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1、文献出处:J Avery. The Research of Wechat Marketing to CustomersBehaviorJ.International journal of business and social science, 2016, 5(6).原文The Research of Wechat Marketing to CustomersBehavior J AveryAbstractThe progress of science and technology promote the development of the society. With the continu

2、ous development of information technology, human beings ushered in a new era of mobile Internet era. With the advent of the era of mobile Internet, smart phones, tablets, become an indispensable tool in peoples life. All kinds of intelligent software with the help of mobile phones, tablets and other

3、 terminal also become many Peoples Daily partners.WeChat appeared to pull into the distance between people, not only of its many excellent function was found by enterprises, the use, more and more companies spend a lot of money, manpower and material resources to participate in the WeChat marketing,

4、 to communicate with consumers, by WeChat influence consumer behavior.Keywords: WeChat marketing, consumer behavior, and buying decision 1 IntroductionWith the coming of the age of the Internet, all kinds of application software with the help of mobile phones, tablet into peoples lives. One of the s

5、oftware is using ten cent platform quickly has many users, it is WeChat.WeChat appeared to pull into the distance between people, not only of its many excellent function was found by enterprises, the use of, this raises WeChat marketing craze. In early 2013, WeChat only 300 million breakthrough in 2

6、 years the number of users, development speed greatly exceeded the microblog.At the end of 2014, tencent WeChat global number of registered users has exceeded 600 million, of which more than 440 million active users.WeChat become zero sheep in the mobile instant messaging, the downloads and the numb

7、er of users in the world, formed the world , where the Chinese have WeChat .After its launch overseas version, due to its excellent function also received a lot ofusers in the west. The rapid development of WeChat pull into the miles of space thatintervene between a man and at the same time, also wi

8、den the spread of information channel, to speed up the spread of information, in gradually changed peoples ability to obtain information and communication.2 Literature review2.1 WeChat marketing theory2.1.1 WeChat and WeChat marketingWeChat (WeChat) on January 21, 2011, tencent company is launching

9、a support S 40, S 60v3, S 60v5, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, Android and iPhone instant messaging software, through the intelligent mobile terminal to provide customers with text and image sharing, photos, video sharing, Shared location, and support group chat and voice, and video intercom function, b

10、roadcast news (one-to-many), information communication, the Internet shopping, financial management, games and other services, and a location based social plugging shake, bottle and Shared streaming media content of Feed, WeChat through mobile Phone network or the Internet transmission information,

11、support for multiple languages, as well as a variety of mobile data network, free of charge.WeChat after launch, with the aid of tencent this big tree, grows quickly in the mobile phone users, are popular with the masses of users, the registration number has been soaring, break through 300 million i

12、n January 2013, at the end of 2014, 600 million. The number of users of its large number of excellent functions, for many enterprises to see the broad market, mobile platform by using this platform to promote their brands, products of the company. So what exactly is WeChat marketing?WeChat marketing

13、 is based on WeChat platform, through this platform to focus on the user promotion enterprise brand and product of a kind of modern marketing mode. This research institute WeChat marketing mainly refers to the enterprise through WeChat public number to its focus on the user push related to enterpris

14、e brand or product or other marketing information.WeChat provide enterprises with a variety of ways to do marketing, enterprises and public WeChat ID.In August 2014, tencent company to the public, is divided into two kinds: subscription and services.Service, compared to subscribe to, the more precis

15、e interaction, subscription,interaction can only be WeChat user manual input, voice sends a message to companies, and in addition to the subscription service, interaction, way beyond, also provides users with already defined messages to the user, convenient for users to send, users only need to clic

16、k, enterprise has been defined for this good news to the definite answer.2.1.2 WeChat marketing role and development trendFirst of all, in the enterprise business promotion activities, compared to the previous wall advertising, distribution of brochures and other traditional mode of propaganda.WeCha

