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1、SCENE I. The island. Before 普洛斯彼罗S cell.(thee: you thou: you thy: your)场景一:(普洛斯彼罗及米兰达上)普洛斯彼罗正在运用法术使狂暴的海水兴起风浪,此时米兰达过来了疑惑的看着父亲,问:米兰达: If by your art, my dearest father, you have put the wild waters in this roar, allay them. O, I have suffered with those that I saw suffer普洛斯彼罗 Be collected:No more amaz

2、ement: tell your piteous慈悲的 heart. Theres no harm done.米兰达(抱头,叹息!)O, woe the day! 不幸的日子普洛斯彼罗 No harm.I have done nothing but in care of thee, Of thee, my dear one, thee, my daughter, who is ignorant of what thou are, not knowing of whence I am, nor that I am more better Than Prospero, master of a fu

3、ll poor cell, And thy no greater father.米兰达 More to knowDid never meddle with my thoughts.我从来不曾想到要知道得更多一些。普洛斯彼罗 It is time to tell you. Canst thou(Can you) remember a time before we came unto this cell?I do not think thou canst, for then you were not out three years old.米兰达 Certainly, sir, I can.It

4、is far off and rather like a dream than an assurance that my remembrance warrants.Had I not four or five women once that tended me? 普洛斯彼罗 Thou hadst(you have), and more, 米兰达. But how is it that this lives in thy mind?Twelve year since, 米兰达, twelve year since. Thy father was the Duke of Milan andA pr

5、ince of power. Thy mother was a piece of virtue. 米兰达 O the heavens! What foul play had we that we came from there?普洛斯彼罗 My brother and your uncle called Antoniomark me-that a brother should be so perfidious背信弃义的!, he was one whom of the world I loved.(公爵开始回忆。)他开始讲述自己被亲弟弟背叛的过程。(旁白:)普洛斯彼罗 let his brot

6、her manage his state; as at that timeThrough all the signories(it was the firstAnd Prospero the prime duke, being so reputedIn dignity, and for the liberal artsWithout a parallel; those being all my study,The government I cast upon my brotherAnd to my state grew stranger, being transportedAnd rapt i

7、n secret studies. Thy false uncle-Dost thou attend me?我把国事都托付他管理。那时候米兰在列邦中称雄,普洛斯彼罗也是最出名的公爵,威名远播,在学问艺术上更是一时无双。我因为专心研究,便把政治放到我弟弟的肩上,对于自己的国事不闻不问,只管沉溺在魔法的研究中。你那坏心肠的叔父你在不在听我? 普洛斯彼罗:Thy false uncle-Dost thou attend me?米兰达 Sir, most heedfully.普洛斯彼罗 I pray you, mark me.旁白继续:He thus neglecting worldly ends,

8、all dedicatedBut in his false brother awaked an evil nature; his ambition growing, he did believeHe was indeed the duke.普洛斯彼罗 愤怒 旁白:Antonia was so despair for the throne that he worked together with the King of Naples, to give him annual tribute, do him homage, and subject his coronet to the crown.

9、Alas, poor Milan! - To most ignoble stooping.米兰达 O the heavens!普洛斯彼罗 The King of Naples, being an enemy- to me inveterate- hearkens my brothers suit;one midnight,fated to the purpose did Antonio open the gates of Milan,The ministers for the purpose hurried thence me and thy crying you.这位那不勒斯王因为跟我有根深

10、蒂固的仇恨,答应了我弟弟的要求.因此在命中注定的某夜,不义之师被召集起来,安东尼奥打开了米兰的国门;在寂静的深宵,阴谋的执行者便把我和哭泣着的你赶走。(公爵心情沉重而又愤恨)米兰达: dont said father, forget the enmity. Now, you have me, have the island and we have happy life但是父女俩现在过着快乐的生活,在小岛上小精灵很听从普洛斯彼罗的话旁白:yes,Prospero and Miranda are now living a happy life.普洛斯彼罗和小精灵上蓝精灵音乐响起,快乐的米兰达与小精

11、灵翩翩起舞,共唱“蓝精灵”第二幕第一场SCENE I旁白 (At sea: A ship is struggle with the storm . a terrible noise of thunder and lightning heard.)(PPT)Mercy on us!- We split, we split!-Farewell, my wife and children!-精灵一All hail, great master! I come to answer thy best pleasure;(万福主人,我来听后您旨意)普洛斯彼罗 spirit, Performd to poin

12、t the tempest that I bade thee?(精灵你有没有按我的旨意指挥那场风浪)精灵爱儿 To every article.I boarded the kings ship; now on the beak。I flamed amazement普洛斯彼罗 My brave spirit! But are they safe?精灵爱儿 Not a hair perishd; I have dispersed them bout the island.普洛斯彼罗 fine 退下()(精灵下,王子斐迪南上,刚醒过来,精灵二号身上贴一个牌子;隐身中,请勿打扰,查音乐悠远玄幻)斐迪南

13、Where should this music be? In the air or the earth? Could it be said that I have diad?米兰达 What ist? a spirit? Its so beautiful. 旁白 It goes on, I see,斐迪南Most sure, you must be the goddess.米兰达 No I am not. I I just live on the island.斐迪南 I am a prince. Our ship was over by the storm and I lost others

14、.米兰达 oh, for mercy!(旁白) in the princes mind, a voice sounds. I have never seen such clean eyes and such a beautiful face斐迪南 if you havent fell in love with others. I would like to turn you into my queen.(旁白);The prince thinks his father died, so as his son,he will be the now king.普洛斯彼 the queen? You

