教学设计What Do You Want To ea.doc

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《教学设计What Do You Want To ea.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《教学设计What Do You Want To ea.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、教学设计What Do You Want To ea小学低年级英语浸入式综合课程学生用书 1AUnit 3 Lesson Five What Do You Want To eat 一、教学目标:1、认识各种食物。2、愿意把自己的菜单与同学的分享。3、积极参加情景表演,能礼貌地向别人表达自己的需要,会选择食品。4、New words and expressions: bread milk cake hamburger hot dog rice noodle banana What do you like/want to eat ? My favorite food is Dont eat too

2、 much at a time . 二、教学准备:1、学生自带食物、动物头饰2、纸制电冰箱、餐牌、食物图片3、课件录像三、Teaching procedure:(一) Free talk: 1)What day is it ? Its 2)Whos on duty today?3) Whats the weather like today?(每次上课前,师生间或学生间进行自由对话,提供学生输出语言的机会。)(二)Teaching of the new materials:1、Teacher points to the pupils food and say: Wow , so much foo

3、d !So much fruits! You have got many things to eat today . (课题设计写有文字和画有食物,老师边指课题边讲述)I really want to eat . “What do you want to eat”? 2、Show the food Teacher points to the fridge which is made by paper and say: We have many delicious food to eat everyday .They are (Teacher introduces her favorite fo

4、od ,then stick the pictures under the teachers photo .)I like hamburgers . I like to eat apples . (Teacher introduces her parents favorite food ,then stick the pictures under her parents photos .)My mother/father likes to eat 3、Stick your favorite food under your photo ,then try to speak in English

5、.(以6人或5人为一小组活动。每组一幅图,图上有小组成员的照片。把装在信封里的食物图片贴在自己的照片下。)4、Ask some kids to tell their favorite food .5、Show the teachers picture and tell them the food that she likes.I like vegetables . I always eat fish . Sometimes I have milk and egg for breakfast . Sometimes I have porridge and dimsum for breakfast

6、 . I like pork. I like beef. And I like fruits: grape、 orange 、apple 、pear、 peach、 strawberry etc. I eat every kind of food . Look , I am strong and tall .I am beautiful . But I dont eat too much at a time . Its harmful . It can be fat . Its easy to get the stomachache .(老师讲述自己喜欢多样食物,引导学生不要暴饮暴吃,再而引出

7、下面的录像。)6、 Watch video. (video:After playing basketball, he went home and drank much coke ,ate too much food.)Learn:Dont eat too much at a time .Its harmful .Never do that again .7、Performance: We cant eat too much at a time .How can we do ? Here is a performance . I need two pupils to help me. Lets

8、see who has a healthy diet . (设2张桌椅,台上放肉、蛋、花生、玉米、牛奶、葡萄,请1位学生表演挑吃的情形,另1位学生表演不挑吃的情形。学生表演过程中,老师讲述有关英语。)(三)、Development1、Dine at a restaurant .1)If you want something ,you should be polite and gentle .Watch TV (video):Learn the following sentences:May/Can I have . Yes, please have 2)Choose your favorite

9、 food ,then color the pictures .(每人一张餐牌,在喜欢的食物中涂上自己喜欢的颜色。要体现出健康、合理!)3)Talk in a restaurant:A: Can I help you ? B: Yes . I like to have a hamburger .A: What about you ? C:I like to eat sausage .A: What do you want to eat , please? D: I want to drink coca-cola.A: OK .Wait a moment ,please .(以6人或5人为一小组

10、,老师当服务员,同学们假设当时在餐厅里,自由地小声地谈论准备向服务员要点的东西。为了让学生感受到在餐厅吃东西的情景,课前预先在每组台放一瓶花。在此活动过程,放轻音乐。)2、Have a buffet dinner .Father Rabbit invites the animals to have a buffet dinner . The animals behave so politely and gently . They have a good time . Now you will perform the animals and enjoy the party .Wish you h

11、ave a good time !(学生戴上各种动物头饰,用I like. May I have 等讲述。分2个活动点,每个活动点各有1人扮演白兔爸爸,他们在老师的指导下用Yes, please have 等回答。) (四)、Homework .1、 Take every kind of food in your daily life .2、 Draw the food that you and your parents like:FatherMotherMe教学反思:本节课教学内容与生活相结合。一年级学生能讲的英语较少,为了让学生有一个良好的学习氛围,我先把课室布置得象餐馆一样,墙面上有价格



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