17、t marketing has unique advantages, it can real-time connection consumer groups in different regions. These huge consumer groups is propaganda enterprise huge number of potential customers.WeChat news high accessibility and timeliness marketing for WeChat provides a huge advantage, and the most idea

18、is consistent with the information dissemination and consistent. Because WeChat user is active subscription enterprise business promotion activities and other related information, subscribers to this message are not usually present resistance, enterprise can also through WeChat push its related acti

19、vities in timely and accurate information to business promotion activities is the most important potential customers and users.Second, a form of the embodiment of the competition in the market can be done in marketing management, now such a competitive market economy, WeChat marketing can bring more

20、 profits for enterprise and development prospects, is an important means of marketing management.WeChat marketing not only meet the demand of the development of the enterprise, also bring all kinds of cheap and good customer.Again, WeChat marketing can effectively combining WeChat appeal and word of

21、 mouth, by diversified means to show the advantages of a product concept, core values, and many other deep value. It can bring the audience a psychological shock and friendly interactive, take great advantage of the marketing and publicity, drive the consumers in the traditional model for brand valu

22、e to the mobile Internet to accept the change of brand value.WeChat marketing effectively the brand image and word of mouth publicity products together.In the near future, the number of Internet users use mobile Internet will greatlyexceed the number of Internet users to use traditional Internet.And

23、 WeChat is one of the important strategies in the mobile Internet company tencent layout, tencent company will use the WeChat this a tool to create a new chain, integration of social, entertainment, shopping, and its own resources, such as communication, taking a taxi is solid form of barriers, for

24、their own future to lay a better foundation for the long-term development. As Chinas network and communications business, WeChat even run at independence from basic network services, to provide users with calls and text messages and other communication services. Their own future, WeChat may have to

25、pay function or with goods ten pay binding, in the field of Chinese pay and pay treasure to compete, a share in the field of mobile payment. Because WeChat can call mobile phone positioning function, the future can be associated with merchants from all walks of life, to provide users with nearby sho

26、ps offer information, and provide one-stop service for the user.Currently WeChat function as well as other properties are not completed, the future development of space is limited.2.2 Consumer behavior researchAjzen and Fishbein (1980) argue that behavioral intention refers to the customer to a cert

27、ain behavior of the will of the positive degree, it tends to have spontaneously, without shadow interference with other external factors, the positive intention will enable customers to some kind of behavior.Generally engage in this behavior the stronger the will, the more likely to go for this beha

28、vior.Ajzen (1991) points out that the behavior intention than factors such as attitudes, feelings and beliefs that can more accurately describe the behavior, thus determine the consumer is in the future a certain period of time no will to take some actions, the best way is to know whether the intent

29、ion for the behavior.Fishbein Martin (1992) pointed out that the study of consumer behavior has for many years, for the traditional research methods in general consumer purchase decision process first, and then according to each part of the process of research Gui analysis, determine its influencing

30、 factors. This traditional method is a very bigdifficulty lies in the consumer behavior is hard to follow, even if can track, cost ishigh, its not good for scholars, after continuous exploration, many scholars have researched, not directly but through indirect research act intending to study consume

31、r behavior, because light behavior intention is the behavior of consumers, it often can accurately predict consumer behavior.3 analysis model and research hypothesisWeChat for the new marketing mode - WeChat provides a good platform, many companies want to seize this opportunity in try ing hard, try

32、 ing to use this platform to develop the enterprise itself. What WeChat most welcome, but consumers which WeChat marketing methods most easily accepted by consumers, marketing in different ways, specific how should operate, which WeChat marketing methods provide the possibility for its own developme

33、nt, the problem for WeChat marketing companies are universal, then this one problem to be solved.To conduct a comprehensive analysis, the function of the WeChat summary WeChat marketing various features and comparative analysis of advantages and disadvantages of WeChat and development prospects, and

