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1、-精选文档 -My Unforgettable Trip学号: 2010119132姓名:张慧班级: 1 班Last year I with my friend, Min,went to Hunan Fenghuang. We stayed there forthree days in the Fenghuang Ancient City. It was the most unforgettable experiencewithin my university period .We spent about 7 hours in the train K1262 from Yichang to J

2、ishou. It was solong a trip that when wearrivedattheoldcitywefound Local-style dwellinghouses to sleep immediately . First day when the night fall we went out and climbedto the south gate of the ancient city of phoenix,from this way we saw a amazingbeautifulcitysurroundingbytheglitteringstarswhichwe

3、rebuilt by the shininglamps intheold houses.Thebeautifulsceneshockedme and I was sure that Iwould never forget it. And so did those who were taking photos here at a specialobservation.I deemed that manypersonwentasleepwithbeautiful dreams likeme.Then the next day morning we got a perfect suggestion

4、from the host to have aone-day travel in Guizhou nearby Hunan.We choose the King of miao village as ourdestination.During the journey We visited the ten thousand acres of tea plantationsat borderof Guizhouthehometownofoneof themostfamouswineMaotaiinChina.whenI stoodin theTea treesI justfeltthata fan

5、tasticgreensea wavedaround with some refreshing tea scent. It was a pity that we could just stayed herefor a break. Then we backed to the bus and went on our way.We had lunch at one peak of a series of mountain and from the top we saw a可编辑-精选文档 -clear brook, which seemed to be a green ribbon flying,

6、 running at the foot of themountains. After lunch the guide led us down the hill ,two sides of the rugged roadstoodlotsofhouseswithnational characteristicsofMiao,peopleherewere sowarmhearted that they invited us to drink some sake brewed by themselves. Girlsthere, wearing traditional Chinese costume

7、 of the minority group, all were smilingheartedly. Some of them wore a long pair of earings, some wore necklace with pearltassel. Time flying, at last,we took a little boat on the river that we just saw at thetop of the mountain then I found that it looked like a jade,a tremendous jade;butwhen I put

8、 my hand in it I found it much more like jelly,my favourite apple jelly.When it came to be late,we went back to the old city and then we watched aparticular show named Jiangxi corpse at Peach blossom island.The show was a kindof folkartsinheritedbythe Miao,theperformersdressedup withsomespecialcloth

9、es and wore scary masks on their face.I felt the warm atmosphere there withthe people screaming and laughing.So, atthelast daymorning I finallysaw the truecolorsof Fenghuanglike aelegant lady witha unique flavor that deeply attracted me.But eventually I had toleave at the moment I found myself falling love with her.可编辑-精选文档 -可编辑


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