English Teaching Method under the New Curriculum Standards.doc

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《English Teaching Method under the New Curriculum Standards.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《English Teaching Method under the New Curriculum Standards.doc(10页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、English Teaching Method under the New Curriculum StandardsThesis statement: how to follow the New Curriculum Standards in primary English teaching .As teachers, we should adopt which teaching approach.Outline:.About the English Curriculum Standards A basic aim of teaching English. B. differences bet

2、ween the previous Curriculum Standards and the New Curriculum Standards. C. as a teacher, we should aware what.The techniques of teaching pupils.A. How to cultivate their interest.a. Playing games in the class.b. Lean to sing and say rhymes.c. Using story.d. Using the stick drawing and multimedia.B.

3、 Pay attention to the communication and cooperation in the classC. Assessing learning with pupils.Conclusion. AbstractIn the English class, the student should not only grasp the English knowledge and skill, but also feel the fascination of English language, and develop their individual character. As

4、 English teachers, we should pay close attention to every students emotion, and cultivate their interesting. So when we teach, we should follow the New Curriculum and optimize the teaching structure.Key words: interest, self-confidence, communication, cooperation摘要:英语课堂的学习,不但是让学生在学习英语的过程中,逐步掌握英语知识和技

5、能,更是让学生在学习过程中感受到英语的魅力,开发学生的思维能力,扩展学生的情操,发展学生的个性。教师在教学过程中要关注每一位学生的情感,句法学生的学习兴趣。因此要渗透新课标理念,优化教学结构。 Introduction Some people say that the fundamental goal for teaching English to pupils is to help them develop English language skills and knowledge so that they are able to use some English to communicat

6、e with others. But that is only part true. What should not be neglected at the same time is childrens overall development as human beings. We are aiming to educate “the whole child” rather than only teach them the language. The previous syllabi on English language teaching are quite different from t

7、he new one. As far as the overall aims are considered, the previous syllabi all put the mastery of language knowledge and language skills as first priority, whereas the new English curriculum gives the priority to developing students interests, motivation, confidence and leaning strategies. As far a

8、s primary school language teaching is concerned, we believe that the goals and objectives should focus on the following: to develop pupils interests, self confidence and positive attitude to learning English; to cultivate the pupils language sense and enable the acquisition of good pronunciation and

9、 intonation; to develop the pupils preliminary ability to use English in daily exchange and to lay a good basis for further study. As English teachers, it is not enough for us just to teach children how to speak and listen to English or how to read and write in English. We should at the same time ca

10、re for childrens affective needs. Try to build up their interests and confidence in learning the language. This has become part of our teaching objectives. Similarly, helping children develop learning strategies has also become part of our teaching objectives. In teaching English to children, we nee

11、d to incorporate the training of effective learning strategies into our teaching so that children gradually learn how to plan their own learning, how to cooperate with others, how to concentrate when learning, how to communicate with others. Another new component added to the teaching objectives is

12、the development of the childrens cultural awareness. We should take every chance to introduce cultural knowledge and raise their awareness about different cultures and their different life styles. More important we should try to develop their positive attitudes toward different cultures and peoples.

13、 Of course, at the same time, children should be helped to learn more about the Chinese culture so that they value more of themselves as Chinese. How to cultivate the pupils interestSongs, games and language activities are fun and children like to participate in them. They are a natural part of chil

14、drens lives and that is a very good reason to include them in the English language classroom. Through songs and games children experiment, discover and interact with the world. They are a tool for understanding their own world. Songs and games add variation to a lesson, and increase motivation by pr

15、oviding a reason to use the target language. For children at primary level, using games songs can provide a powerful stimulus for language learning.It is a good idea to relate the song or rhyme to action, that is to say before you present a song or a rhyme always try to make it into a TPR activity.

16、Young learners will certainly be interested in what you have them do if it is physically involving them. Because at this stage children learn about the meaning and the outside world mainly through what they do, what they say and what they hear and say. If a song or rhyme can physically involve the y

17、oung learners, they will sing and chant with understanding and this will increase the learning effectiveness. However this dose not meaning that children need to understand every word of the song and rhyme, what they need to understanding is the basic meaning. In most case, finding or giving each ke

18、y word an action would help learners understand what the song or rhyme is about. There are general two types of games in the classroom. One kind stresses accuracy which is called language-focused games and the other kind stresses fluency, which is called communication-focused games. The latter one p

19、ays more attention to the development of fluency and communicative ability of the learners. Language-focused games are more commonly used with the whole class, while the communication-focused games are often done in pairs or in small groups. Make a list of the games you know and think about which ar

20、e language-focused games and which are communication-focused games. We also can use the stories to attract the pupils. Stories are motivating and fun and can help develop positive attitudes towards the foreign language and language learning, and create a desire to continue learning. Stories exercise

21、 the imagination. Children can become personally involved in a story as they identify with the characters and try to make their own interpretation of the narrative and illustrations. The imaginative experience helps them to develop their own creative powers. Listen to stories develops the childs lis

22、tening and concentrating skills via: visual clues, for example, picture and illustrations; their prior knowledge of how language works; their general knowledge. Learning English through stories can lay the foundation for secondary school in terms of basic language function and structures, vocabulary

