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1、七上第十四讲Unit7 How much are these socks?1. much pron.& adj. 许多;大量; 多少,How much?(购物时) 多少钱?2. sock n. 短袜3. T-shirt n. T恤衫4. shorts n. 短裤5. sweater n. 毛衣6. trousers n. 裤子7. shoe n. 鞋子8. skirt n. 裙子9. dollar n.元(美国、加拿大等国的货币单元,符合$)10. big adj. 大的;大号的11. small adj. 小的;小号的12. short adj. 短的;矮的13. long adj. 长的1

2、4. woman n. 女子15. need v.需要,既可以做实义动词,也可以用作情态动词1) need用于肯定句中,常用作实义动词,后接名词、动词不定式。A. need sth.需要某物 I need your help.我需要你的帮助。B. need to do sth.需要做某事They need to have a rest.他们需要休息。2) need作情态动词,常用于否定句和疑问句中,后接动词原形。 You neednt go there. 你不必到那里去。16. look v.看;看上去17. pair n. 一双;一对18. Take v. 买下;拿;取19. clothes

3、 n. 衣服;服装20. store n. 商店21. buy v. 购买;买22. sale n.特价销售;出售23. sell v.出售;销售;卖 sold24. all adj. 所有的;全部的25. very adv.很;非常26. price n. 价格中考链接:1)She to come to school so early every day.A. isnt need B. neednt C. doesnt needs D. doesnt need2) A bus coming. So I neednt a taxi. A. take B. to take C. taking D

4、. takes3) Does she need her little brother at home? A. look after B. to look after C. looks after D. looking afterImportant Sentences1. How much is this T-shirt? 这件T恤多少钱?Its seven dollars. 七美元。1)how much意为“(价格)多少”,用于询问物品的价格,句型为“How much + be +主语?”。当主语是可数名词单数或不可数名词时,be动词用is,答语为:Its;当主语是可数名词复数时,be动词用a

5、re,答语为:Theyre。如:How much is the dictionary? 这本字典多少钱?Its ten dollars. 十美元。How much are these bananas? 这些香蕉多少钱? Theyre 6 dollars. 六美元。how much还可以用来询问数量,意为“有多少”,用来修饰不可数名词。如:How much meat do you need? 你需要多少肉?How much bread do they have? 他们有多少面包?注意:如果修饰可数名词复数,则应该用how many。如:How many English books do you

6、have? 你有多少本英语书?How many boxes do you want? 你想要多少个盒子?2) dollar是美国、加拿大等国家的的货币单位,是可数名词,符号为$。如果要用符号表示,则符号要写在数字前面。如:$ 2,000 二千美元,2,000 dollars.中考链接:1) yogurt do you need? Three cups.A. How long B. How far C. How many D. How much2) is it? Its five yuan.A. What B. How C. How much D. What color3) is the bik

7、e? Only 150 yuan.A. How much B. How many C. How long D. How often4) is this TV? A. How many B. How much C. Who D. What5) “ ?“ About 130 yuan.”A. Whats the size of the shoes B. How much are the new shoesC. Whats the money of the shoes D. How many shoes do you want2. socks , shorts , pants , shoes 这四个

8、词通常是以复数的形式出现。 socks 袜子(两只) shorts 短裤,short 就没有“短裤”的意思。 shoes 鞋子(两只) pants 裤子 pant就没有“裤子”的意思。 因此在询问价格时,我们说:How much are the socksshortsshoespants? They are+金额.这双袜子短裤鞋子裤子多少钱? *另外,当我要表达一双袜子,一条裤子等时, a pair of socks a pair of shorts a pair of shoes a pair of pants 注意:当提问a pair of socks / shorts / 多少钱时, H

9、ow much is a pair of socks ? Its +金额。中考链接:1) How much the socks? Three dollars.A. is B. are C. do D. does2) What color the pants? Blue.A. is; is B. is; Its C. are; They D. are; Theyre3) “Are those your shorts?” “ ”.A. Yes, they are B. Yes, theyreC. Yes, it is D. No, they are4) How much are pants?A .

10、 that B. this C. these D. there 3. Can I help you? 你需要帮忙吗?Yes, please. 是的,请。Can I help you?包含两种含义:1) 服务人员或营业员主动询问顾客需要的常用语,表示“你需要点什么吗?”。如果顾客需要购物时,可回答Yes, please. 如果仅是逛街,可回答No, thanks. Im just looking around. 或Just have a look. 如:Can I help you? 你要买什么?Yes, please. I d like some apples. 我要买些苹果。Can I he

11、lp you? 你要买什么?No. thanks. Im just looking around. 谢谢,不买什么。只是随便看看。2)某人主动询问对方是否需要帮助的用语,此时意为“你需要帮忙吗?”。What can I do for you?如:I cant move the table. 我搬不动这张桌子。Can I help you? 我能帮你的忙吗?中考链接:1) ? I want to buy a shirt.A. What do you want B. Can I help youC. What do you like D. Do you want a shirt.2) Can I

