In the fast food shop教学设计.doc

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1、In the fast food shop教学设计【教学内容】香港朗文教材 Integrated Primary English 3A , Chapter 5 In the fast food shop本课是第二课时,学生在第一课时的学习中已经掌握了快餐食品单词如: hamburger, pancake, pizza, a packet of chips, onion rings, hot dog, sandwich, apple pies 等和句型:What do you want? I want. Do you want a /some? Yes, please. / No, thank

2、you. How much is it? Its dollars. 本节课的教学内容是以在快餐店购物为主旋律,学生通过经营快餐店、制作菜单、情景购物等形式的练习,学会灵活运用本课语言点,组织系列购物活动。【设计理念】培养学生的综合语言运用能力和英语交际能力是新课程标准下英语教学的根本目标。本节课是一节非网络环境下的英语跨越式教学探索案例,以言语交际为中心,利用丰富多彩的教具,快捷方便的多媒体教学辅助设备,营造逼真的语言情境,激发学生用英语进行表达与交际的欲望,通过师生对话引导下的两两说、小组说等形式的练习,给学生提供大量运用语言的环境,通过扩展听读故事,丰富学生对于不同购物情景语言运用的感知,

3、通过情景迁移,培养学生灵活运用语言的能力。由此可见,本节课上学生既轻松掌握本课语言点,又能够灵活地在日常生活中运用,提高了用英语进行交际的能力,从而实现听说能力的跨越式发展。【活动目标】(1)熟悉快餐食品的单词,并能活用单词制作快餐店菜单;(2)能模仿师生对话,在教师提供“Key points”的引导下,能进行情景对话;(3)能听懂与本课主题相关的情节性对话材料;(4)通过师生问答、两两对话、角色扮演等多种言语交际活动,培养和提高口语交际能力和在日常生活中迁移运用英语的能力;(5)通过本课学习,学生学会文明购物。【资源准备】(1)视听材料:动画儿歌Tomato in a sandwich、动画

4、故事In a clothes shop、 In a salad bar。(2)辅助言语交际的材料:图片菜单数份,写有Key points 的卡纸两张,快餐模具,图片,单词卡(3) PPT 材料 (In the clothes shop, In the stationery shop)【活动过程】1. Warm up: Say a rhyme Tomato in a sandwich有节奏地背诵歌谣“ Tomato in a sandwich ”,为导入快餐这一主题做准备。2. Revision1) The teacher asks the students to list fast food

5、shops they know.T: What fast food shops do you know?Ss: KFC, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Hungry JacksT: As we know, KFC and McDonalds belong to American companies. They are popular in China. Lets set up a fast food shop which can compete with those two. Is it a good idea?Ss may agree with the teacher.T: W

6、hat should our fast food shop be called? What shall we sell in the shop? 2) Review the new words of fast food by making menusStudents are asked to talk in pairs and write down the food on the menus. The teacher presents key points of the conversation. Key points: -What do you want?学生通过与同桌谈论菜单里该有哪些快餐

7、食品,不仅巩固了上一堂课所学的新单词,还练习了本课的关键句型,这一环节起到了承上启下的作用。I want How much is it?It is .3. Presentationa) Build up a setting of shopping in a fast food shop. The teacher presents the dialogue pattern. The teacher pretends to be the cashier, holding a menu, then chooses a student to talk to.T: Good morning / afte

8、rnoon, Sir/Madam. Can I help you?S1: Yes, please.T: What do you want?S1: I want a hamburger, please.T: Do you want a pizza?S1: No, thank you. / Yes, please.T: Is that all?S1: Yes. How much is it?T: Its dollars.S1: Here you are.T: Thank you.此环节为师生示范对话,激发学生说英语和表演的欲望。b) Encourage the students to work o

9、ut the dialogue by asking them to put the key points on the blackboard in an orderly way.让学生把打乱的对话句子在黑板上排序,有利于学生熟悉对话内容,为俩俩说能顺利进行打下基础。c)Students talk in pairs with the help of key points on the blackboard.学生通过角色轮换扮演,进一步掌握购物中的关键词句,激发了学生的兴趣,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。4Practice1) Watch and listen to two situational

10、stories, and encourage the students to imitate the dialogue. 2) Show the PPT of a clothes shop, with pictures of different kinds of clothes and key points as well. Students are asked to talk in pairs about shopping in a clothes shop.3) Show the PPT of a stationery shop, with pictures of different ki

11、nds of stationeries, and key points as well. Students are asked to talk in pairs about shopping in a stationery shop.学生从快餐店中的对话练习迁移到不同主题店的购物对话,对购物中所运用的基本日常用语已经能够脱口而出,灵活运用,而且知道购物的礼仪,学生比起以前应该是更有自信了。5. The application of dialogues in real situationsThe teacher sets up three different shops such as the stationery shop, clothes shop and the fast food shop. The class will be divided into three groups, shopping in different shops. See how well the students can apply the language points into real situations.在教室里开三间店,让学生分组进行购物,锻炼学生把所学语言点应用到真实环境中的能力,帮助并鼓励他们会用且活用英语,提高他们综合运用语言的能力,达到本课的教学目标。


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