23、, and language learning skills. Pay attention to the communication and cooperation in the class. The purpose of foreign language teaching is not only to teach students knowledge of foreign languages, but also to teach their foreign language communicative ability. So in English class, the teachers an

24、d students should use the English language sufficiently, especially the communicative English. In this way, the teacher can create a language environment that enables pupils master the English language easily, in order to meet the new requirements of the English Curriculum Standards.First of all, as

25、 teachers, we should develop the students habit to use the English language. And then, with the knowledge in this volume to increase and gradually increase the teaching requirements, the teaching process should be based on the requirements of the unit and the key points should be emphasized. The des

26、ign of communication activities should pay attention to the difficulty of properly. Teachers design activities, activities to enable students to have to do, and say, and feel each and every student, I do I will do. The design of communication activities should pay attention to the difficulty of prop

27、erly. The activities should fit every student. In short, during the communicative classroom activities, teachers should get a good grasp of the difficulty of activities. Even the pre-designed activities, students should also be based on information available at any time to adjust.Co-operative learni

28、ng plays an important role in the students knowledge, skills, and emotional quality of the harmonious development. “the English Curriculum Standards” said that: To combine the emotional education and English teaching, to combine the cooperative learning activities, to encourage students to learn fro

29、m each other, to experience the collective sense of honor and sense of achievement, and to develop the spirit of cooperation. Cooperative learning refers to students learning through the division of labor to achieve the common goal of a learning approach to teaching it in co-operation and inter-pers

30、onal interaction as the basic characteristics, through the inter-group cooperation and interaction to the mutual transfer and exchange the information to motivate students sense of participation, in order to achieve communicative classroom teaching of English.Evaluation is to achieve co-operation gr

31、oup, group competition. Teachers should strive to play a role in the evaluation of the incentives so that students in the evaluation process, the timely evaluation of group learning that will enable a better team each and every point of their progress, and experience the joy of success, and promote

32、better cooperation between students, thereby enhancing the comprehensive use of language. In conclusion, English teaching in primary schools should provide students with better English-speaking liberal, democratic and harmonious environment. Teachers should respect and care to students, so that ever

33、y student is participant, and all from the reality of students, so students are free to use English, and trained a comprehensive language ability and innovation capabilities. If students study knowledge of English in a pleasant environment, their listening and speaking ability and cooperation consci

34、ousness should be greatly enhanced.Assessing learning with pupilsAssessment is often divided into summative assessment and formative assessment. The English curriculum issued by the Ministry of Education in 2001 requires that assessment of students learning should take both forms. As teachers, we ma

35、y be very familiar with testing or summative assessment, but quite unfamiliar with classroom or formative assessment. We often use tests to test students knowledge and skills that they learned from the textbooks, which focus very much on memory work. They are often done at the end of the term and in

36、 the form of a pencil-and-paper test. The results of such tests, which are often presented in marks or grades, are then reported to the pupils, to the parents and to the school authorities. Can scores be used to inform us of our overall teaching and learning effectiveness? The answer is: not exactly

37、. Why? It is simply because childrens ability and achievement in learning are not measurable in terms of one single test. Even if they can reveal some aspects about our teaching or our pupils learning, it is often too late for us to do anything about them as it is already the end of a learning perio

38、d. Different from summative assessment, formative assessment focuses on the process of learning, that is, on assessing how well children understand concepts, perform tasks and make progress during the process of learning rather than on the final product or result of learning. This type of assessment

39、 will provide more information on childrens learning during the learning process and will be useful for teachers to adjust their teaching according to childrens needs and base teaching on the success or difficulties of childrens learning. Formative assessment should be an integral part of teaching a

40、nd learning and it should not be threatening to children as a form of assessment. They should be similar to activities that are carried out normally in classrooms. You may develop your assessment tasks based on certain classroom activities and work out criteria to be followed when assessing children

41、s performance and do record keeping. As teachers, we need to be ware of what is required from the curriculum and what the main objectives are for teaching English so that we can teach with clear goals in our mind and we can know what we should try to achieve and how we can assess whether we have ach

42、ieved what we aimed for. In the past, many teachers are used to teaching according to the textbooks they use without knowing what the objectives and specific requirements are. The main problem is that teachers teach according to what is tested instead of what is required from the curriculum. A good

43、teacher, however, teaches with clear objectives. He/she has a good understanding of the curriculum requirements and they know how to use the textbook and how to design classroom activities in order to fulfill the teaching requirements and to achieve the stated objectives. Such teachers are more acti

44、ve users of textbooks rather than passively follow whatever they find from the textbooks. Understanding the requirement and the general objectives stated from the curriculum are very important for effective teaching and effective assessment. In short, in the English class, the teachers should not on

45、ly make the students grasp the English knowledge and skill, but also make them feel the fascination of English language, and develop their individual character. As English teachers, we should pay close attention to every students emotion, and cultivate their interesting. So when we teach, we should follow the New Curriculum and adjust the appropriate teaching method for every students overall development.Bibliography1 王蔷.小学英语教学法教程M.北京:高等教育出版社,20032 祝海燕.小学英语游戏教学示例M.天津:南开大学出版社,2006.


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