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1、英语复习小结一、 名词:有可数名词和不可数名词。1、可数名词有单数、复数之分,名词复数形式的构成规则:(1) 一般在名词词尾加“ s”如: teacher teachersegg-eggs(2) 以 s, x, sh, ch 结尾的名词加es如 class-classesbox-boxesbus -buseswatch-watches(3) 以辅音字母 +y 的名词变 y 为 i 再加 es如: story-stor ieslibrary-librar ies,dictionary-dictionar ieshobby-hobb ies(4) 以 f, fe 结尾的名词,变f, fe 为 v

2、加 es如:life -li vesleaf -lea veshalf-hal vesknife-kni veswolf-wol veswife-wi ves(5) 以 o 结尾的名词“英雄芒果土豆西红柿”加eshero-heroesmango- mangoespotato- potatoestomato- tomato es其 余 加s ( 目 前 所 学 的 词 )zoo-zooskilo-kilosradioradiosphoto-photospiano-pianos(6)不规则名词单复数形式如:child childrenwoman - womenman -menfoot-feetto

3、oth-teeth有的可数名词单、复数形式相同,如Japanese,Chinese,sheep,如:I have one sheep. He has two sheep.2、不可数名词没有复数形式不可数名词有:(1)milk, water, juice, tea, ice;(2) food, rice, meat, fish, chicken, bread, cheese(3) paper, newspaper , hair, time, money, homework, housework不可数名词的数量常表示如下two bottles of milka cup of juicehalf a

4、kilo of cheesea bag of ricethree kilos of meatsomewater二、人称代词人称代词包括主格和宾格。主格在句中作主语,宾格用于动词或介词后作宾语。主Iweyouhesheitthey格宾meusyouhimheritthem格我我你 ,他她它他们们你们We are going to have a picnic.Let us go.I miss everyone in China.Who can helpme?What is he doing?He is trying to get on the bus.Look at him .She canthe

5、ar.This dog helps her .Tell me more about the Great Wall.三物主代词物主代词包括形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。形容词性物主代词后需跟名词,名词性物主代词后不用跟。名词性物主代词含义= 形容词性物主代词+名词的含义1形myouryourhisheritstheir容词性物主代词名mineoursyourshishersitstheirs词性物主代词我的我你他她它他 们们的 ,的的的的的你 们的This is my book . = This book is mine .This is his bag .= This bag is his

6、.Your watch is old, but hers is new.Thanksgiving is my favourite festival.We say “Thank you”for our food, family and friends.四、 疑问词who 谁what 什么when 什么时候what time 几点where 哪里why为 什么how怎样how much 多少howmany多 少howold多 大whose 谁的what colour 什么颜色how long多长1.对人物提问用whoWho gave it to you?Simons family gave itt

7、o me.Who can help me?I can help you.2. 对事物或做某事提问用whatWhat do you want?I want a hotdog.What are you doing?I am reading abook.What are you going to study?I m going tostudy English.What are you going to do?Were going towalk around the lake.Whats it about?Its aboutanimals.3. 对时间提问用 whenWhen are you goin

8、g to eat? Were going to eat at half past twelve.When was he born?He was born in1809.4. 对点钟提问用 what timeWhat time is it?It s twelve.What time do you get up?I get up at sixoclock.5. 对地点提问用 whereWhere was he born?He wasborninFrance.Where are you?I am on the train.Wheres yourmum?Shes atthesupermarket.6.

9、 对原因提问用whyWhy are youwearinga raincoat?Becauseit s going to rain.7.对身体状况或方式提问用howHow are you?Im fine.2How are you going to go to school?I m going to goto school by bus.8.对价钱或不可数名词的数量提问用how muchHowmuch is it?It s thirteen dollars andtwenty-five cents.Howmuch milkdo you want?I want twobottles of milk.

