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1、 广告传播的目的主要在于刺激目标受众,引导受众购买广告宣传的商品,因此,广告是一门说服的艺术。广告是通过各种各样艺术表演手段感染说服消费大众来达到诉求目的的,为了达到有效的广告诉求目的,针对不同的诉求对象、不同层次、不同需求、不同目的,广告就应该采用不同的诉求方法,不断地追求创意、创造、创新。李奥.贝纳认为,成功的广告创意的秘诀就在于找出产品本身固有的刺激。“固有的刺激”也称为与生俱来的戏剧性”。广告的诉求创意最重要的任务是把产品固有的刺激挖掘出来并加于利用,也就是说要发现生产厂家生产这种产品的“原因”以及消费者要购买这种产品的“原因”,一旦原因找到,广告创意也就有了立足的依据,并在此基础上实

2、施一种生动的、恰当的表达方式,产生强烈的影响力,引导人们朝着一定的方向去思考和行动,形成产品与消费者之间情感的互动作用,让新颖独特、独辟蹊径、令人心动的广告刺激消费受众者的兴趣和消费欲望,实现产品价值的最大化。为此,广告要找到这种“戏剧性的刺激点就必须实现广告诉求策略的多样化和广告表现形式的多元化,从而提升广告传播的感召力、冲击力和文化力。本文着重以情感诉求在广告中的运用,论述其与受众互动沟通的针对性和有效性。 一、情感诉求是广告诉求策略的重要方式之一,也是广告最富有人性化魁力的体现 众所周知,广告的受众对象是人,“以人为本”是广告制作最重要的理念。广告诉求的方式直接影响着说服的客观效果,广告

3、诉求应该从认知层面和情感层面切人。才能够有效地促进消费行为,一般而言,作用于认知层面的诉求. 偏重于消费者决策过程中理性、逻辑的一面,称之为理性诉求,比较适用于高档耐用消费品、高科技含量产品的广告宣传;而作用于情感层面的诉求,偏重于消费者的情感体骏和心智共鸣,以期激起某种情绪反应,称之为情感诉求,一般来说,运用比较多的是一些日常生活用品,如服装饰品、食品饮料、化妆品、厨房家具用品、摄影器材等。这些商品消费面广一量大,更换率高,消费者的购买欲望往往由动情而感染而冲动,浓郁的人情味是这类广告创意的诉求重点。而今,市场经济的发展导致人们消费观念产生了极大的变化,已经不是基本“量”的满足或“质”的满足


5、力和感染力,已成为现代社会的主流广告,应该引起我们的重视和研究。 二、情感诉求广告形式的运用拓宽了受众互动的新视野 我们从广告传播的形式来看,情感诉求型广告能够拉近产品与目标消费者的距离,形成产品消费的推动力,让消费者在产品娱乐中接受、情理中理解、快乐中记忆、好感中追求、精神愉悦中满足需求,实现广告传播与消费受众真正意义的物质消费与精神需求满足的互动。通过采用多样化的情感表达形式和手段对不同消费层面做出正确的有针对性的定位,满足其不同情感的心理需求促进广告传播的有效性,使消费者在满足精神娱乐中自觉实现目标选择,顺其自然的实行消费支配行为。因而情感诉求作为现代广告传播手段立足子“情感”为切人点,



8、结、情绪、情景、情调的捕捉、提炼和升华,是建立在相互借鉴、相互揉合、相互作用根基仁的创新,创新是广告成败的关键,创新意味着构想新颖、标新立异、奇思妙想的好点子,好点子需要有卓越高超的构想、恰当合理的方式、幽默夸张的艺术表现形式,充分体现消费大众对新事物、新观念、新发明、新风尚的追求同时与消费受众之间心灵深处情感沟通达成和谐共鸣,从而提升人们生活品位和带动时尚生活的流行,达到艺术效果与俏费互动的最高境界。 “感人心者,莫先乎情”。因此,我们要在实践中把握好情感诉求的表现方法和技巧,善于发现和挖掘引起人们情感变化的素材和细节,在人与物的最佳结合上融人构思新颖的独创性、新奇性、戏剧性、趣味性、娱乐性