12、help you? .A. Thanks B. It sounds good C. Yes. I want a pen D. Help yourself4. Here you are. 给你。Here you are? 表示“这就是你要的东西”,“给你”,用在交给对方东西时的一句常用口语。如:May I use your bike? 我可以用你的自行车吗?Certainly. Here you are. 当然可以。给你。Excuse me. Is this your pen? 请问,这是你的钢笔吗?Yes, it is. 是的。Here you are. 给你。Thank you. 谢谢。中考

13、链接:1) Jim, may I borrow your ruler, please? Sure. .A. Give it to you B. Here you are C. Thanks D. Youre Ok2) “Can I use your dictionary?” “Sure. .”A. Give you B. Here it is C. Here you are D. Here are you3) “May I borrow your eraser?”“ Certainly. .”A. Please take it B. You are welcome C. Here you ar

14、e D. Here it is 4)”I want that bag.” “ .“A. Here your are B. Here you are C. Give you D. Thanks5. Ill take it. 我买了。1) take在句中意思是“买”,相当于buy, get或have。在口语中,当顾客一旦选用了某种物品要买时,通常说Ill take it, 而不说Ill buy it. 如:How much is this T-shirt? 这件T恤多少钱?Twenty yuan. 20元。Oh, its cheap. Ill take it. 噢,很便宜。我买了。如果选定的物品是

15、复数时,应说Ill take them. The bananas are two dollars. 这些香蕉2美元。Ill take them. 我买了。中考链接:1) Look at these shorts. They are only $ 16. Oh, yes, they are cheap. OK. .A. Ill buy it B. Ill take it C. Ill take them D. I like it6. Youre welcom. 不用客气。当别人说Thank you. Thanks. Thank you very much.或Thanks时,可以用You are

16、welcome.这类礼貌用语来回答。如:Thanks for your help. 感谢你的帮助。Youre welcome. 不用客气。常用来致谢的答语还有:Not at all. Thats all right. Thats OK. 等。中考链接:1) Thanks. .A. Thanks,too B. No thanks C. Youre good D. Youre welcome2) Youre welcome.A. Thank you very much. B. Can I help you?C. Lets play football D. Do you like it?3)” Th

17、ank you very much.” “ .” A. Fine, thank you B. Thank you C. Your welcome D. No, thanks7. Come and buy your clothes at 。 快来买衣服!1) 此句为祈使句。祈使句是表示请求或命令的句子,它的主语you通常省略,动词原形用于句首。如:Come to Mr Cools Clothes Store! 来库尔先生的服装店吧!Put your T- shirt here. 把T恤放在这儿。2)come意为“来”,“来到”,是不及物动词,其反义词是go,后跟地点名词时,须接介词to,后跟地点

18、副词时,则介词to要省略。如:go there 去那He comes to the school early every day. 他每天很早来学校。Please come here. 请来这儿。3)buy意为“买”,“购买”,用作及物动词,后跟名词或代词做宾语。如:I want to buy some apples. 我想买点苹果。buy后面还可以跟双宾语,即用于buy somebody something或buy something for somebody结构。表示“给某人买东西”。如:Please buy him a dictionary. (=Please buy a diction

19、ary for him.) 请给他买本字典。My mother buys me new clothes every year. (=My mother buys new clothes for me every year.) 我母亲每年给我买新衣服。4) clothes意为“衣服”,是复数名词,它前面不能加a,也不能和数词连用,不能说a/two clothes,应该说a suit of clothes“一套衣服”,two suits of clothes“两套衣服”,但可用these, those, many等修饰,用作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。如:Those clothes are ver

20、y beautiful. 那些衣服很漂亮。She often helps her mother to wash clothes. 她经常帮助她母亲洗衣服。I have many new clothes. 我有许多新衣服。5) at a great sale=on sale,意为“出售”;“削价出售”。如:You can get this sweater at a great sale. 你可以在大减价时买这件毛衣。中考链接:1)Please come see yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store.A. to; about B.to; for C. and; for

21、 D. to; at 2) What shall I my grandpa his birthday? A. get; of B. buy; for C. find; for D. give; of 8. We have sweaters at a very good priceonly ¥25!我们的毛衣价格最便宜-只需要25元。1) at a very good price意为“以合理的价格(出售)”。表示“某物在价位上”常用短语at a price。如:We can buy some nice clothes at a very good price. 我们可以以优惠的价格买几件质量好的

22、衣服。2) very 意为“非常”,用于修饰形容和副词。如:He sings very well. 他唱得非常好。The book is very interesting. 这本书非常有趣。注意:very不可修饰动词。修饰动词可用very much。试译:我母亲非常爱我。误:My mother very loves me . 正:My mother loves me very much. 中考链接:1)We have pants a very good price- only 60 yuan.A. at B. in C. for D. on 9. For girls, we have T-sh