10、9.对可数名词的数量提问用how manyHow many books are there on the desk?There are three books on the desk.10. 对年龄提问用 how oldHow old are you?Im twelve.11.对“某人的”提问用whoseWhose cap is this?Its Amys cap.Whose pen is that?It s his pen.12. 对颜色提问用 what colourWhat colour is it?It s black.13. 对星期提问用 what dayWhat day is it

11、today?It s Monday.14. How long is it?It s about six thousand seven hundred kilometers.特殊疑问句语序:疑问词+ 一般疑问句语序?例: How do you go to school?疑问词(做主语)+ 谓语动词+ ?例: Who gave it to you?五时态1. 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。经常与表示过去的时间连用。如yesterday(昨天), last week(上周) , last month(上个月) , lastyear(去年) , two months ago(两个月

12、前)等。构成: (1)肯定句:主语 +动词过去式 + He made a video.否定句:主语 +didnt + 动词原形 + He didn tmake a video.一般疑问句: Did + 主语 +动词原形 + .?Did he make a video?(2) be 动词用was, were .否定句在was,were 后加 not.一般疑问句把was, were提前到句首。She was born in America.She was not born in America.Was she born in America?2. 现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作构成:主语 +am

13、 /is / are+ 现在分词 +The birds are singing in the trees.否定句在 am /is / are 后加 not.The birds are not singing in the trees.一般疑问句把am /is / are 提前到句首。Are the birds singing in the trees?3.一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态。经常与表示将来的时间连用。如tomorrow(明天 ),next week(下周) , next year(明年)等。构成: (1) 主语 + will +动词原形 +He will pic

14、kup the apples.否定句在 will 后加 not.He will not pickup the apples.一般疑问句把will 提前到句首。Will he pick up the apples?(2) 主语 + be going to + 动词原形 +We are going to studyFrench.否定句在am /is / are 后加 not.We are not going to study French. 一般疑问句把 am /is / are 提前到句3首。Are you going to study French?4. 一般现在时表示经常性,习惯性的动作或存

15、在的状态。构成:( 1)主语 +am /is / are+否定句在 am /is / are后加 not.一般疑问如: study -studiedcopy-copiedcry-criedcarry-carried4.有些动词双写最后一个字母再加ed,如: stop -stoppeddrop- dropped5、不规则动词的过去式变化规律性不强,须多加记忆。句把 am /is / are 提前到句首。动词原形动词过去式动词原形动词过去式Helen Keller is a model for blind peoplegowentcomecameand for you and me.becomeb

16、ecamebringbrought(2)肯定句:主语 +动词原形 + saysaidputputThe ducks like it.teachtaughtcancould否定句:主语 +dont +动词原形 + readreadgivegaveThe ducks don tlike it.am/iswasarewere一 般 疑 问 句 : Do + 主 语 + 动 词 原 形dodidflyflew+ .?havehadmakemadeDo the ducks like it?runranseesaw(3)肯定句:主语 (三单 )+动词第三人称单数riderodewinwon形式 + get

17、gottelltoldHe likes noodles.eatatesendsent否定句:主语 +doesnt +动词原形 + taketookbuyboughtHe doesntlike noodles.sitsatmeetmet一般疑问句: Does + 主语 + 动词原形writewrotedrawdrew+ .?swimswamflyflewDoes he like noodlesrinkdrankgivegaveringrangfallfell六动词过去式形式规则动词的过去式构成七动词 ing 形式也是现在分词形式1.一般在动词词尾加 ed现在分词的构成规则如: work - wo

18、rkedplay-playedwatch-1. 一般在动词词尾直接加“ing”watchedsleep-sleepinglook-looking2.以 e结尾动词在词尾加dwear-wearing如: live - livedsend-sendingeat-eating3.以辅音字母 + y 结尾的动词, 把 y 变为 i 再加sing-singingedgo-goingjump-jumping4play-playing2. 以不发音的e 结尾的动词要去掉e 再加上“ ing ”write-writingcome-comingride-ridinghave-havingmake-makings

