _ in my

7、backpack. 3. Kate is in her room. (对划线部分提问) _?,is,It is,are,They are,Where is Kate,本单元我们学习了介词:in, on, under。 这些表示处所或者位置的介词常和名词搭配构成短语。需要特别注意的是: on表示“在上面”,通常两个物体表面有接触; under表示“在正下方”,通常这两个物体表面不接触; in表示“在(一个场所、位置或空间的)里面”。,under,in,请根据右边图示用方位介词填空。 1. Wheres my baseball, Fred? Its _ the desk. 2. Fred find

8、s a set of keys _ the drawer.,on,on,under,3. Is your pen on the floor?No. My pen is _ the desk. 4. Your bag is there, _ the desk. 5. Can you bring me the math book? Its _ the desk.,一、根据意思补全句子。 1. -_ my backpack? -Its on the sofa. 2. -Where are your books? -_ on the desk. 3. -Are the books on the tab

9、le? -_, they are 4. -Is it under the chair? -_, it isnt. 5. -_ it on the bed? - No, it isnt. Its under the bed.,This is Mr. Wangs room. His bed is _ the floor. The bookcase is _ _ the bed. The clock is _the wall. Mr. Wang is _ the chair, _ _the desk. A computer, a ruler, a notebook, a pen_ a phone are _ it. Look! A fish is _ the drawer. Whats _ the chair? Its his football. Where _ his TV?I dont_.,on,next to,on,on,next,and,on,in,under,is,know,Exercise,to,Do the other exercises in this part.,


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