高中英语 Unit14 Careers Section Ⅰ Warmup Your Choice 语言点一 单词集释板块 北师大版必修5.doc

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1、Unit 14 Careers Section Warm-up Your Choice 语言点一 单词集释板块.单词拼写1The Olympic winner received a gold medal as a reward(奖赏)2You can read any book free of charge (费用)3My monthly income (收入) was just over 200 pounds.4Under his coachs guidance (指导), he learned how to swim.5She is casual (随便) about winning th

2、e prize.6I wish you two would stop quarrelling (争吵)7I have consulted (查阅) a large number of law books in the British Museum.8His wages (薪金) are 100 dollars per week.9The ladies over there are receptionists (接待员)10Health insurance (保险) can pay for all your treatment if you are ill.单项填空1The old couple

3、 have been married for fifty years and never once _ each other.Athey had quarrelled overBthey have quarrelled overChave they quarrelled withDhad they quarrelled with解析:quarrel with sb.“与某人争吵”, 排除A、B两项;and连接两个并列的简单句, 前后时态应该一致, 后面的分句中never置于句首, 句子应该采用倒装结构。答案:C2Youd better _ the dictionary for the mean

4、ing of the word.Alook upBreferCconsult Dcheck解析:本句表示“查阅词典”。look up的宾语应该是所要查找的内容;refer后面应该跟to;check的意思为“核对”。consult意为“查阅(词典、参考书等)”, 符合题意。答案:C3It is said that he is the manager of the company. In other words, the company is _ him.Ain charge of Btaking charge ofCin the charge of Dunder charge of解析:句意:据

5、说他是这个公司的经理, 换句话说公司由他管理。in charge of“掌管,负责”;in the charge of“由掌管”;take charge of“掌管”,表示动作;D项结构错误。答案:C4I dont expect any _; I did it because I enjoyed it.Aaward BrewardCprize Dpraise解析:句意:我不期望任何回报, 我做这件事是因为我喜欢。 reward“报酬”;award“奖品,奖金”;prize“奖品,奖赏”;praise“称赞,赞扬”。答案:B5Lowincome residents cant afford to _ a doctor or purchase medicines when they get sick.Aclaim BconsultCoccupy Dcapture解析:句意:低收入的居民生病时付不起看病和买药钱。claim“宣称,要求”;consult“咨询,请教”;occupy“占用”;capture“捕获,俘获”。答案:B


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