9、来吸引消费者的眼球,揭示广告表达形式内容核心处骤然进发出令人心动、焕发勃勃生机、精彩纷呈艺术处理手段变化的张力.这既是时代经济快速发展对文化需求的挑战,也是广告传播形式和表达手段不断迫求创新的内在需要。翻译The purpose of advertising is to stimulate the main target audience, and guide the audience to buy advertising goods, therefore, advertising is an art of persuasion. Advertising is through the vari

10、ous artistic performance means to persuade consumers to achieve infection appeal purpose, in order to achieve effective advertising appeal purpose, in view of the different claim object, different levels and different needs and different purpose, advertising should adopt different appeal method, con

11、stantly in pursuit creativity and the creation and innovation. Leo. Boehner think, successful advertising ideas the secret is that find out the product itself inherent stimulation. Inherent stimulation also known as innate dramatic. the appeals of the advertising creative, the most important task is

12、 the product of the excavation and stimulate inherent and in use, that is to find manufacturers to produce this product reason and consumers to buy the product of reason , once found reasons, creative advertising can be based on the basis of, and based on this, implement a vivid, proper expression w

13、ay, produce strong influence, and guide people in certain direction to think and act, products and consumer formed between emotional interactions and let the novel and distinctive, develop, shocking advertising stimulating consumption of interest in the audience and desire for consumption, the produ

14、ct value maximization. Therefore, advertising to find the dramatic exciting point to realize the appeal to the diversity and advertising strategy advertising form of diversification, so as to enhance the impact of advertising communication charisma, and to create. This paper to emotional appeals in

15、the use of the advertisement, this paper discusses the interactive communication with the audience the pertinence and effectiveness. First, emotional appeal advertising strategy is one of the important ways of demand, is also the most rich human chief advertising the embodiment of the force As is kn

16、own to all, advertising is audience, people-oriented is advertising for the most important idea. Advertising appeal directly influences the way to persuade the objective effect, advertising claims should from the cognitive level and emotional level cut. To effectively promote consumption behavior, a

17、nd generally speaking, in the role of the appeals of the cognitive level. Stress to the consumer in the process of making rational, logical side, called the rational demand, more applicable to high-grade durable consumer goods, high-tech products of advertising; And in the role of emotional aspects

18、of the appeal, stress to the consumer the emotional body and mind resonance south, so as to arouse certain emotional reaction, called emotional appeal, in general, use more is some daily necessities, such as garment accessories, food and beverage, cosmetics, kitchen furniture, photographic equipment

19、, etc. These commodity consumption side wide a quantity, GengHuanLv high, consumer buying desire by estrogen and often infection and impulse, rich human is this kind of advertising ideas on appeal. Now, the development of the market economy leads people to consumption idea made a tremendous change,

20、has not basic quantity of satisfaction or quality to meet the can, but the various requirements meet the border into higher after the emotion meet the demand level, so modern simple material has rarely enjoy to us of achievement, the people to the desire of the spiritual demand more and more intense

21、, we need to seek new inspiration in joyful to experience the meaning of life, find things and peoples best combining site, satisfy people psychological sense of superiority. Visible, the communication of advertisement is very important to express form, in relation to the success or failure of the a

22、dvertising communication, the expression of the novel and amazing means to be able to quickly improve product image and reputation, creative design of expressions can meet the demands of the consuming public entertainment emotional and psychological needs of fulfillment, can also be for product to p

23、rovide unlimited business opportunities, and added value, and then stimulate consumption audience the sustainability of spending power. Therefore, we soberly realize emotional appeal advertising, it is to adapt to the changes in the concept of people consumption and contains a thick human and have s

