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1、关于中职计算机教学中学生自主学习能力的培养中英文对照On the cultivation of students autonomous learning ability of vocational school computer teaching in Chinese and English.摘要:培养学生的自主学习能力,是学好计算机应用技术的有效途径,也是现代计算机信息技术快速发展的需要,只有具备一定的自主学习能力,才能跟上计算机日新月异的技术更新步伐。本文从中职计算机课堂教学出发,结合自己多年的教学经验,对如何培养学生的自主学习意识和能力提出了一些探索思路。 Abstract the cu

2、ltivation of students autonomous learning ability, is an effective way to learn computer application technology, and is also the need of modern computer information technology rapid development, only to have the ability of studying independently, to keep up with the pace of change rapidly updated co

3、mputer technology. This article from the vocational computer classroom teaching, combined with my years of teaching experience, puts forward some ideas on how to cultivate students autonomous learning consciousness and ability.关键词 计算机教学 自主学习意识 自主学习能力Keywords computer teaching awareness of autonomous

4、 learning ability of independent learning随着计算机的普及及其技术的日新月异,计算机应用技术的教育也广泛铺开。With the popularization of computer and the technology of the computer application technology change rapidly, the education is also widely spread.然而,由于计算机软件与硬件的开发速度很快,今年最先进的电脑,明年就会受到嘲笑,变成了最基本的的标准。今天学习的一些软件应用技术,明年的电脑就可能已经升级成新的

5、面孔。因此,在实际教学中,学生在课堂中学习的计算机基本的应用能力与他走实际工作岗位时有所时间差,因此,很多学生一走上工作岗位,面对计算机仍感觉一片陌生,无从下手。这种现象分析起来无非有两个原因:一是学校在课堂教学中所教学的内容与工作实际应用有所差距;二是学生在学习过程中没有与时俱进,知识无法得到自我更新升级,因此,面对一些新的应用软件无从下手。归结起来,计算机教学内容是永远无法超前信息技术变化的步伐,所以也就无法保证今天的教学,明天就一定百分之百地得到应用。However, because the computer software and hardware development speed

6、 is very fast, this year the most advanced computer, next year will be laughed at, become the most basic standard. The software application, the computer next year may have to upgrade to the new faces. Therefore, in the actual teaching, students learn in the classroom of basic computer application a

7、bility and he walked the actual work has time difference, therefore, many students go to work, facing the computer still feel unfamiliar, do not know how to start. This kind of phenomenon analysis there are two reasons: one is content with the work of school teaching in the classroom teaching has th

8、e gap application; two students did not keep pace with the times in the process of learning, knowledge can not be self updating, therefore, in the face of some new application software can not start. To sum up, the computer teaching content is never advanced information technology, the pace of chang

9、e, so it cannot guarantee the teaching today, tomorrow we will be one hundred percent applied.因此,唯有培养学生的自主学习意识及能力,促进学生终生学习观念的形成,才能让学生与时俱进,主动学习不断更新技术,跟上时代的步伐。为此,在实际教学实践中,笔者认为,在课堂教学过程中,如何培养起学生的自主学习意识及能力,比起简单地掌握课堂训练的技能更为重要。Therefore, only to cultivate autonomous learning awareness and ability of studen

10、ts, and promote the formation of students lifelong learning concept, to make students active learning to keep pace with the times, constantly updated technology, keep pace with the times. Therefore, in the actual teaching practice, the author believes that, in the process of teaching, how to cultiva

11、te autonomous learning awareness and ability of students, rather than simply to master the skills of classroom training is more important.一、改变传统的教学观念,更新教学方法,培养学生自主学习意识自主学习是与传统的接受学习相对应的一种现代化学习方式。顾名思义,自主学习是以学生作为学习的主体,通过学生独立的分析、探索、实践、质疑、创造等方法来实现学习目标。因此,实现自主学习方式的主体当然是学生。而在传统的课堂教学中,教师不仅成为课堂的主角,而且决定着教学的内容

12、、实施计划,以及学生学习的方法、过程等。而学生只是学习行为的被动者,无论教师的教学水平如何,学生只能成为教师实现教学目标的工具。One, change the traditional teaching concept, teaching method, cultivating students awareness of autonomous learning and autonomous learning is learning to accept the traditional one corresponds to modern learning. As the name implies,

13、autonomous learning is taking students as the subject of study, through analysis, students independent exploration, practice, question, create other ways to achieve learning goals. Therefore, the realization of autonomous learning mode is of course the student body. In the traditional classroom teac

14、hing, the teacher not only to become the protagonist of the classroom, but also decides the teaching content, implementation plan, as well as methods, students in the learning process. Passive and student learning behavior, no matter how the teaching level of teachers, students can only become a tea