34、 then build the WeChat marketing to the influence factors of consumer behavior model, the specific model is shown in figure 3.1.Trying to find the inner link between the variables, so as to better provide better theory basis for enterprises WeChat marketing and put forward the corresponding Suggesti

35、ons.3.1 WeChat marketing factorsOn consumer purchase decisions are involved in many disciplines, and different subjects scholars Angle and thinking is not the same, give the explanation is exactly the same. Even so, but can draw universal conclusion: enterprise products or services to consumers or i

36、ndirectly stimulate, and consumers through thinking, formed in the brain buying motives. Is consumer completed inside thinking process, this process now science cannot fully explain, relative to the outside world is visible, he is a black box process. Consumers ultimate behavior reflect consumer dec

37、ision-making, reflected the consumers attitudes, to release his preference information, and so on.Enterprise through WeChat marketing, on the basis of influence consumerattitudes of product, expects the consumer purchase behavior. Enterprises should behow to carry out marketing activities more effec

38、tively use WeChat? And what factors influence on the consumer purchase behavior of the dominant? To know consumers attitude toward WeChat marketing, explore WeChat marketing factors affecting consumer purchase behavior, in this paper using the depth interview method, the open-ended questions, the re

39、fining effect factors provide the basis for designing questionnaire.3.2 Build the modelTo conduct a comprehensive analysis, the function of the WeChat summarizing domestic WeChat marketing various features and comparative analysis of advantages and disadvantages of WeChat and development prospects,

40、and then build the WeChat marketing to the influence factors of consumer purchase decision model, the specific model is shown in figure 3.2.Trying to find the inner link between the variables, so as to better provide better theory basis for enterprise microblogging marketing and put forward the corr

41、esponding Suggestions.In this model emphasize WeChat marketing, brand image, the relations between and among purchase behavior. Including WeChat WeChat marketing mainly covers enterprise management maturity, enterprise WeChat content on marketing, discounts and promotions marketing and corporate WeC

42、hat and user interaction between marketing, etc.;Brand image is mainly the company image, brand performance and brand personality these three aspects.译文微信营销对消费者行为的影响研究 J Avery摘要科技的进步推动社会的发展。随着信息技术的不断发展,人类迎来了一个全 新的时代一一移动互联网时代。伴随移动互联网时代的到来,智能手机、平板电脑成为人们生活中一种不可或缺的工具。各类智能软件也借助手机、平板电脑等终端成为许多人的日常“伙伴”。 微信的

43、出现不仅拉进人们之间的距离,其许多优 秀的功能被企业所发现、利用,越来越多的企业花费很大的财力、人力、物力来 参与微信营销,通过微信来与消费者沟通、影响消费者行为。关键词:微信营销, 消费者行为,购买决策1 引言随着互联网时代的到临,各种应用软件借助手机、平板电脑走进人们的生活。 其中一款软件更是借助腾讯的平台迅速拥有众多的用户,它就是微信。微信的出 现不仅拉进人们之间的距离,其许多优秀的功能被企业所发现、利用,这就引发了 微信营销的热潮。2013 年初,微信仅仅在 2 年时间用户数量便突破 3 亿,发展速度 大大超过了微博。2014 年底,腾讯微信的全球注册用户数量己经超过了 6 亿,其中

44、活跃用户数超过 4.4 亿。微信成为手机即时通信中的零头羊,其下载量及用户数量 均处于全球首位,形成了全球“有华人的地方,就有微信”。在其推出海外版本后,由 于其优秀的功能也收到不少西方用户的青睐。微信的迅速发展拉进了人与人之间 的距离的同时,也拓宽了信息的传播渠道,加快了信息的传播速度,在潜移默化中 改变了人们获取信息的能力和交流方式。2 文献综述2.1 微信营销理论2.1.1 微信与微信营销微信(WeChat)是腾讯公司于 2011 年 1 月 21 日推出的一款支持 S 40、S 60v3、 S 60v5、BlackBerry、WindowsPhone、Android 以及 iPhone

