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1、_Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake测试题卷 I听力部分(共20 分)I. 听句子,选择图片( 5 分)ABCDE1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _II.听句子,选择正确的答语( 5分)() 1.A. Peel the bananas. B. Put in the corns. C. Eat() 2.A. BusB. No, I dont. C. I like taking the bus.() 3.A. Three.B. With my mother. C. Next time.() 4.A. With chicken in i

2、t.B. No, I dont. C. Yes, I do.() 5.A. One.B. Three.C. Two cups.III.听短文,选择正确答案(10分)() 1.Can we put salt on the popcorns?A. Yes, we can. B. No, we cant. C. It doesntsay.() 2.When do we turn on the popper?A. Before we put in the corns.B. After we put in the corns.C. At last.() 3.How many steps (步骤 ) do

3、 we need to make pop corns?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.() 4.How long does the popper need to work?A.One hour.B. ten minutes.C. Five minutes.() 5.If you like dessert you can put in _.A. Salt.B. Ice cream.C. Pepper.卷 II笔答部分(共100 分)I. 选择填空 ( 共 20 分 ) 。() 1.Lets _ banana and apple milk shake.A. makeB. makes

4、 C. doD. doing() 2.I need two _.A. teaspoon of honeyB. teaspoons of honeysC. teaspoons of honeyD. teaspoon of honeys() 3._ people are there in your town? One hundred thousand.A. How many B. How muchC. How old D. How often() 4.First put some salt on the water and then _.A. Mix them up B. Mix up them

5、C. Mix it upD. Mix up it精品资料_() 5. Here is a recipe _ Super chicken Sandwich.A. atB. inC. forD. on() 6._ cups of tea do you want?A. How manyB. How much C. How long D. How old() 7.I have three _ of the _.A. photos, tomatosB. Photos, tomatoesC. Photoes, tomatoes D. Photos, tomatoes() 8.There _ a large

6、 amount of new students in our school this year.A. isB. areC. beD. were() 9.I dontunderstand _ the instructions _.A. how, meansB. how, meanC. what, mean D. what, means() 10. What _ Jim do with chocolate yesterday?A. doesB. doC. didD. isII. 完型填空( 10 分)One Sunday morning Pedro and his mother went1a sh

7、oe shop2 Pedroa pairof new shoes.Mrs. Lambertputherbag on a chair 3shelookedat someshoes.She couldnotsee4 shelikedand went away. Suddenly(突然 ) she said,“Oh, my bag, someone5it away!” All the other people in the shop stopped6andlookedat her.Pedro ranaftertheman atonce. A few minutes7 ,Pedrocame back

8、with8. He9it to his mother. She opened the bag and had alook in10 . Then she said,“Oh, god, nothing is lost.”() 1.A. byB. onC. to() 2.A. to buyB. to giveC. to take() 3.A. soB. butC. when() 4.A. someB. any shoesC. any bags() 5.A. wentB. hadC. took() 6.A. sittingB. thinkingC. talking() 7.A. afterB. la

9、terC. next() 8.A. the bagB. the shoesC. the man() 9.A. giveB. gaveC. take() 10. A. oneB. itC. themIII. 阅读理解( 10 分)APeteris a driver.He drove a car forhisfriendJohn,a richbusinessman.He workedhard. But hecouldn twork whenhe drank too much. And once he almost lost his lifein the trafficaccidentafterhe

10、 got drunk.John got angry and worried.But he reallywant help Peter. He was poor and he had a big family to hold. He promised to stop drinking at once. John told him to be careful next time or he had to leave.One Monday morning Peter came into the office with two badly burnt(严重的烧伤)ears.“What happened

11、 to yourears? ”asked John.“Well, ”saidthe man . ”I went to watcha football match yesterday while my wife was ironing(熨 ) clothes .She had put theiron (熨斗 ) near the telephone before she went to cook supper. Our team lost the精品资料_game and I feltsorry forit.Then Iwent into the sittingroom,and I answer

12、ed the iron!”And “What happened to the other ear?“When I put the iron down on the table, the telephone rang again!() 1_, so he almost lost his life.A. Peter was not careful.B. Peter drank too much.C. Peter forgot they were on the bridge.D. Peter couldn t work in the evening.() 2. Peter went to watch

13、 the football match on_.A. Monday. B. TuesdayC. SaturdayD. Sunday() 3. We can guess_.A. Peter drank much after the match.B. Peter was angry with his team.C. Peter didn tdrink these days.D. Peter watched the match at home.() 4. The_ badly burned Peters ears.A. telephoneB. drinkingC. ironD. football m

14、atch() 5. What would happened to Peter?A. He would go on driving for John.B. He would join his football team.C. He would never watch any watches.D. John would send him awayIV. 根据括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(10 分)1. How _ (many) yogurt do we need?2. Next you need _ (cut) up three bananas.3. _ (make) dinner is a ve

