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1、Unit2 The apples are falling down the stairs教学目标:Knowledge Aim:1、 Words: stairs, mess.2、 Sentences: The apples are falling down the stairs.Can he help? Yes, he can. / No, he cant.3、 Poem: Whats he doing?Ability Aim: 运用英语交流与合作的能力.Moral Aim: 积极参与学习,同学之间互相关心,互相帮助 .教学重、难点:用现在进行时讲述正在发生的事情。例如: The apples

2、are falling down the stairs.使用 “can谈”论能力和向他人提供帮助的情况:Can he help? Yes, he can. / No, he cant.教具准备 : tape recorder, pictures.教学过程:I Warmer1、 Greetings2、 Act out the dialogue of unit1.3、Say a chant. (设计意图:创设真实情景,激发学习兴趣,引导学生使用英语与教师进行交流,询问学生What are they doing? 有意识的加强学生对现在进行时的运用。)4、Tell the students that

3、 you are going to make some sounds and they have to guess what youare doing. This may sound easy but point out that they will have their eyes closed.5、 Get the students to close their eyes and then you should clap. Ask : What am I doing? Thestudents should say: You re clapping. Now stamp your feet.

4、Ask the students the question and getthem to respond.II Listen ,poi nt and find words ending in“ ing ”.1、 Have the students tell you all the things they can see in the pictures. Then write heir ideason the board.2、Now tell the students to close their books. Say that they are going to listen to the t

5、ape and to see if any of the words on the board are mentioned.3、 Get the students to copy the list into their exercise book. They can put a tick next to the words they hear.4、 After playing the tape twice, have the students tell you the words they heard.5、 Now have the students open their books and

6、read through the dialogue.(设计意图:让学生听音连线, 练习学生的听力,指图说话和你问我答将课文中的语言转化为学生自己的语言,由输入到输出,考察学生对所学语言的掌握程度。)III LeadingT: Wonderful! Today well learn modal“can”. I can speak English. Can you speak it?Ss: Yes, I can. / No, I cant.领(读 )T: Greet! Today well learn“Unit2板书 ”()(设计意图:在生动有趣的游戏中操练现在进行时态,学生参与热情高涨,能起到事

7、半功倍的效果。)IV Text teaching1、 T: Show the pictures on the blackboard. Play the tape. Have students look and listen.2、 Ss: Underline the new words. Try to read.3、 T: Explain the new words and the sentences.4、 Do the practice2 in pairs.5、 Learn the poem(设计意图:拓展课文内容,联系实际生活,做到了学中用,用中学,同时培养学生的爱心和助人为乐的品德。 )V

8、 Practice1、 Game: What is he doing?2、 Do the exercise 1 and 2 of the students book. (设计意图:欢快的气氛激发了学生参与学习活动的积极性,同时学生在真实情景中描述正在发生的事情,提高了学生的语言运用能力。)VI SummaryVII HomeworkRead the poem for your family and friends.板书设计:The apples are falling down the stairs.The apples are falling down the stairs.Can he help?Yes, he can. / No, he can t.


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