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1、精品文档Unit 1Were going to read stories词汇: ( 注: part B部分的词汇要求与图片一起记忆)story故事listen to听,倾听interesting有趣的play戏剧,演出talk about谈论,讨论write about写,记述put on上演,演出great好极了,太棒了二、句型:1、 Are we going to write?我们要写吗?Yes, we are.是的,我们是。No, we aren t.不,我们不是。2、 What are we going to do today?我们今天要做什么?We are going to list

2、en to some interesting stories.我们准备听一些有趣的故事。We are going to read them.我们要读它们。We are going to talk about them.我们要把它们讲述出来。We are going to write about them.我们要写关于它们的。We are going to put on a short play.我们要演一个简短的戏剧。Unit 2 We are going to do some research一、词汇:research调查,研究find找到,发现information信息study学习,研究

3、think想,思考report报告collect收集二、句型:1、 What are we going to do?我们要做什么?We are going to do some research.我们要做一些调查。We are going to read and find information.我们要阅读,找出信息。We are going to collect pictures.我们要收集图片We are going to study and think.我们要研究和思考。We are going to write a report.我们要写成报告。Unit 3 Lets make a k

4、ite一、词汇:kite风筝 paper纸 show展示,给看bamboo竹子tie系cut切,削,剪draw绘制,画paint涂料,描绘glue粘合二、句型:1 、 Miss Li is showing us how to make a kite.李老师正在给我们展示怎样做一只风筝。2 、 Let me show you how to make a kite.让我来给你们展示怎样制作一只风筝。3、 First, cut the bamboo.首先,切开竹子。And then, cut the paper.然后,剪纸。1 欢迎下载精品文档Next, draw a picture and pai

5、nt it with a brush.下一步,画一张图并用刷子上色。Lastly, glue the paper on the bamboo and tie a string to the kite.最后,把纸粘在竹子上,并给风筝系上细绳。Unit 4 Don ttalk here一、词汇:here在这里Mrs夫人,太太take把带往library图书馆park公园 throw丢,扔waste废弃的 , 浪费的floor地板road道路二、词组:in the library在图书馆in the park在公园in class在课堂里on the floor在地板上on the road在道路上

6、on the wall在墙壁上三、句型:1 、 Dont+动词原形 .( Don t=Do not)Don ttalk in the library.不要在图书馆说话。Don teat in class.不要在课堂上吃东西。Don tthrow waste paper on the floor.不要把废纸扔在地上。Don tdraw on the wall.不要在墙壁上乱画。Don tplay football on the road.不要在路上踢足球。Don tpick flowers in the park.不要在公园里摘花。2 、 Mrs Chen is taking Dongdong

7、to the library.陈女士正带着东东去图书馆。Unit 5 When s your birthday?一、词汇:(注:月份单词第一个字母要大写)January一月 February二月March三月April四月May五月 June六月July七月 August八月 September九月October十月November十一月December十二月year年 month月International Childrens Day国际儿童节二基数词 - 序数词。(注:要默写)one firsttwo - secondthree - thirdfour - fourthfive - fif

8、thsix - sixthseven - seventheight - eighthnine - ninthten-tenth三、句型:1 、 Whens your birthday? My birthday is in March. It你的生日是什么时候?s on the fifth of March.我的生日在三月。它是在三月五号。My birthday is in May. Its on the fourth of May.我的生日在五月。它是在五月四号。2 、具体日期书写规则:on the序数词 of月份 .时间段:in月份。2 欢迎下载精品文档Unit 6 Ill make a b

9、eautiful card词汇:celebrate庆祝restaurant餐馆Mothers Day card母亲节贺卡gift礼物二、句型:1 、 I will +动词原形( I will = Ill =I am going to )我将要做 .What will you do for your mother?你将要为你妈妈做些什么?Ill make a beautiful card for her.我要给她制作一张漂亮的卡片。Ill buy her a box of chocolates.我要给她买一盒巧克力。Ill buy some flowers for my mother.我要给我妈