24、trong penetration and appeal, has become the mainstream advertising of modern society, should cause our attention and research. Second, emotional appeal of the use of forms of advertising to broaden the audience the new vision of interaction We from advertising forms of communication to see, the emo

25、tional appeal advertising can close products and type the distance of the target consumers, form the driving force of consumer products, let consumer products in the entertainment accept, reasonable understanding, joy in memory, unpleasant associations, cheerful spirit pursuit of satisfied the deman

26、d, realize the advertising communication and consumption audience the real meaning of material consumption and spiritual needs to meet the interaction. By the use of the diversification of the emotional expression forms and means to different consumption level to make the correct targeted location,

27、satisfy its different emotional psychological needs to promote the spread of advertising effectiveness, make consumers in meet the spirit consciously choose to realize the goals entertainment, let it be implemented consumption governs the act. So emotional appeals as modern advertising communication

28、 method based on the son emotional as a focal point, to really passionate, by feeling to the heart to consumers, to estrogen, scene moving scene to attract consumers of eyeball. To design originality vivid, close to the life, from the meaning and the artistic conception, from the mind and emotionall

29、y infection and impress the consumer. As perceptual appeal of advertisements use cutting body type is best TV, because TV is to transfer the best media feelings, the use of music, pictures can rapidly strengthening the feelings of the effect. In practice, the author thinks that, emotional appeal adv

30、ertising in the practical application of the main process of concluded to the following several kinds of forms: The plot of the interaction of form; 2. Type the interaction of the scene form; 3. Complex type of interactive form; 4. The life of the interactive form; 5. Statements of the interaction o

31、f form; 6. Exaggerated the interaction of form.To sum up, we can see the enterprise product marketing and sales have cannot leave modern advertising creative means and the diversity of diversification, advertising creative effect is surprisingly winning can use for reference each other all sorts of

32、foundation forms breakthrough, such as music, sound, and have use melody and rhythm, speed, the atmosphere and power gives image beyond time and space, rendering atmosphere, to express feelings, shape the image, the transmission of information, is a comprehensive art means to depict the release of t

33、he image to advertising; Have use simple narrator, monologue, dialogue, voice-over and commentary vivid and interesting advertising theme of this content; And one of the commonly used gimmick including advertising theme singing, let the pleasant-sounding, sings the melody with the incisively and viv

34、idly sing out advertising charisma, many domestic famous brand products have clever use advertising song to push products; More use of various dance style of advertising types in living dial get the audience a vivid, relaxed atmosphere by the edification of the advertising before you know it, let pe

35、ople in entertainment, joy, happiness is realized in beautiful enjoyment. So, rich and diverse forms of advertising is to establish a real life in Peoples Daily on the basis of the plot, emotional, complex, mood, scene, emotional appeal of capture, refining and sublimation, is built on the profit fr

36、om each other, and with each other, the interaction of benevolence foundation innovation, innovation is the key to the success or failure of the advertising, innovation means that idea novel, do STH unconventional or unorthodox, covers of the good idea, good idea needs a great idea, the appropriate

37、excellence reasonable way, humorous exaggeration art form, fully embodies the consuming public to new things, new concepts, new inventions, the pursuit of new fashion and consumption between audience heart in a harmonious resonance emotional communication, so as to enhance people life grade fashiona

38、ble life and promote the popular to artistic effect and quail fee the highest state of interaction. Moving the heart lie in the affection. Therefore, we have to grasp the emotional appeal in the practice of the performance of the methods and skills, good at finding and mining cause people to the mat

39、erials and emotional changes the details in the best people and things with integrated conception of the original novel, novelty, dramatic, interest, recreational to attract consumers of eyeball, reveals advertising expression form the core content in a sudden into exciting, coruscate vitality, colorful artistic processing means the tension of change. This is both times of rapid economic development and cultural needs of the challenge, also advertising communication form and expressing mean constantly pursuit of innovation inner need.


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