unit 4. i used to be afraid of the dark.第一课时.ppt

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《unit 4. i used to be afraid of the dark.第一课时.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit 4. i used to be afraid of the dark.第一课时.ppt(16页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Lead in 1,Section A Period One,Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.,明星一对一,你能猜出他/她是哪位明星小时候的照片吗?,Zhou Xun,Lead in 2,Guessing Game,Lu Han,Today well talk about what people used to be like.,short,revision,appearance,外貌,tall,fat/heavy,thin,have big/small eyes/ears,young/old,beautiful/handsome,have lon

2、g/short hair,curly/straight hair,outgoing,revision,personality,性格,shy,friendly,funny,humorous,polite,brave,quiet,I am tall now.,I was _ when I was a student.,short,I used to be short.,She had _ _hair in the past.,straight red,She _ _ _ straight red hair.,in the past,used to have,She has _ _ hair now

3、.,curly blonde,VS,Pan Weibo used to _ _.,wear glasses,wear glasses,Pan Weibo used to be/have ,tall/short heavy/thin shy/outgoing long/short hair curly/straight hair ,I/she/they used to be ,I/she/they used to have ,Challenge,Listen. Bob is seeing some friends for the first time in four years.,glasses

4、,tall,short hair,red,curly,short,1b,A: Did Mario used to be short?,B: Yes, she did. She used to be short.,Look at the picture and make conversations.,B: Shes tall now.,A: Whats she like now?,1c,A: Did Amy used to have long hair?,B: No, she didnt. She used to have short hair.,Look at the picture and

5、make conversations.,B: She has long hair now.,A: Whats she like now?,1c,Have you changed?,Survey,After finish the chart, then write a report like this: I /He /She used to be, but now I /He /She am I /He /She used to have , but now I /He /She ,时光飞逝,我们慢慢长大的同时父母也在慢慢变老。或许你每天步履匆匆,从未注意到妈妈的鬓角又添了几缕银丝,爸爸的额头又多了几道皱纹,你有多久没有仔细端详过爸爸妈妈了?请回家找出以前的老照片,对照父母现在的样子,以“my parents”为题,写出父母近几年的变化。“树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不在”,劝君多珍重,莫负好时光。,


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