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1、My Fathers Hands1)As fathers devoted深爱的and only daughter, I noticed things about him that my two brothers never mentioned or may have taken for granted. Two things in particular made father more wonderful, interesting and capable than all the other fathers Id ever seen or heard of fathers large, sen

2、sitive hands.2)Father had long, nimble灵巧的fingers that could thread the smallest needle in order to mend the my dress. They could carefully trim the nails of tiny fingers and toes. Unlike Mama, father could tie straight sashes on my party dresses. Those same fingers had a magical way of playing the g

3、uitar, making my nursery tunes儿歌the most beautiful music I ever heard.3) Fathers inventive hands were also strong and useful, wonderfully tanned from working in the sun, and a bit callused起茧的. There was no unfamiliar thing to fathers hands. They could make a delicious and colorful meal in minutes. A

4、nd I loved to watch in wonder as his skillful hands worked. 4)Fathers hands could send a message as they tenderly touched a fevered brow or mended a broken doll. They seemed to speak, to understand unspoken pain and emotional hurt when I found no way to tell.5)Yes, these were the hands of my father.

5、 They tenderly, untiringly cared for his children and my mother through her many long illnesses right up until her death. 妈妈死后 When I was sick, father would take a small blanket, warm it in front of the fireplace and wrap it around my small, cold feet with his hands of love. It was obvious to me eve

6、n then that no mothers hands could have done better. I can also well remember the old, familiar songs that father sang, as his hands patted me. I would hold one of fathers large hands studying the lines of his hand, feeling its hard spots with pride. fathers nails were always trimmed, although he ha

7、d a scar伤疤in his left thumbnail. This was special and made me love him more because he was building my dollhouse when he acquired the injury. My fathers hands were perfect in my little-girl eyes. They had the strength and power to move mountains. They made the impossible possible! 6)Years later, in

8、a small hospital room as father lay near death, too weak to speak out loud, I sat tearfully at his bedside. But, holding his hands, I smiled, recalling all those happy, important and unforgettable years of shared experiences. Once again feeling every line, every callus and scar, I was amazed at the

9、experience of love that fathers hands had brought. I lifted them, placing the tired, now pale hands against my face. How warm they were even now, just as in my treasured childhood! I kissed each brown spot in the hands of the 83-year-old man. To me they were beauty marks instead, standing for a job

10、well done. I could no longer hold back the tears filling my eyes.7)For a moment, father opened his eyes as if to speak. I leaned over close to him. With a weak, concerned smile of love, his trembling fingers reached up to gently touch my brow, stopping briefly to wipe away the tears now running down

11、 the cheeks of his “little girl.” And time stood still. Then father closed his eyes and, sighing one final breath, died quiet.8)As I looked down fondly at the precious, motionless hands of my dear father, I knew one thing for sure then, and I am even more sure of it now: No mothers hands, in all the

12、 world, were ever more endearing or more beautiful than the strong hands of my father. Cambrian Explosion寒武纪大爆发寒武纪(Cambrian)是距今5亿7千万年前 - 5亿1千万年前的一个地质时代。寒武纪是显生宙(Phanerozoic)的开始。在这一时期,大约50个门的大量多细胞生物(包括几乎所有现生生物的祖先)快速出现,称为“寒武纪生命大爆发”。 1 The geologic地质timescale年代is marked by significant geologic and biolo

13、gical events, including the origin of Earth about 4.6 billion years ago, the origin of life about 3.5 billion years ago, the origin of eukaryotic 真核生物的life-forms (living things that have cells with true nuclei真核) about 1.5 billion years ago, and the origin of animals about 0.6 billion years ago. The

14、 last event marks the beginning of the Cambrian period. Animals originated relatively late in the history of Earth in only the last 10 percent of Earths history. During a geologically brief 100-million-year period, all modern animal groups (along with other animals that are now extinct) evolved. Thi

15、s rapid origin and diversification多样化of animals is often referred to as “the Cambrian explosion.”2 Scientists have asked important questions about this explosion for more than a century. Why did it occur so late in the history of Earth? The origin of multicellular多细胞的forms of life seems a relatively

16、 simple step compared to the origin of life itself. Why does the fossil record not document the series of evolutionary changes during the evolution of animals? Why did animal life evolve so quickly? Paleontologists古生物学者continue to search the fossil record for answers to these questions.3 One interpr

17、etation解释regarding the absence of fossils during this important 100-million-year period is that early animals were soft bodied and simply did not fossilize成化石. Fossilization of soft-bodied animals is less likely than fossilization of hard-bodied animals, but it does occur. Conditions that promote fo

18、ssilization of soft-bodied animals include very rapid covering by sediments沉积体that create an environment that discourages decomposition腐烂. In fact, fossil beds containing soft-bodied animals have been known for many years. 4 The Ediacara埃迪卡拉fossil formation, which contains the oldest known animal fo

19、ssils, consists exclusively只有of soft-bodied forms. Although named after a site in Australia, the Ediacara formation动物群is worldwide in distribution分布and dates to PreCambrian times. This 700-million-year-old formation gives few clues to the origins of modern animals, however, because paleontologists古生

20、物学者believe it represents an evolutionary experiment that failed. It contains no ancestors of modern animal groups.5 A slightly younger fossil formation containing animal remains遗骸is the Tommotian formation, named after a locale地点in Russia. It dates to the very early Cambrian period, and it also cont

21、ains only soft-bodied forms. At one time, the animals present in these fossil beds were assigned to划分various modern animal groups, but most paleontologists now agree that all Tommotian fossils represent unique body forms that arose in the early Cambrian period and disappeared before the end of the p

22、eriod, leaving no descendants后代in modern animal groups.6 A third fossil formation containing both soft-bodied and hard-bodied animals provides evidence of the result of the Cambrian explosion. This fossil formation, called the Burgess Shale,泥板岩 is in Yoho National Park in the Canadian Rocky Mountain

23、s of British Columbia. Shortly after the Cambrian explosion, mud slides rapidly buried thousands of marine海洋的animals under conditions that favored fossilization. These fossil beds provide evidence of about 32 modern animal groups, plus about 20 other animal body forms that are so different from any

24、modern animals that they cannot be assigned to any one of the modern groups. These unassignable无法划分的animals include a large swimming predator掠食者called Anomalocaris奇虾and a soft-bodied animal called Wiwaxia, which ate detritus碎屑of algae.海藻 The Burgess Shale formation also has fossils of many extinct灭绝

25、representatives of modern animal groups. For example, a well-known Burgess Shale animal called Sidneyia is a representative of a previously unknown group of arthropods节肢动物(a category of animals that includes insects, spiders, mites螨虫, and crabs).7 Fossil formations like the Burgess Shale伯尼斯泥板岩show t

26、hat evolution cannot always be thought of as a slow progression进程.The Cambrian explosion involved rapid evolutionary diversification, followed by the extinction of many unique唯一的animals. Why was this evolution so rapid? No one really knows. Many zoologists believe that it was because so many ecological niches小生态区were available with virtually no competition from existing species. Will zoologists ever know the evolutionary sequences顺序in the Cambrian explosion? Perhaps another ancient fossil bed of soft-bodied animals from 600-million-year-old seas is awaiting discovery.


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