15、 are not the king of Naples. You are a liar. My little prince, I will bind you and make you a slave.米兰达 O dear father, Hes gentle and not fearful. Treat him well. 普洛斯彼罗 What? I say, my child my teacher?斐迪南Might I am in the prison one day, I can see the girl.第二场阿隆佐 安东尼奥, 忠臣贡柴罗,上场 在海边刚醒来(PPT背景傍晚,太阳落山)

16、忠臣贡柴罗 Beg you, sir, be merry;阿隆佐 Shut up, peace.忠臣贡柴罗 Sir,-安东尼奥 enough keep quiet阿隆佐 where are we? The terrible please!忠臣贡柴罗It must needs be of subtle, tender and delicate temperance.安东尼奥 Temperance was a delicate wench.(阴阳怪气)忠臣贡柴罗 Here is everything advantageous to life.安东尼奥 True; lack means to liv

17、e. Lets check whether the island is safe.阿隆佐Its late. Lets stay here , have a rest and check it tomorrow精灵上,挥舞魔棒,(此处配音)三人打哈欠安东尼奥 Fine. Lets sleep.阿隆佐 Its strange. All of us get tired.安东尼奥 because of the wether旁白:安东尼奥 has a dream. Two 精灵s appear in his dream. He was tied up in the guillotine(断头台). (两

18、个精灵上)精灵: Those who are greedy should be punished. Hand out what you have to decrease your crime. (旁白:The sword above him is going to falling down刀缓缓的落下)安东尼奥(害怕):O o ok Ill give my beautiful wife. (旁白The sword stops, and then falling again)安东尼奥: Stop, stop! Ill give you all my treasures. 精灵: Its not

19、enough. 安东尼奥: I beg you! Ill give you my son. 精灵: Are you sure? But still it is not enough!安东尼奥: Oh no! All my power, my throne, my country, and all the precious things I have. 精灵 (大笑): Precious things? Yours? No! The country doesnt belong to you. Give me what you stole and what you robbed. You shou

20、ld be put to death. (旁白: The sword fell down, and 安东尼奥 is scared to wake (刀落下,安东尼奥 被吓醒)阿隆佐:Ho, awake! Wherefore this terrible looking? Whats wrong with you? 安东尼:Nothing. (擦汗边说) Just a horrible dream. (旁白:安东尼奥 havent been well from his dream, in fact. )(安东后面尼奥在小声说): My throne, my kingdom, they are mi

21、ne. Mine阿隆佐:Lets find some food. 贡柴罗:Oh, god! I cant move any more. Every part of my body hurt. I must have a rest.阿隆佐I am tired too. There is nothing in the island , that alone food.(精灵悄悄出现,在他们面前变出一桌美食,此处注意道具)贡柴罗 whats the music. Oh listen. So melodious.(此处加音乐,仙乐)阿隆佐 God bless. Whats this. Food! 无比

22、激动贡柴罗 Is that true? Can we eat ? 安东尼奥 I cant bear . i must have some food. Even though it is my last meal.三人开始狼吞虎咽的大吃安东尼奥(猛然停止吃食,惊讶道)what is wrong with me?(表演出身上到处痛)旁白(安东尼奥 cannot bear his the pain of his body)阿隆佐o ,sir you are turning into a pig安东尼you! You ! cattle ! oh my god (两人互相看着很惊讶)贡柴罗 (非常吃惊害

23、怕)what is wrong? What is happing?切换场景,旁白The princes mind is all about 米兰达,thus he murmured unconsciously 王子 the moment I saw you,my heart belonged to you. I would like to be your slave. Only because of you, I am willing to do anything,even hard work.米兰达忽然出现说 do you really love me ?王子O heaven, O eart

24、h, If I speak true! if hollowly, invertWhat best is boded me to mischief! Do love, prize, honour you.米兰达 I am a fool To weep at what I am glad of.王子My mistress, dearest; And I thus humble ever.米兰达 It is my hand. with my heart int; and now farewell普洛斯 O how moving 普洛斯彼罗:Oh, what a moving scene! 腓迪南,y

25、ou have passed my test. Now, you go back to your country, will you? 腓迪南: I have request, can I take Miranda with me? She will be my only wife. 普洛斯彼罗:Nothing else would make me happy like this. 米兰达:Ill marry腓迪南. (此时精灵上)第三幕米兰达不开心的坐着,普洛斯彼罗走上前说:普洛斯彼罗:You look unhappy, whats the matter with you, my dear?

26、 米兰达:My dear father, I love (腓迪南)but I love you, too. I dont want to leave you. 普洛斯彼罗:(慈爱的笑)My darling, no one needs to leave, trust me. Spirit,I call you in the name of your master. 爱丽儿:I always prepare to implement your order. What do you want me to do? 普洛斯彼罗:Its time. Take them here. The spirit(爱

27、丽儿)take贡柴罗阿隆佐was turned into an ox, and Antonia was turned into a pig. 贡柴罗see Prospero :Oh, my great master, you are alive. 普洛斯彼罗:Yes. You are still who you were and loyal to your master. Antonia, my brother, you can speak now. 安东尼奥:My dear brother, during the days,as I am a horrible monster, I deep

28、ly repent for my greed and cold bloody which leaded to the nightmare. Not until the moment of all verge of death in my dream that I totally realized neither rich nor privilege belongs to me, and they failed to delight me either. I would rather give all your things back as long as you can forgive me. 普洛斯彼罗:As soon as your heart becomes truly pure, the sorcery would break off naturally. Those things belong to me will come back, including my nation, my privilege. (爱丽儿施魔法,普洛斯彼罗和安东尼奥变回原形)PPT背景:船,海浪贡柴罗:Ship, our ship is coming. 普洛斯彼罗(亲昵的拍着女儿):I promised you that no one would leave. (大结局)6生活材料


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