23、irts in red, green and white for only ¥18. 我们有女式T恤衫:红、绿、白色只需要18元。介词in表示“衣饰”,后接表示颜色的词,表示“穿颜色的”。如:Do you know the girl in red? 你认识那个穿红衣服的女孩吗?The man in blue is my uncle. 那个穿蓝色衣服的男人是我的叔叔。in也可跟表示衣服的名词,意为“穿着”。如:We are in our new clothes today. 今天我们穿着新衣服。The girl is in a silk shirt. 这个女孩子穿着丝绸衬衫。中考链接: We h

24、ave socks black and red. A. for B. at C. in D. of10. For boys, you can buy socks for only ¥5 each!男孩子可以买到每双仅5元钱的袜子。1)socks是sock的复数形式,名词socks(短袜),shoes(鞋),pants(裤子),glasses(眼镜)等都由不可分割的两部分组成的一个物品,通常以复数形式出现。当它们做主语时,谓语动词要用are。如:My socks are under the bed. 我的袜子在床下。Where are my glasses? 我的眼镜在哪儿?They are o

25、n the desk. 在桌子上。2) 辨析:each与every两者都有“每个”的意思。each着重于个别含义,every着重于全体含义,和all的意思相近。Each student has an English book. 每个学生都有一本英语书。Every student must study well. 每个学生都必须好好学习。(every student相当于all the students)each 可以用来指两个或两个以上的人或东西,但every 却总指三个或三个以上的数量,不能指两个。如:There are many shops on each side of the stre

26、et.街道两旁有许多商店。(不可以说on every side of the street)every只能用作定语,each 不仅可作定语,而且和名词一样可作主语,宾语和同位语。We go to school early every day. 我们每天很早上学。Each boy has an apple. = Each of the boys has an apple. 每个男孩都有一个苹果。You can have one bag each. 你们每人可以有一个提包。11. Anybody can afford our prices! 任何人都能接受这个价格!1)anybody=anyone

27、,用作代词,表示“任何人”,用于疑问句和否定句,做主语时谓语动词用单数。如:I cant see anybody in the classroom. 教室里我没能看见谁。Does anybody speak English? 这儿有谁说英语吗?2) afford是动词,意为“担负得起(的费用)”;“抽得出(时间)”,常与can, be able to连用,afford后面可接名词、代词或不定式作宾语。如:I can afford the computer. 我买得起这台电脑。The house is too expensive; I cant afford to buy it. 这房子太贵了,

28、我买不起。We cant afford time for the party. 我们抽不出时间去参加聚会。中考链接:1) The yellow dress is 60 dollars. I cant it.A. afford B. help C. know D. look12. Come and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store!到华星服装店来亲自看一看!辨析:look与see两者都有可以表示“看”。look强调行为的本身动作,指有意识地、集中注意力的“看”、“瞧”。一般用作不及物动词,后面须跟介词at构成短语才能跟宾语。如:Look! The

29、 bus is coming. 看!公共汽车来了。Please look at the blackboard. 请看黑板。Can I look at your new book? 我可以看你的新书吗?see强调行为结果,常与can连用,一般不用于进行时。如:I can see some animals over there. 我能看见那边有一些动物。Can you see the desk? 你能看见那张桌子吗?Its dark. I cant see. 太暗了,我看不见。11. Have a look at Zig Zags Clothes Store. 来Zig Zag服装店看一看吧。ha

30、ve a look at相当于look at, 意为“看一看”,后跟名词或代词作宾语。Can I have a look at your photo? 我可以看看你的相片吗Please have a look at my watch. 请看一看我的手表。12. The yellow shorts are also 30 and the green shorts are on sale for 25!黄色短裤也是30美元,绿色短裤减价了,每条款25美元。1) also是副词,意为“也”,通常用于肯定句中,一般置于行为动词之前,be动词,助动词或情态动词之后。如:He also works in

31、the school. 他也在那所学校工作。You are also right. 你也对了。I can also speak French. 我也能说法语。2) on sale意为“出售”,“廉价出售”,不能单独用作谓语,需与be连用。The shop near my home is on sale. 我家附近的商店在出售。This shirt is on sale for 16 yuan. 这件衬衫卖十六元。13. Sorry, those are my shoes! 对不起,那双是我自己的鞋子。Sorry是Im sorry的缩写形式,意为“对不起”,常用于因某事过失或不能满足对方的要求时

32、向对方表示歉意或遗憾,也常用来对他人的不幸或痛苦表示同情。用Im sorry时,其后常接动词不定式或that从句。如:Is she at home today? 今天她在家吗?Sorry, I dont know. 对不起,我不知道。Im sorry that I cant come to your party. 对不起,我不能参加你的晚会。I dont pass my exam. 我考试没及格。Isorry to hear that. 听到那个消息我很难过。练习:根据首字母,用适当的词补全下列对话。A: Can I help you? B: Yes, p_. I want to b_a ha

33、t for myself. A: For yourself? They are all for young people. What c_do you want? B: I like the blue one. A: OK. H_you are. B: Thank you. How m_is it? A: One thirty yuan. B: Oh, it is very expensive(贵). A: Do you l_ this one? It is on s_for only eighteen yuan. You can a_its price. B: Ill t_it. Thank you. A: Youre_.


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