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1、Module 10Unit 2 Did you fall off your bike?一、教学目标 :1.能够听、说、认读句子:What happened to . ? I went for a bike ride / were hungry and thirsty / bought a watermelon / fell off/ carried.2.能够听、说、认读以下单词和词组:happen, ride, thirsty, carry, bump,fell off二、教学重难点:教学重点 : 使用句型 What happened to ? We went for a bike ride

2、/ were hungry and thirsty / bought a watermelon / fell off/ carried.教学难点 : 较完整地叙述一件过去的事情。三、教具准备:cards,recorder四、教学过程:Step 1: Warm up and lead-in1. Greetings.2. Let s chantGo, went, went to school.Walk, walked, walked in the park.Talk, talked, talk to some friends.Help, helped, I helped Mum.Watch, wa

3、tched, I watched TV.Step 2: Presentation1. 通过呈现西瓜图片引出 watermelon , 通过变换西瓜球的位置引出fall off -fell off。T: Look! What s this?Ss: Watermelon.T: Where is the watermelon?S: T: Now, where is it? (把西瓜球放在头顶, 球不一心掉下来) Oh ,Whathappened?(引出 fall off -fell off )通过师生互相传球的方式操练fall off -fell off2.一个学生把球传给老师时,不小心把球砸到老师

4、头上。 T: What happened? Oh, the watermelon bumped my head.(由此引入新单词happen-happened,bump-bumped 新句型 Whathappened ?)3. Listen and answer the questions: Q: What did Sam and Daming do yesterday ?A: They_. Q: How did they feel then ?A: They were _ and _. Q: What did they buy?A: They _ a watermelon. Q: How d

5、id Sam take the watermelon ?A: Sam _ the watermelon on the _. Q: What happened to Sam?A: Sam _his bike. Q: What Happened to Damings head ?A: The watermelon _. Step 3: Practice1. Retell the story2. Act out the story全班分为若干个四人小组, 各小组根据组内同学对故事内容掌握的熟练程度分配角色,分别扮演故事情节中的Sam , Daming , Lingling ,Amy 。Step 4:

6、 ExtensionGroup work: My last weekend(分组合作叙述上个周末发生的事情)Step 5: SummaryLet s chantHappen, happened, What happened to you?Go, went, went for a bike ride.Buy, bought, bought a watermelon.Carry, carried, carried on the bike.Fall, fell, fell off his bike.Bump, bumped, bumped his head.Step 6: Homework1. Li

7、sten to the tape and try to repeat.2. Talk about your story.五、板书设计:Module 10 Unit 1 Did you fall off your bike ?What happened to you?I went for a bike ride yesterday.We were hungry and thirsty.We bought a watermelon.Sam carried the watermelon on the bike.Sam fell off his bike.I bumped my head.He took me and the watermelon to the hospital.


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