光纤通信技术的发展和趋势【外文翻译】 .doc

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1、毕业设计(论文)外文翻译题目: Optical fiber communication technology developments and trendsABSTRACT: The birth and development of optical fiber communication is a majorrevolution in telecommunications history. In recent years advances intechnology telecommunications management system reform and fullliberalizatio

2、n of the telecommunications market gradually thedevelopment of optical fiber communication flourish once again presentsa new situation this article seeks to optical fiber communications fora major development focus Description and Prospect.Keywords: DWDM MSTP TMN SDH/SONET ASON FTTH 1 Introduction C

3、urrently there is considerable practical use in the future is one ofa communication technology that optical fiber communication technologyhas become a very important pillar of modern communication. As theworlds next generation of information technology is one importantsymbol of the revolution optica

4、l fiber communication technology hasbecome todays information society in a variety of diverse and complexinformation of the main transmission medium and deep extensiveinformation network architecture has changed the overall appearance themodern information society based on the most solid communicati

5、onscapacity illustrating its splendid prospect. Since the last century optical fiber communication technology in theworld since the advent of the whole of nature occurred in the field ofinformation and communication and revolutionary change optical fibercommunication technology to light as the carri

6、er of informationtransmission to optical hardware as information transmission mediabecause information transmission frequency band compared wide so itsmain features are: high-speed communications to rate and large capacityand low loss small size light weight there is resistance toelectromagnetic int

7、erference and crosstalk and a series of advantages isnot easy so much favored by communications professionals also extremelyrapid development. 2 optical fiber communication technology history summary Over the last decade optical fiber communication technology have madegreat progress which has been c

8、onstantly exploring new technologies hasgreatly enhanced communications capabilities in the traditional sensethis makes the optical fiber communication technology in a broader contexthas been applied. Optical fiber communications technology refers to the transmission oflight as an information carrie

9、r to optical fiber as a medium ofinformation transmission the information sent by the modern means ofcommunication point to point. The birth of optical fiber communicationtechnology and in-depth information and communication in the history ofthe development is an important reform. Optical fiber comm

10、unicationtechnology from theory to the field of engineering technology to achievetodays high-speed optical fiber communication before and after theexperience of several decades. The beginning of the sixties of last century fiber optic communicationtechnology at the beginning of foreign origin was de

11、veloped by the fiberloss up to 400 dB / km and later the British Standards Institute proposedtelecommunications in theory the fiber loss can be reduced to 20 dB /km Then the Japanese followed the loss of developed optical fiber is 100dB / km Corning developed the powder method based on loss of 20 dB

12、 / kmbelow the quartz fiber to the nearest Ge-doped silica fiber loss downto 0.2 db / km close to the quartz fiber loss limit proposed in theory. The above course of development of optical communications technologyoptical fiber communication technology can be broadly divided into fivestages namely t

13、he 850 nm band multi-mode light to 1310 nm multi-mode fiberto 1310 nm single-mode fiber and then to 1550 nm single mode optical fiberand finally the long-distance optical fiber communications technology fortransmission. 3 the status of optical fiber communication technology 1 optical fiber communica

14、tion technology in wavelength divisionmultiplexing. The WDM full use of the advantages of single-mode fiberlow-loss area get a big bandwidth. Each channel wavelength divisionmultiplexing technology is based on the frequency and wavelength of lightof different circumstances such as starting the low-l

15、oss optical fiberwindow planning for a number of separate communication channels set inthe transmitter wavelength division multiplexer the differentwavelengths signal set together into a single fiber the re-transmissionof information while the receiving end of wavelength divisionmultiplexer carries

16、a variety of these different signals the wavelengthof light of different carrier and then separated. 2 optical fiber communication technology in optical accesstechnology. Optical access network technologies in informationtransmission technology of a new attempt which implements a universalhigh-speed

17、 information transmission to meet the majority of people inthe requested information transmission backbone transmission network bythe and user access to two composition. The latter plays a more crucialrole namely FTTH fiber to the home means fiber-optic broadband accessas a last resort responsible f

18、or completing the important task ofall-optical access optical fiber-based broadband-related features forcommunication receivers end users with unlimited bandwidth required. 4 the development trend of optical communication technology Here will go a long way in the future development of several optica

19、lfiber communication technology as shown in Figure 1. 3 the status of optical fiber communication technology 1 optical fiber communication technology in wavelength divisionmultiplexing. The WDM full use of the advantages of single-mode fiberlow-loss area get a big bandwidth. Each channel wavelength

20、divisionmultiplexing technology is based on the frequency and wavelength of lightof different circumstances such as starting the low-loss optical fiberwindow planning for a number of separate communication channels andtransmitter set wavelength division multiplexer the differentwavelengths signal se