45、 平台的即时通信软 件,其通过智能手机端向用户提供文字与图片分享,照片、视频共享,位置共享,并支 持分组聊天和语音,视频对讲功能,广播(一对多)消息,信息交流联系,互联网购物、 理财,游戏等服务,并有基于位置的社交插件“摇一摇”、“漂流瓶”和共享流媒体内 容的 Feed,微信通过手机网络或者互联网传输信息,支持多种语言,以及各种手机 数据网络,免费使用。微信推出后,借助腾讯这棵大树,迅速在手机用户中扎根成长, 受到了广大用户的喜爱,注册数量一直飙升,2013 年 1 月突破 3 亿,2014 年底,突破6 亿。其优秀的功能,众多的用户数量让许多企业看到这个移动平台广阔的市场, 纷纷利用这个平台

46、推广自己公司的品牌、产品。(完整译文请到百度文库)那么到底什么是微信营销? 微信营销是基于微信平台,企业通过该平台向其关注用户推广企业品牌以及产品的一种现代营销模式。本研究所研究的微信营销主要指的是企业通过微信公 众号向其关注用户推送与企业相关品牌或者产品或者其他营销信息。微信为企业 提供了多种方式去做营销,企业公众号和企业微信号。2014 年 8 月,腾讯公司 将企业公众号分为两种:订阅号和服务号。服务号相比订阅号多了一些精确的互 动,订阅号的互动只能是微信用户手动输入、语音向企业发送消息,而服务号的 互动方式除了订阅号的方式以外,还为用户提供了已经定义好的消息给用户,方 便用户发送,用户只

47、需要点击即可,企业已经为这种定义好的消息准备了确切的 答案。2.1.2 微信营销作用和发展趋势 首先,在企业的商业宣传活动中,相比较以往的墙面广告、发放宣传册等诸多传统的宣传模式。微信营销具有独特的优势能够实时的连接不同地域的消费 者群体。这些庞大的消费者群体是宣传企的数量巨大的潜在客户。微信消息的高 可达性和及时性为微信营销提供了巨大的优势,这与信息传播最新最快的理念是 一致的、相吻合的。由于微信用户是主动订阅企业的商业宣传活动信息和其他相 关信息,订阅者对该消息一般不存在抵触心理,企业也能够通过微信及时准确的 推送它的相关活动信息给商业宣传活动最重要的潜在消费者和使用者。其次,一种市场竞争

48、的体现形式可以用营销管理来实现,现如今市场经济竞 争如此激烈,微信营销能为企业带来更丰厚的利润和发展前景,是一种重要的营 销管理手段。微信营销不仅满足企业的发展需求,也给客户带来各种实惠和利好。再次,微信营销能够有效地将微信的感染力与口碑相结合,利用多元化的手 段来展示企业某款产品的优势理念、核心价值观等诸多深层次的价值。它能够给 受众带来心灵的震撼和友好的互动,发挥市场营销的巨大优势和宣传效应,带动 消费者从传统模式接受品牌价值到移动互联网接受品牌价值的转变。微信营销有 效的将品牌和口碑形象宣传产品结合在一起。在不久的将来,使用移动互联网的网民数目将大大超出使用传统互联网的网 民数目。而微信是腾讯公司在移动互联网上的重要战略布局,腾讯公司将利用微信这一种工具打造全新生态链,整合社交、娱乐、网购、通信、打车等自身拥有的资源,形成坚不可摧的壁垒,为自身以后的长远发展打下更好的基础。随着中国 网络和通信业务的放开,微信甚至以脱离基础网络服务商独立运行,为用户提供 通话和短信等通讯服务。未来,微信可能拥有自己的支付功能或者与财付通绑定, 在中国的支付领域与支付宝一争高下,在移动支付领域分得一杯羹。由于微信可 以调用手机的定位功能,未来可以与各行各业


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