四年级英语上册 Lesson2 Whats on the desk第二课时教案 科普版.doc

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1、第二课时教学目标1、知识与技能:学习单词what desk some cup guess clock sorry,desk clock bed doll room table box watch让学生能听懂,会说,会读,能正确地理解,掌握对话内容,并能朗读, 初步表演对话。2.过程与方法:通过教和练,使学生能够熟练运用句型“Whats on/in? A(An)/Some”来进行日常交际。 3、情感态度与价值观:在课堂中培养学生积极用英语表达的习惯,并能够正确运用所学内容进行日常交际。教学重难点1、能听懂,认读单词what desk some cup guess clock sorry, des

2、k clock bed doll room table box watch能正确理解对话内容,并能朗读和初步表演对话。2、能把句型“Whats on/in? A(An)/Some” 运用于日常交谈。教具单词卡片、录音机及教学磁带、盒子、手提袋子、图片、茶杯、橡皮泥捏的齐齐、钟表教学过程 Step 1 Warming up1、Free talk2.Sing the song“My bedroom”录音机播放, T and Ss sing together.Step 2 presentation1.师在讲桌上放上几个茶杯。T:Look! Whats on the desk?Ss: Some cup

3、s.T:OKToday well learn Lesson 2 Whats on the desk?Lets talk Say after me “desk desk . Whats on the desk?2.Learn new wordsT:Now look at the cards.T 出示单词卡片及实物“桌子, 茶杯,钟表。what/w t/ desk/desk/ some/sm/ cup /kt/ guess/ges/ clock/kl k/ sorry/sri/教师让学生先分别拼读。然后再有节奏地教学生读生词3.Play a game(摸宝)老师事先把准备好的单词卡片,有的写中文,

4、有的写英文,有的画图,有的写音标,装在一只不透明的袋子里。游戏开始,老师说袋子里装的是许多宝物,让学生上来轮流摸宝。摸到宝的学生将卡片举起,给全班学生看,如果摸到的是英文,则要读出来,并说出中文,如果摸到的是中文,则要说出英文,并拼出字母组合。如果摸到的是图片,则要说出中英文,并拼出字母组合,如果摸到的是音标,要拼读出来,并且说出字母组合及中文。说对的奖励红花一朵。4.T and Ss have a talk师出示一张房间示意图T:Look!This is a picture. Its Lulus room. Whats in it?Ss: A desk, a bed, a box and s

5、ome cups.T: Oh,Yes. Whats on the desk?Ss:Some cups.T: Whats on the bed?Ss: A box.T: Whats in the box? Please guess!5. Ss listen to the tape.Ss read after the tape.Ss read after T.T:Oh,Yes.教师出示单词卡片“doll”、“bed”。T:Say after me“doll doll bed bed Whats on the bed? A doll.” Now look at Picture2师出示钟表在书桌上的图

6、片T: Whats on the desk?Ss:A clock.T:OK.Today well learn Lesson 2 Whats on the desk? Lets learn Look at the cards “clock” 、“ desk”.Say after me“clock clock desk desk Whats on the desk? A clock. ”. 师出示桌子在房间里的图片T:Now look at Picture3 Hello,x x x! Whats in the room?S:A table.T:Yes,Now say after me“table

7、table room roomWhats in the room? A table.”师出示手表在盒子里的图片T:Now look at Picture4Hi!x x x. Whats in the box?S:A watchT:Good!Now say after me “watch watch box boxWhats in the box? A watch.”Step 3 Drills1. T and Ss have a talk in different role. 2. Ss have a talk in pairs. 3、 Play a game 教师让学生2人一组到前面去,把一名

8、学生的眼睛蒙上,然后再把一些学习用品放在相应位置,让另一名学生用Whats on/in? 提问问题,眼睛被蒙上的学生回答,回答正确的奖一张小动物贴画。4、T shows the pictures Let Ss retell.先集体复述,在分组复述,最后指名复述5、 Ss act in different role.师布置场景,把讲桌充当书桌(T: This is my desk.)把椅子充当床(T: This is my bed.)在书桌上放几只茶杯,床上放一只盒子(盒子里装着用橡皮泥捏的齐齐)Step4 Consolidation and development教师把学生分成若干小组,每小组发一张空白房间示意图,及书桌、床、钟表、椅子、书等物品图片,让小组中的学生合作,把这些物品粘贴在房间相应的位置,用句型Whats on/in? A(An)/Some”来进行对话。板书设计 Lesson2 Whats on the desk? Whats on the desk? Some cups. Whats on the bed? A box.


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