21、t together into a single fiber the re-transmissionof information while the receiving end of wavelength divisionmultiplexer carries a variety of these different signals the wavelengthof light of different carrier and then separated. 2 optical fiber communication technology in optical accesstechnology

22、. Optical Access Network technology for informationtransmission technology of a new attempt which implements a general senseof the speed of information transmission the general public to meet therequirements of speed of information transmission mainly by broadbandbackbone transmission network and us

23、er access to two composition. Thelatter plays a more crucial role namely FTTH fiber to the home meansfiber-optic broadband access as a last resort responsible for completingthe important task of all-optical access optical fiber-basedbroadband-related features for communication receivers end users wi

24、thunlimited bandwidth required. 4 the development trend of optical communication technology Here will go a long way in the future development of several opticalfiber communication technology as shown in Figure 1. 1 further development of optical access network communicationtechnology. Existing techn

25、ology is still twisted-pair copper accessnetwork connection is still primitive backward simulation systemsnetwork optical access technology to become fully digital intelligentand highly integrated networkOptical access network communication technology to achieve the mainobjectives are: to enable the

26、 greatest degree of maintenance is reducedfailure rates have decreased can be used for new equipment developmentand new income increasing and local networks combined to reduce the nodeThe purpose of the number and scope of coverage through the establishmentof optical networks for multi-media era pre

27、pared In addition you canmaximize the use of optical fiber itself features a number of advantages. 2 optical fiber communication technology in the opticaltransmission and switching technology communications technologyoptical access network convergence after a delay. The optical accessnetwork based o

28、n the maturity of the development of communicationtechnology the networks core architecture has been turned upside downand is developing the rapid changes in the exchange and transfer bothin terms have also been carried out for generations to date. Opticalnetworks and optical transport and switching

29、 technology fusiontechnology the former than the latter in the technology application hassome technical improvements which also improves the whole network tofurther forward the effective development but the technology isrelatively speaking is still not mature. 3 a new generation of optical fiber com

30、munication technology inthe application. Traditional sense of the G. 652 single-mode fiber hasbeen long and ultra-high speed transmission networks showed inadequaciesin the shortcomings of a new generation of fiber-optic research anddevelopment has become the pragmatic need it also constitutes a new

31、generation of network infrastructure Construction work is an importantpart. In the current route network and generally needs the context of MANbased on different development needs has developed two new generationof fiber a non-zero dispersion fiber and full-wave fiber.5 Conclusion Optical fiber comm

32、unication technology is now as an important one ofmodern information transmission technology social background now theinformation obtained on the application of universal significance andin communications industry in the state of the world when optical fibercommunication technology still got some de

33、velopment. In accordance withthe current of communication technology in Chinas development modeoptical fiber communication technology will replace all other ofinformation transmission become the mainstream of the development ofcommunication technology 1 further development of optical access network

34、communicationtechnology. Existing technology is still twisted-pair copper accessnetwork connection is still primitive backward simulation systemoptical access network technology make it an all-digital and highlyintegrated intelligent network. Optical access network communication technology to achiev

35、e the mainobjectives are: maximum to be lower maintenance costs failure rates havedecreased can be used for the development of new equipment and new revenueincreased combined with the local network to reduce the node The purposeof the number and scope of coverage through the establishment of optical

36、networks the arrival times for the multimedia ready In addition tomaximize the use of optical characteristics of its several advantages. 2 optical fiber communication technology in the optical transmissionand switching technology communications technology optical accessnetwork convergence after a de

37、lay. The optical access network based onthe maturity of the development of communication technology the core ofthe network architecture has been turned upside down and is developingrapid changes both in terms of switching and transmission have also beenupdated for several generations. Optical networ

38、ks and optical transportand switching technology fusion technology the former than the latterin the technology application has some technical improvements which alsoimproves the whole network to further forward the effective developmentbut the technology is relatively speaking is still not mature. 3

39、 a new generation of optical fiber communication technology in theapplication. Traditional sense of the G. 652 single-mode fiber has beenlong and ultra-high speed transmission networks showed inadequacies inthe shortcomings of a new generation of optical fiber research anddevelopment has become the

40、pragmatic need it also constitutes a newgeneration of network infrastructure Construction work is an importantpart. General demand in the current network and metro lines in the contextbased on different development needs has developed two new generationof fiber a non-zero dispersion fiber and full-w

41、ave fiber. 光纤通信技术的发展和趋势摘 要: 光纤通信的诞生与发展是电信史上的一次重要革命。近几年来,随着技术的进步,电信管理体制的改革以及电信市场的逐步全面开放,光纤通信的发展又一次呈现了蓬勃发展的新局面,本文旨在对光纤通信领域的主要发展热点作简述与展望。关键词:DWDM MSTP TMN SDH/SONET 智能 ASON FTTH1 简介 目前,有相当多的实际应用是未来的通信技术之一,光纤通信技术已成为现代通信很重要的支柱。随着世界,星光大道的下一代信息技术是一种革命的重要标志,光纤通信技术已成为当今,星光大道在一个多样化和复杂的主要传输媒介信息社会的各种信息,而且深入,广泛的

