新课标PEP小学英语名词复数复习课教学设计《A happy life》 .doc

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1、新课标PEP小学英语名词复数复习课教学设计A happy life教学内容与目标:1、复习名词复数。2、通过谈论“A happy life”培养学生热爱生活的积极情感,树立正确的人生价值观。教学重点、难点:能灵活运用名词复数。课前准备: 多媒体课件教学过程一、热身活动1.Free talk.T: Hello! I am Miss Guo. Im your new teacher today. Look, there are many teachers here. How many teachers can you see? Lets say hello to the teachers.师生问好

2、,回答问题。热身,引出话题.。2. Lets chant.设计意图:通过简单上口的说唱,调动学生的英语思维,为课堂做好准备,同时通过小歌谣里单复数名词的对比使学生初步接触名词复数,感受单复数的变化二、整体梳理再现。1.梳理词汇。T: There are 2 boxes. Look, this is the wisdom box. This is the health box. There are things that can help our study in the wisdom box. What are they? Please guess. (生猜与学习有关的东西如学习用品等)T:

3、You know so many things. Wonderful! Lets open it and see. (呈现主要句型结构:there are)T: What about the health box? There are things that can make us healthy. Guess what are they? (生猜有关身体健康的东西如水果等)T:You are so smart. Lets open the box.设计意图:通过猜箱子里的东西,将学生的头脑激活,进行第一次头脑风暴,使学生将学过的名词进行回顾2.呈现智慧先生和健康先生。)A:T:Great!

4、There are so many interesting things in the boxes. Whose boxes are these?Look, here they come. (呈现智慧先生) Mr Wisdom has the wisdom box, and Mr Health has the health box. They have so wonderful boxes, but they are not happy. Why? Read the passage and find the answer.Mr wisdom is a teacher. He has many

5、students from different classes. They all love him. He likes colleting leaves and eating candies. But he doesnt like peaches and tomatoes. He has many friends, because he is very smart. But he is not happy, because he is not healthy(健康的). His teeth often hurt. His neighbour is Mr health. He likes po

6、tatoes and apples. He can drive buses. He is very healthy, but he is not happy. Because he has no children and he has no men or women to be his friends. B: 再读语篇画出-s等的名词复数形式。3、归类点拨1.分类说出所画单词单,让生总结特点,教师补充。2.齐读单词,让学生总结发音,教师补充。不规则名词复数的变化需要学生巧妙的记忆。3.总结应用规律。四、归纳点题交际应用。T: Mr wisdom and Mr health are not ha

7、ppy. Can you make them happy?(小组合作讨论回答:Give )T: Give Mr wisdom health and give Mr health wisdom. With wisdom and health, well have a happy life.(板书课题:have a happy life.)流)五、针对练习1.根据提示,写出下列名词的复数。deskdesks shirt-_ window-_busbuses box-_ watch-_butterfly-butterflies story-_party-_knifeknives leaf-_ lif

8、e-_tomato-tomatoes potato-_ pianopianos photo-_manmen woman-_ policeman-_2.选择单词的正确形式填空。1、There are on the wall .They are very beautiful. A. photoes B. photos C. photo2. Thats an_. A. art book B. art books3. The old man wants . A. six sheep B. six sheeps C. six sheepes 4. How many_ are there in the b

9、ox? A. watch B. watches C. watchs5. We should often wash _. A .our hand B. our hands6. I d like some_. A. tomato B. tomatos C. tomatoes3.语篇介绍老师的幸福生活,学生根据例篇说一说自己的幸福生活。My happy life I have a big family. There are many boys and girls in the family. Who are they? They are my students. I love them very m

10、uch. I have 3 classes on Mondays. We often read books in the class. Reading books can help our study, and give us wisdom. After class, I often go shopping, I like apples. “An apple a day keep the doctor away.” Apples make me healthy. With wisdom and health, I have a happy life. What about you? Do yo

11、u have a happy life?1. Who are in the big family?There are many _and _ in the family.2. Who are they? They are my _.3. How many classes do I have on Mondays? _classes on Mondays4. What do we often do to help our study? Reading _.5. With_ and _, I have a happy life.学生根据例篇说一说自己的幸福生活。Describe(描述) your

12、happy life. Hello! This is_ . There are _peple in my family. I have many _ (books, teachers, friends). They give me wisdom. I like _(apples, bananas, eggplants). They give me health. With wisdom and health, I have a happy life.六、小结。1.总结知识。2.总结如何拥有幸福的人生。 七作业1.记住名词变复数的规律。2归类整理名词复数。八板书设计。 A happy lifeI like. students knives tomatoes candies peachesThere are apples leaves potatoes busesGiveHow many


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