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1、小学英语课堂教学的思考,湖北省教研室 周诗杰 2013年9月 武汉,语法教学案例,本节课主要教授什么语法点? 语法点的教授是通过什么主要任务来实施的? 这样的任务能用到你自己的课堂吗?,What are these in English?,Where can you put them?,Objects we use in our daily life.,Where is the glass?,In the middle of the tray At the top on the left of the tray At the bottom on the right of the tray Be

2、hind the tray Under the tray In front of the tray ,This is Joes tray. Please look at the tray and try to remember whats on the tray in three seconds?,Task 1,Make a list in English of as many things as you can remember by yourself. Work in pairs to share your list.,Lets see how many objects we can re

3、member together. Lets double check the answer together.,Lets double check the answer together.,Are the following sentences true or false?,There is an exercise book on the left of the coins. The keys are between the coins and the banana. There are some bananas at the top on the left. The ten pound no

4、te is in the middle of the tray. There is a glass on the left of the ruler. There are some keys between the coins and the address book.,Task 2,Work in pairs to write sentences of your own about the picture three true sentences and three false.,Lets have a competition!,Between Beauty and Beast,One pl

5、ayer from Beauty reads out one sentence and choose a player from Beast to tell from memory if the sentence is true or false. Correct the sentence if it is false. If the player answers correctly, Beast will get one point. Exchange the roles and game continues. The team with more points will be the wi

6、nners.,What are the six correct sentences?,Useful structures,There is a on the right of the The is next to the There are keys between the and the The are on the left of the ,Task repetition: find out the watches and clocks,Reflection,1. As a language learner, how do you feel during the above learnin

7、g activities? What do you focus on when you talk about the objects on the tray? What language skills can you practice when taking part in the above activities?,思考回顾,本节课主要教授什么语法点? There is/are a/some + prepositional phrases The is/are + prepositional phrases 上述两种结构的表意功能 语法点的教授是通过什么主要任务来实施的? A memory

8、challenge task 这样的任务能用到你自己的课堂吗? 改变任务难度:词汇的数量和难度、位置关系,A task or not?,Determine how task-like a given activity is by asking the following questions: Does the activity engage learners interest? Is there a primary focus on meaning? Is there an outcome? Is success judged in terms of outcome? Is completio

9、n a priority? Does the activity relate to real world activities?,阅读教学案例,Stage 1 Priming for prediction,Hello, Ive just jumped off the Empire State Building,Task 1 Listing,How could someone who has just jumped off the Empire State Building possibly be alive to tell the tale? Work in groups to think o

10、f as many explanations as you can. You can use simple drawings to help with your explanations.,Possible response,He was wearing a parachute.,Possible response,He was abseiling.,Possible response,He was jumping bungee.,Other possible responses,He only jumped from the ground floor; He had a safety net

11、. He has things on his back, like rubber, like elastic. He jumps like this .,Stage 2 Prediction task,Here are some words and phrases taken from the article. They appear in the same order here as in the article: All alone in New York decided to kill himself the 86th floor held on to the safety fence

12、over 1000 feet below a narrow ledge the offices of a television station the strong wind poured myself a stiff drink a great Christmas Work in groups to decide what happened. Try to include information from as many of the clues as possible.,Comment,这个阶段任务的核心是 involves meaning-focused language use. 学生

13、自己根据提示预测故事,或者列出问题等,通过这个任务,教师可以有效地实施语言教学,教师可以在这个阶段给学生教授一些必要的语言知识,激活学生的背景知识,有了教师的提示,学生会更加注意到文本中的语言现象。,Stage 3: Preparing for report,Ask learners to prepare one member of their group to tell the story they have decided on, so that he or she can tell that story to the whole class. Comment 因为学生要给全班讲述这个故事

14、,所以讲述的人必须同时兼顾准确性和流畅性。他们想做的最好,因此必须流利。他们肯定用自己认为的最好的和最有效的语言来讲述故事,这个就是准确了,他们甚至还会要争论已达成最好的版本。教师这时候的主要工作就是给学生提供语言帮助和解决学生的争端。,Stage 4: Report,Target task: storytelling Members from two or three groups tell their story to the whole class who listen in order to compare stories.,Comment,每个讲故事的人得到了很好的语言操练;故事真实

15、性强。 学生在听故事时,教师要注意给学生足够听的理由,经常问的问题是: Listen carefully to Xs story. Is it the same as yours? Does X miss anything important out? Now listen carefully to Y as he tells the story. Is it different from Xs story in any way? Does it have any more details? Does Y miss anything out? 教师可以把故事再讲一遍,在讲的过程中更正学生在讲解

16、故事时的语言错误。还可以提醒学生注意这些语言错误。从更加积极的方面来看,教师可以强调学生已经用的比较好的语言,这个就需要教师在听学生讲解时记录下学生使用比较成功的、得体的语言。 下一步就是学生回去把故事重新构思,然后写出来当做家庭作业。下次课拿着这个故事和真正的故事对照。,Stage 5: Reading,Comment:学生阅读的目的和过程非常真实。他们带着强烈的好奇心来阅读故事,正如现实生活中的读者读报纸或杂志的文章一样。阅读目的性非常强:验证自己的猜测,或者满足自己的好奇心,这样阅读就成了任务中的任务了。 Read Comment: 似乎阅读本身的过程需要的时间不长,但是,这种方式符合所

17、有的语言学习的理念。教师可以问学生猜测是否正确,还是部分正确?接着,他们可以重复任务,一遍让学生对词汇和语法更加熟悉,意义也更加清楚。最后,他们可以仔细研究文本的词汇、语法和文本特征等。,Stage 6: Focus on form,教师可以让学生划出这些表示地点的表达法。另外还有一个结构很重要,即I took the from to ,还有一个语法现象是关于反身代词的用法,如表强调的反身代词:Jim Burney himself,反身代词作直接宾语:to kill himself, threw himself off, found himself on a narrow ledge,还有一个

18、反身代词作间接宾语的:I poured myself a stiff drink.教师也可以让学生找出这些带反身代词的句子,以便提请学生今后注意这些反身代词的用法。,Stage 7: Evaluation,Did the students find the prediction task too difficult or too easy? Would the students have liked more help? Did the students like the story? Did the students need more help with vocabulary before

19、 the reading stage? Did the students feel the language was useful?,The framework of task-based reading,Stage 1: Priming for prediction Stage 2: Prediction task Stage 3: Preparing for report Stage 4: Report Stage 5: Reading Stage 6: Focus on form Stage 7: Evaluation,小结:主要观点,从形式入手还是从意义入手课堂教学是区分传统教学与新课

20、程教学的重要分水岭; 在操作时,一个非常有用的范式是把传统的PPP颠倒过来,先考虑本节课要输出什么,然后再考虑怎样通过任务链来完成任务,最后落实到语言形式的习得上来; 设计真实、有意义、与学生生活密切相关的任务是一堂课能否成功的关键。,新课程理念下的小学英语课堂教学原则,意义先于形式原则(Meaning first) 真实性原则 (Authenticity) 循环性原则 (Recycling) 任务依存原则 (Task dependency) 在做中学原则 (Learning by doing) “脚手架”原则 (Scaffolding) 互动性原则 (Interaction),主要参考书目,

21、龚亚夫,罗少茜. 任务型语言教学(修订版). 北京:人民教育出版社, 2003. Dave Willis & Jane Willis. Doing task based teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. David Nunan. Task-Based Language Teaching. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2011. Rod Ellis. Task-based Language Learning and Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. 陈琳等. 义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)解读. 北京:北京师范大学出版社, 2012.,欢迎批评指正!,


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