42、信息网络体系结构改变了整体外观,在现代信息社会的最坚实的基础上,通信能力,显示了它的灿烂前景?自上个世纪,在世界光纤通信技术以来,整个自然界出现在信息和通讯领域发生的革命,光纤通信技术,光作为信息传输载体,光硬件的信息传输介质,因为信息传输频带比较宽,因此,星光大道的主要特点是:高速通信速度和容量大,损耗低,体积小,重量轻,有抗电磁干扰和串音等一系列优点是不容易的,这么多的专业人士青睐的通讯,也极其迅速的发展。2 光纤通信技术,总结历史 在过去的十年中,光纤通信技术已经取得了很大进展,已不断探索新技术,大大提高了传统意义上的通信能力,这使得在更大范围内的光纤通信技术已被应用。 光纤通信技术,是

43、指光传输作为信息传输介质,信息通过现代通讯手段发送点为指向一个信息载体,以光纤。在光纤通信技术和深入的信息和通讯在发展史上的诞生,是一项重要的改革。光纤通信技术从理论到工程技术领域,实现今天,星光大道高速光纤通信,前后几十年的经验。 在上世纪 60 年代初纤维光纤通信技术在外国出生的开始,是由纤维的损失高达 400 分贝/公里,后来,英国标准协会的建议在理论上电信,光纤损耗可降低到 20 分贝/公里之后,日本追随发达国家光纤损耗是 100 分贝/公里,康宁公司开发了粉末法对损失的 20 分贝/公里以下的石英光纤,到最近的掺锗石英光纤损耗下降到 0.2 的 db /公里,接近石英光纤损耗限制在理

44、论上提出。 在光通信技术的发展,上述过程中,光纤通信技术大致可分为五个阶段,即850 纳米波段多模光 1310 nm 的多模光纤 1310 nm 的单模光纤,再到 1550 nm的单模光纤,以及最后的长途光纤通信传输技术。光纤通信技术的发展现状 (1)在波分复用光纤通信技术的复用。波分复用,对单模光纤的优势,充分利用低损耗区,得到一个大的带宽。每个通道波分复用技术为基础,如启动,一个单独的通讯发射机载波分复用器,不同的波长通道数低损耗光纤窗口设置规划信号的频率和波长的不同情况成单纤维一起,重新传输的信息,而波分复用器接收端带有这些不同的信号品种,不同波长的光载波,然后分开。 (2)光纤接入技术

45、在光通信技术。光纤接入信息的一个新尝试,它实现了一个通用高速信息传输,传输技术,网络技术,以满足用户访问的,并组成了两个要求的信息传输骨干传输网络的人占多数。后者起着更为关键的作用,即光纤到户(光纤到家庭的手段),光纤宽带接入作为最后的手段,完成了全光纤接入,光纤为基础的宽带相关的功能的重大使命,通讯接收机所需的带宽无限的最终用户。 3光通信技术的发展趋势 这里将在几个光纤通信技术的未来发展大有帮助,如图 1 所示。3 光纤通信技术的发展现状 (1)在波分复用光纤通信技术的复用。波分复用,对单模光纤的优势,充分利用低损耗区,得到一个大的带宽。每个通道波分复用技术为基础,如启动,一个单独的沟通渠

46、道和发射数集波分复用器,不同波长的低损耗光纤信号设置窗口一起规划的频率和波长的不同情况到一个单一的纤维,再传送信息,而波分复用器接收端进行了这些不同的信号品种,不同波长的光载波,然后分开。 (2)光纤接入技术在光通信技术。光纤接入网的信息是一种新尝试,它实现了信息传输速度一般意义上的传输技术的技术,以满足广大市民对信息传输速度的要求,主要由宽带骨干传输网和用户访问两个组成。后者起着更为关键的作用,即光纤到户(光纤到家庭的手段),光纤宽带接入作为最后的手段,完成了全光纤接入,光纤为基础的宽带相关的功能的重大使命,通讯接收机所需的带宽无限的最终用户。4 光通信技术的发展趋势 这里将在几个光纤通信技术的未来发展大有帮助,如图 1 所示。 (1)光纤接入网络通信技术的进一步发展。现有的技术仍是双绞铜线接入网络连接,仍然是原始的,落后的模拟系统,网络光纤接入技术成为全数字化,智能化和高度集成的网络光纤接入网络通讯技术实现的主要目标是:使维修最大程度降低了,故障率下降可用于新设备的开发和利用新的收入增长,以及合并,以减少节点本地网络的目的的数量和覆盖范围,通过为多媒体时代光网络的建立准备,此外,您可以最大限度地利用光纤本身具有许多优点。 (2)光纤在光.


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