15、ry interesting thing for me.4. _ (add) the salt to the noodles, please.5. He can drink three cups of _ (juice).6. How many _ (watermelon) do you want?7. I would like a big bowl of _ (noodles).8. There _ (be) two slices of bread.9. I don tlike _ (some) sugar in the tea.10. I like dessert so I dontlik

16、e to drink coffee _ (with) sugar.V. 补全对话( 10 分)A: I m hungry, mum.B: Well, I make noodles for you.A: Great. _1_.B: Ok. Can you help me make them?A: Yes. _2_?B: Well, help me cut up the tomatoes.A: _3_?B: Two is ok.the telephone rang ”精品资料_A: What else?B: _4_.A: First, I put some oil. Then put in the

17、 green onions.B: I know next pour into water.A: So clever. But remember boil the water for more than ten minutes. Then put in the noodles. When the water is boiled again you can eat the noodles.B: Oh. _5_.A: What can I do for you?B: Bring me two eggs.C: How do you make tomato and egg noodles?D: I li

18、ke tomato and egg noodles.E: How many tomatoes do you need?F: I can twait to eat them.G: How much salt do you need?1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _VI.汉译英。( 10 分)1. 我们需要两茶匙蜂蜜。We need two _ of honey.2. 在顶上放上另外一片面包。Put another slice of bread _ _ _.3. 你想要多少橙汁? 一杯。 _ _ orange do you want? One cup.4. 这是一份制作草莓冰激凌的食

19、谱。Here is a _ _ strawberry ice cream.5. 你需要你茶匙黄油?_ _ teaspoons of butter do you need?VII.连词组句( 15 分)1. do, make, beef, and, noodles, how, you, tomato,_?2. cut, up, the, green, onions, and, put, them, on, the, pancake_.3. you, like, cabbage, beef, dumplings, would, some, and,_.4. many, of , do, how,

20、want, cup, coffee, you,_?5. turn, off, the, TV, before, you, go, to, bed,_.VIII.书面表达( 15 分)下面是葱爆羊肉的食谱。请用英语介绍一下它的做法。葱爆羊肉精品资料_制作原料:羊肉、鸡蛋1 个、大葱、精盐、酱油。制作方法:将羊肉切成片,放入碗内加精盐、鸡蛋。将大葱一剖为二,改刀成段,取一空碗放入精盐、酱油。炒锅内放入食用油,在旺火上烧至六成热(约 150 )时,放入羊肉,再放入葱段搅散迅速捞出。锅内留少量油,用旺火烧热后放入羊肉丁、葱段爆炒。最后倒入碗内。葱爆羊肉:Quick-fried mutton slice

21、s with green onion_听力材料I.1 You should peel the bananas before you eat them.2. I don tlike to eat ice cream.3. I want a big bowl of tomato and beef noodles.4. You should exercise more or you will get fatter and fatter.5. I have to go fishing with my grandfather on the weekend.II.1. What do you do fir

22、st when you make pop corns?2. Do you like to take the subway to school?3. How many times did you see the movie?4. What kind of sandwiches do you like?5. How much honey do we need?III.Do you like to eat pop corns? Well lets learn to make pop corns. First we pour abowl of corns into the popper. Next p

23、ut some salt or sugar. It all depends on your likes. If you like dessert you can put some ice cream or chocolate. Next, turn on the popper for five minutes. Next, pour out the pop corns in a bowl. Finally, eat them.参考答案卷 I听力部分I. 1-5 DCBEA II. 1-5 BBAAC III. 1-5 ABCCA卷 II笔答部分I. 1-5 ACACC 6-10 ADBCCII

24、. 1-5 CACBC 6-10 CBABB III. BDAADIV. 1. much 2. to cut 3. Making 4. Add 5. juice 6. watermelons 7. noodles 8. are 9. any 10. withoutV. DAEBFVI. 1. teaspoons 2. on, the, top 3. How, much 4. recipe, for 5. How, many VII.1. How do you make beef and tomato noodles?2. Cut up the green onions and put them

25、 on the pancake.精品资料_3. Would you like some cabbage and beef dumplings?4. How many cups of coffee do you want?5. Turn off the TV before you go to bed.VIII.Here is a recipe for Quick-fried mutton slices with green onion. First cut the mutton into slices and put it in the bowl. Then add salt and an eg

26、g to the mutton. Cut upthe green onions. Put salt and sauce into another bowl. Put some oil in the pant. When it becomes about 150 pour into the mutton. Then pour in the green onion. And quickly get it out. Then leave a little oil in the pant. Cook the muttonand green unions. At last put them into the bow. You can eat the delicious Quick-fried mutton slices with green onion.精品资料


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