福建省福州市七年级英语上册《Unit3Topic 2Would youlike somethingtodrink Section B》说课稿.doc

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1、福建省福州市七年级英语上册Unit3Topic 2Would youlike somethingtodrink Section B说课稿 一、 说教材与学生 (2) 能力目标:通过本课教学,培养学生英语中的听说读写能力即能听懂对三餐饮食的问答;能用英语描述个人饮食的喜好,能用对话中的餐饮用语进行英语交际(3) 情感目标:通过对这个Topic的学习,培养学生在日常生活中对中西方饮食差异的了解,从而帮助学生学习更多的西方餐桌文化另外通过实行课堂自主合作探究,培养学生的团队合作能力4. 教学重难点: 重点:结合重点词汇进行一日三餐的话题讨论:What do you usually have for

2、breakfast/ lunch/supper?以及餐馆用语难点:在实际生活中如何用英语进行简单的点菜交流二、说教法:1.情景创设法: 通过课件的图片、音乐、flash等喜闻乐见的形式给学生直接的感受,为学生创设良好的语言环境,乐意学说英语。2.任务驱动教学法: 将这个Section的内容创设成一个个任务,促使学生在合作探究中获取新知,完成任务3.五指教学法: 通过复习、呈现、巩固、练习和探究五个环节开发学习资源,提高学习效率。复习新旧知识结合。呈现由易到难,层层深入。巩固坚持参与、合作的学习方式;练习培养实践和创新精神;探究帮助学生发展学习能力三、说学法:1.自主合作学习法: 通过复习饮料类

3、单词和食物类单词,培养学生运用词汇进行三餐饮食的话题讨论学习能力。通过小组活动,完成话题调查2.归纳总结法: 把单词进行归类,作为情景交际和任务驱动的依据,培养学生的合作精神四、说教学过程: Step One: Review 1. Review some words about food and drink by showing pictures. 2. Review the key sentence according to the words above: A: What would you like to have? B: Id like to haveStep Two: Present

4、ationThe teacher says: All of us like different kinds of food and drink. But how do you like them? Please look at the text in Page72. Look at the pictures and complete the passage.Check the answers and choose some students to say something about themselves.Step Three: Presentation Show the pattern d

5、rills and have them practice S1: What do you usually have for breakfast?S2: I usually have milk and bread for breadfast. Then practice the sentence in group. Listen to 2a and tell out Michaels meals.Make a survey in groups and fill in the blanks.Step Four: Practice Have the students look at the pict

6、ures and say: Where is Mr. Lee now? What would he like?Listen to 1a and answer the questions.Read after the tape and act it out.Step Four: ConsolidationPair work to finish off 1b. Then practice in pairs.Make a dialog according to Section A and Section B. Three students a group. One is waiter, the ot

7、hers are customers. The key sentences below:May I take your order? Would you like some?What would you like to have? What about you? Wait a moment, please. What would you like to drink? Would you like something to drink? 五、说板书设计: Unit 3 Topic 3 Would you something to drink? Section Bmaytake what do you usually have for lunch?take ones order I usually have for lunch.somethingwait May I take your order?momentusually Would you like something to eat/ drink?breakfastlunch Wait a moment, please.supper Wait a minute, please.


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