19、hine-shiningtake-takingclose- closing3. 有些动词双写最后一个字母再加“ing ”get-gettingput-puttingsit-sittingrun-runningswim-swimmingskip-skippingshop-shopping八动词第三人称单数形式动词第三人称单数的构成规则1大多数动词在词尾加“ S.”stop stopsmake makesreadreadsplayplayssay sei says sez2以辅音字母加 “ y结”尾的,要先将 “ y变”为 “,i”然后在加 “es”fly fliescarrycarriesstu

20、dystudiesworry worries3以 “ s, x, sh, ch, o ”结尾,在词尾加“ es. ”teach teacheswatch watchesgo goesdo- does九、情态动词can过去式 could后加动词原形I can write English.I can carrythis bag.I can helpyou.We can always be friends.Later shecould read and write.否定句在 can, could 后加 notcan not = cantcould not = couldn tWe cant go n

21、ow.Icant writeChinese.I cant carryeverything.His friends canthear him.She couldntsee and she couldnthear.一般疑问句把can, could 提前到句首。Can you swim?Yes, I can. / No, I can t.Can you speak English?Can I write toyour friends?Can you be my Chinese pen friend?Yes, ofcourse.十反义词big-smalllong-shortnew-oldtall-sh

22、ortyoung-oldheavy-lighteasy-hard/difficultup-downearly-latefat-thinwhite-blackcry-laughdifferent -sameinside-outsidehot-coldhappy-sadgood-badclean-dirtybring-takethis-thatthese-thosealways-neverwoman-man十一、同音词for- fourson- sunhour- ourtoo-tworight-writeeye -Iarent-auntsent-centwhere-weartheir-thereb

23、y-buysee-sea十二 .、近义词5good- wellstudy - learn十三、缩写形式与完全形式I am = Imhe is = hesshe is = shesit is = it sthat is = thatswhatis=whatslet us = letswe are = weretheyare=they reyou are= yourecan not= cantcould not = couldntshould not = shouldntwillnot=wontI ll = I willwell = we willdo not = dontdoes not=doe

24、sntdid not = didn tit has got = it s gotI have got = I ve gothave not = haventhas not = hasntare not = arentis not = isnt十四、小学英语分类单词和词组天气:rain 下雨snow下雪rainy有雨的snowy 有雪的hot 炎热的cold寒冷的warm 温暖的cool 凉爽的windy 有风的sunny 晴朗的食物:hamburger 汉堡hot dog 热狗sandwich 三明治chip 薯条chicken 鸡肉fish鱼肉meat 肉noodles 面条rice 大米s

25、oup 汤cake蛋糕bread 面 包cheese奶酪vegetable 蔬 菜fruit水 果sausage 香 肠biscuit 饼干sweets糖果ice cream 冰激凌peanut 花生饮料:milk 牛奶tea茶orange juice橙 汁coffee 咖啡cola 可乐water 水juice 果汁颜色:red 红色的green 绿色的yellow 黄色的black黑色的 white 白色的orange 橙色的 blue 蓝色的purple 紫色的pink 粉红色的星期:Monday 星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday 星期四Friday 星

26、期五Saturday 星期六Sunday 星期日月份:January 一月 February 二月March 三月 April四月May 五月 June 六月July 七月August八月September 九月 October 十月November十一月December 十二月季节:spring 春天summer 夏天autumn 秋天winter冬天数字:one 一two 二three 三four四five 五six 六seven 七eight八nine九ten 十eleven 十 一twelve 十二thirteen 十三fourteen 十四fifteen 十五sixteen 十六se

27、venteen 十七eighteen 十八nineteen 十九twenty 二十thirty三十forty 四十fifty五十sixty 六十seventy 七十eighty 八十ninety 九十one hundred 一百one thousand 一千one million 一百万6衣服:T-shirtT 恤衫dress 裙子 sweater 毛衣 trousers裤子skirt 短裙sock 袜子shoe 鞋coat 外套,上衣动物:cat 猫dog狗monkey 猴panda 熊猫elephant 大象tiger 老虎 lion狮子pig 猪chameleon 变色龙snake 蛇m