15、cher to achieve the teaching objective tool.这种教学模式不仅阻碍了学生个性的发展,更不利于学生自主学习能力的形成。The development of this kind of teaching pattern not only hinder the students personality, is not conducive to the formation of the students autonomous learning ability.计算机应用技术是操作性、实践性很强的课程,在应用过程涉及到很多方法和运用技巧,如果只按照传统普遍的计算机


17、、组织者、协助者,而不再是知识的灌输者。教师的主要职责在于指导学生“如何学”而不在于“教”;而在于引导学生“会学”而不在于指导学生“学会”。让学生真正成为学习的主人、学习的主体、学习的主宰,体现“自主学习”的教学模式,充分调动起学生的自主学习意识,让他们知道,学计算机,必须具有自主学习的能力,才能跟上计算机快速发展的时代需要。Computer application technology is operational, practical very strong curriculum, in the application process involves a lot of methods a

18、nd skills, if only according to the traditional common computer teaching form, to Teacher - students follow the teaching of drill - teachers summarize such a model, the students in the class can only passively follow the teacher practice exercises, students can keep up with the rhythm of teaching on

19、 the surface, the completion of certain class exercises, but unable to grasp the application method and skill of computer comprehensive, a practical application, we often dont remember the steps of teachers to teach, do not know how to start. In addition, the computer classroom knowledge can not rep

20、resent the most advanced, most new technology, so students if you only stay in the classroom training, but not necessarily independent learning ability, it is very difficult to master learning computer skills and rules, met the computer application software or hardware update, will be at a loss what

21、 to do. Therefore, in the actual classroom teaching, we should change the traditional teaching concept, the center status of teachers should be assigned to the students, let the students become the main body of the class, and the teacher only students autonomous learning guide, facilitator, organize

22、r, facilitator, but no longer is the inculcation of knowledge. The main responsibilities of a teacher is to guide students to how to learn and not to teach ; but to guide the students to learn and not to guide students to learn . Let the students truly become the masters of learning, learning the su

23、bject, learning control, embodies the autonomous learning teaching mode, fully mobilize students awareness of autonomous learning, let them know, computer science, must have the ability of autonomous learning, to keep up with the rapid development of the computer era.二、以典型工作任务为突破口,积极开发学生的主观能动性和创造性中职

24、学生自学能力较差,自制能力不强,对烦重的学生内容容易产生厌学情绪。Two, the typical tasks as a breakthrough, and actively develop the students subjective initiative and creativity of secondary vocational school students self-learning ability is poor, self-control ability is not strong, easy to produce weariness of massive student co

25、ntent.主要表现为没有一定的学习目标,学习缺乏积极性,在课堂上难于集中精力,喜欢玩游戏、睡觉、不愿动脑动手等。因此,在计算机教学中,教师应根据中职学生的特点,把教材的内容以典型工作任务的形式体现在课堂教学中,从小到大,由易到难的设置学习任务,让学生在完成工作任务的过程中,体验独立思考、自已操作所获得的成就感,从而积极开发学生的主观能动性和创造性。The main performance is not certain learning goals, learning initiative, in the classroom to concentrate, like playing games

26、, sleeping, dont use your hands. Therefore, in the computer teaching, teachers should be based on the characteristics of secondary vocational school students, the teaching content in the form of typical tasks in classroom teaching, from small to large, from easy to difficult to set the learning task

27、, students in the process of completing the task of the experience, independent thinking, their own sense of operation, in order to develop the students subjective initiative and creativity.比如,在汉字输入法教学内容中,按照传统的课程安排让学生直接学习五笔输入法十分困难,且教学效果极不理想。因此,实际教学中,我先设置一个中文录入操作任务,让学生选择一种自已容易学会的中文输入办法录入文字,结果,因为拼音输入法


29、获得成就感,增强了他们自信心,从而也进一步推动他们的自主学习能力。For example, in the Chinese characters input method in teaching contents, according to the traditional curriculum allows students to learn five stroke input method is very difficult, and the teaching effect is not ideal. Therefore, the practical teaching, I first set

30、 up a Chinese input operation task, let students choose one kind of their own easy to learn Chinese input method input the text, results, because the Pinyin input method is easy to learn, and soon most of the students have learned to complete work tasks with Pinyin input method. In the writing task,

31、 many students feel Chinese input is not difficult, they themselves can quickly grasp, so as to stimulate their interest in learning, enhance their independent learning self-confidence. At this time, the teacher based on affirming the student achievement, and then arranged a work, increase the numbe

32、r of words in the task difficulty, gradually increase input. At this time, students into the process began to appear difficult, especially when some words, do not read the word, the student will be very difficult to accomplish with Pinyin input method, but also some van difficult performance. At thi

33、s time, the teacher again and launched the five pen shaped input method to solve the problems encountered in the task, make students realize the five stroke input method terrible, and then gradually to guide students to self-study five stroke input method. In this process, students can fully mobilize the initiative of students, but also easy to get success in learning, enhance their self-confidence, thus further promote their autonomous learning ability.


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