10、妈买一些花。My father and I will cook a delicious dinner.我爸爸和我将要做美味的晚餐。2 、 Happy Mother s Day!母亲节快乐 !Happy Childrens Day!儿童节快乐!Happy Teachers Day!教师节快乐!3 、 She likes roses.她喜欢玫瑰。Unit 7 Theres a post office near my school一、词汇shopping centre购物中心post office邮局cinema电影院hotel宾馆bank银行street街道park公园shop商店there那里

11、over there在那里near在 .附近around在 .周围二、句型1 、 Is there a park near your school?你的学校旁边有一个公园吗?Is there a post office around here?这儿附近有一个邮局吗?Is there a shopping centre at the end of the street?在街道的尽头有一个购物中心吗?肯定回答:Yes, there is.是的,那里有。否定回答:No, there isnt.不,那里没有。Unit 8 Can you show me the way to the Xinhua ho

12、tel?一、词汇turn left向左转 turn right向右转go straight直走 get on上车get off下车hotel宾馆hospital医院airport机场railway station火车站way道路;路线crossing十字路口stop停车站along沿着句型1、 Can you show me the way to the Xinhua Hotel?你能给我指一下去新华宾馆的路吗?2、 Just go straight along this road.沿着这条路直走就行了。3 欢迎下载精品文档3 、 Then turn left at the second cr

13、ossing.然后在第二个十字路口向左转。4、 Where should I get off?我应该在哪里下车?Get off at the third stop.在第三个停车站下车。Unit 9 He s kind to children词汇kind 和蔼的 ; 亲切的friendly友好的smart聪明的active活跃的village村庄teach教interested感兴趣的serious严肃的句型1、 He is kind to children.他对孩子们很和蔼。He is serious.他是严肃的。2、 He looks friendly.他看起来很友好。He looks sm

14、art.他看起来很聪明。Unit 10 Where were you yesterday?词汇yesterday昨天sick有病的better更好的work工作last最近过去的过去式:are - wereis/am -wasgo-wentsee-sawvisit-visitedlike-likedsay-saiddo-did句型1、 Where were you yesterday?昨天你在哪里?I was sick. I was in bed at home.我病了。我在家卧床。Unit 11 Who was first?词汇sport运动 metre米race赛跑过去式: run-ran

15、come-camesing-sangwant-wantedtell-told make-made dance-dancedread-readplay-played love-lovedhave-hadtake-took句型1、 Who was first?谁是第一?Henry was first.亨利是第一。2 、 Everybody was ready.每个人都准备好。3 、 The girls ran fast. They wanted to win.女生们跑得很快。她们想要赢。Unit 12 Where did you go?词汇go to the forest去森林go to the

16、museum去博物馆make notes记笔记take pictures拍照ask questions问问题listen to music听音乐。4 欢迎下载精品文档句型1、 Where did you go?你们去了哪里?We went to the mountains.我们去了山里。2、 What did you do?你们做了什么?We took pictures.我们拍照。3、 What did you see?你们看到了什么?We saw birds, trees and flowers.我们看到了鸟,树还有花儿。注意:四种时态:一般过去时,一般现在时,现在进行时,一般将来时这个学期

17、学习的重点是一般将来时(第1, 2, 6 单元)和一般过去时(第10,11,12单元)一般将来时:be going to +动词原形 = will +动词原形表示将要 .一般过去时:句子中有表示过去的时间,如:yesterday, last week等动词要用它的过去式。一般现在时:be 动词:主语 +be(am,is,are)+其他。如: I am a boy.行为动词:主语 +行为动词( +其他)。如: We study English.当主语是第三人称单数(he she ,it)时,要在动词后加“-s ”或“ -es ” .如: She likes English.现在进行时 : 表示现在正在进行或发生的动作。句中有look, now等词肯定句基本结构:be(am,is,are)+动词 ing 。如: The girl is dancing in the classroom.。5 欢迎下载精品文档欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。6 欢迎下载


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