28、ouse老 鼠bear 熊kangaroo 袋鼠frog 青蛙parrot 鹦鹉bird 鸟owl 猫头鹰camel 骆驼家庭成员:grandmother奶 奶grandfather 爷 爷grandparents 祖父母mother妈妈father爸爸parents 父母亲brother兄弟sister姐妹uncle 叔,伯,舅aunt 阿姨cousin 表兄弟学科:Chinese 语文English英语Math 数学 PE 体育Art 艺术Science科学Physics 物理 Chemistry 化学 History 历史 Geography 地理节日:Flag Day国 旗 日Than

29、ksgiving Day感 恩 节Halloween万 圣 节Easter Festival复 活 节Christmas 圣诞节Spring Festival 春节Lantern Festival 元宵节Dragon Boat Festival 端午节Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节名胜景点:Big Ben 大本钟the River Thames 泰晤士河HydePark 海德公园Tower Bridge塔桥the LondonBridge 伦敦桥the British Museum大 英博 物 馆theLondon Eye 伦敦眼the Great Wall长城the Summe

30、r Palace 颐和园the ChangjiangRiver长江the West Lake西湖the Huangshan Mountain 黄山The Ming Tombs 明十三陵Mount Qomolangma 珠穆朗玛峰球类:play football 踢足球play basketball 打篮球playbaseball 打棒球play tabletennis打乒乓球playvolleyball 打排球棋类:play chess 下象棋乐器:play the guitar 弹吉他playthe drums 敲鼓playthe zither 弹吉他 play the piano 弹钢琴p

31、lay theflute 吹笛子 play the trumpet 吹小号体育运动:have a SportsDay举 行 运 动 会domorningexercises 做早操do Taijiquan 打太极拳do the high jump 跳远dothe long jump 跳高run the 100 meters 跑一百米run fast 跑得快jump high 跳高jump long跳远swim 游泳 go swimming 去游泳skip 跳绳control the ball控制球catch the ball 接球row aboat 划船生日:Happy Birthday!生日快

32、乐make a birthday card制作生日卡片have a birthday party 举办生日派对have a great birthday 过愉快的生日交通工具:by bus 乘公共汽车by car 乘小汽车by bike 骑自行车by plane 乘飞机by ship 乘轮船by train 坐7火车on foot 步行词组:fly kites 或者 fly a kite放风筝go to see films 去看电影watchTV看电视playcomputergames玩电脑游戏have a picnic 吃野餐go to school去上学go home 回家go to th

33、e park 去公园go to middle school 去上中学go to bed去 睡 觉gothere去 那里goshopping去购物go tothe doctor 去看病 saygoodnight道晚安flyaway飘走make avideo 制作录像make mistakes 犯错误write aletter 写信writea book 写书take pictures=takephotos 照相listen to music听音乐read a book读书read stories 读故事do homework 做作业make a cake 做蛋糕makedumplings 做饺子

34、wash clothes 洗衣服make ane-card 制作电子卡片rideahorse 骑马climbmountains 爬山 climb trees 爬树have a lovely time玩的开心ask questions 问问题make a list 列清单 shopping list 购物单 collect stamps 收集邮票sing songs 唱歌turn left 向左转clean the classroom 打扫教室eat fast food 吃快餐turn right 向 右 转gostraighton直 走have a cold 感冒have a headache

35、头疼 have breakfast 吃早餐havelunch 吃午餐have supper 吃晚餐 = have dinnerhave a baseball team 组建棒球队come on 加油come in 进来come from 来自 = be fromcome back 回来click on 点击go up the hill 上山go downthe hill 下山play with dolls 玩洋娃娃findout 查找begood at 擅长bring back 归还out of往外of course当然可以in English 用英语all over the world=all around theworld 全世界stand up 起立sit down 坐下at the weekend 在周末not at all 一点也不get up 起床get on 上车get off 下车in a hurry 匆忙next to 挨着 turn on the light


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