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1、语法复习四:谓语动词和非谓语动词混合练习一. 首先学会判断要考的是谓语动词还是非谓语动词。1. Hoping he would not be seen, Bob rushed in, _ (pick) up his book and rushed out.2. The experiment they had devoted themselves to _ (succeed) at last.3. Some studies show that the industry of raising large farm animals _ (lead) to water and airpollution

2、, land damage and climate change.4.But this type of housing, which _ (call) co -housing, is gaining popularity in the UnitedStates.5.But this type of housing, _ (call) co -housing, is gaining popularity in the United States.6. The boy, who had remained silent and deep in thought on the journey home,

3、 _ (reply) in a way that shocked his father.7. Generally speaking, when_ (take) according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.8. _ (give) blood if you can and many lives will be saved.9. His fear of failure _ (keep) him from classrooms games that other children playedwith joy.10. That was

4、 definitely not an attractive idea so I politely declined her invitation, _(close) my book and walked away.11. The next time you _ (offer) help, no matter what that offer may be, do not turn it down!12. Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf - the first woman _ (elect) to head an African country -

5、 said she did not expect to see a black American president in her lifetime.13._ (leave) it with me and I ll see what I can do.14._ (get) to the tower building, where you can see the whole city.15._ (speak) out your inner feeling won t make you feel ashamed.16but it is not enough only _ (memorize) ru

6、les from a grammar book.二.非谓语动词解题的三步骤:名关时17. ) _(complete) the project as planned, we ll have to work two more hours a day.18. The headmaster went into the lab, _ (follow) by the foreign guests.19. Lessons _ (learn) in sports can help us in our dealing with other people.20. Yesterday I saw a man _ (

7、walk) in the street, with a little boy _ (seat) on hisshoulder.21._ (give) time, he will make a first -class tennis player.22.No computer so far _ (build) can have the same ability as human brains.23.Zhang Yaqin, Microsoft Corporates Vice -President, said that Microsoft would not use_ (collect) data

8、 to charge anybody at this time.24. I want to have you _ (mend) my car. I must have my car _ (mend).25. She is writing a letter to a friend of hers, _ (invite) him to attend the party.26. _ (see) the big snake, the little girl stood under the tree, _ (fright) out of 1her life.27. The new machine, if

9、 _ (use) properly, will work for at least ten years.28. Never _ (lose) faith in himself, the scientist went on with his research.29. The sound of planes is likely to cause deafness if _ (hear) continually.30. _ (know), you should have no trouble with the difficult work.31. Kung fu suffers from sever

10、al problems _ (associate) with martial arts.32. The captain was the last one _ (leave) the sinking ship.33. What is the way you thought of _ (do) it well?34. This is one of the problems _ (discuss) at the meeting next week.35. Where is the coffee table?- Sam just had it _(move).36. When I returned h

11、ome, I found the window open and something _(steal).37. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _ (smoke) in the kitchen.38. Your home-made ice-cream is so good. What syour secret? _ (make) good ice cream, you need to use a lot of cream.39. He went there _ (buy) some books and call on an old

12、 friend of mine.40. Then, review your reports carefully _ (check) corrections and changes.41. _ (not, fail) the examination, the students are studying hard.42. He is said _ (write) two books about his childhood now/(in the past two years).43. Why doesn t she make notes? She has no pen to use. She se

13、ems _(forget) to bring it.44.Peter can attend the party _(hold) at Tom shouseat present because heispreparing for the speech at the party _ at Mary s house tomorrow. (hold)45._ (scold) several times, Bill made up his mind not to watch last night s many more.46.Sandy could do nothing but _ (admit) to

14、 his teacher that he was wrong.47.Don t take the medicine. It can t help _ (get) rid of your cold.48.He was so excited that he couldn t help _ (jump) high.49. I was delighted and was about to accept her personal when she suggested we first_ (go) to the West Lake and walk along the Broken Bridge.50.

15、At the moment, the foreign friends you referred to _(look) forward to _(show) around our university.51. Ten-thousand people are said to _ (die) in one town.52. Should I say that I went out _ (steal)? No, I cannot say that. If I tell the truth,everyone will start hating me and call me a thief. I woul

16、d _ (punish) for stealing.53. I sometimes order products or service online to save money and time instead of going to astore and _ (buy) what I m looking for. For example, I _ (order) a digital camera online the other day and saved about $50.54. At work, it is IQ that _ (get) you promoted. _ (suppor

17、t) by his academicresearch, Professor Salovery suggests that when predicting someone futures success, their character, as measured by EQ tests, might actually matter more than their IQ. 2三. 语篇训练AShu Pulong has helped at least 1000 people 1 (bite) by snakes. “wasIt 2_(see) people with snake bites tha

18、t led me to this career, he” said . In 1963, after his army service, Shu entered amedical school and later _3 (become) a doctor of Chinese medicine. As part of his studies, hehad to work in the mountains. There he often heard of people who had their arms and legs 4 ( cut )off after a snake bite in o

19、rder to save their lives.“ I was greatly _5_ (annoy) by the story oan old farmer I met. It was a very hot afternoon. The old man _6_(pull) grass in his fieldwhen he felt a pain in his left hand. He at once realized he _7_(bite) by a poisonous snake.In no time he wrapped a cloth tightly around his ar

20、m _8_(stop )the poison spreading to hisheart. _9_(rush) home, he shouted Bring me a knife ! Minutes later the man lost his armforever.”“ The sadstorytouched mesomuchthatI decided todevotemyselfto_10_(help) people bitten by snakes,” Shu said.BAn Arab was walking through the desert, thirsty for water,

21、_1_he saw something far off in thedistance. _2_(hope) to find water, he walked towards the image, only to find a little Jewishman _3_ (sit) at a card table with a bunch of neckties laid out on it. The Arab asked,I _4_ (die) of thirst,can I have some water? ” The Jewishgentlemanreplied, “I don thave

22、any water, but why don t you buy a tie? Here s one that _5_ (go) nicely with yourrobes.” The Arab shouted,“ I don t want a tie, you idiot. I need water.” “ Ok, don _6_ (show) you what nice guys Jews are, I ll tell you that over that hill there, about 4 miles,is a nice restaurant. Walk that way, and

23、they _7_ (give) you all the water you want.Arab _8_ (appear). Three hours later, the Arab came _9_ (crawl) back to wherethe Jewish man sat behindhiscard table. He said, “ Itoldyou, about 4 miles overthat hill.Couldn t you find it?” The Arab replied,“ I found it all right. Your brother would not let

24、me in_10_ a tie!”CWelcome to our school. I d like to introduce you to plans for our school. A lot of work _1_(do)in the past few years. The library _2_(complete) and is ready for use. But we still have to domore work at present. First, a new biology lab _3_(build) now. But we dont have enough money

25、for the equipment. Students in all grades _4_(collect) money. The money which iscollected _5_(spend) on new equipment. Then ,a plan _6_(make) for a party at the end of theterm , at which wonderfulperformances _7_(put) on. Besides, the gardens of the school_8_(improve). New trees _9_(plant) which wil

26、l soon give shade in summer. In addition, thewhole school _10_(paint) during the summer holidays. In fact,our school is becoming more andmore beautiful.1. picked 2. succeeded 3. leads 4. is called 5. called 6. replied 7. taken 8. Give 9. kept 10. closed11. are offered 12 elected 13 Leave 14 Get 15 S

27、peaking 16 to memorize 17 To complete 18followed 19 learnt 20 walking; seated 21. Given 22. built; 23.collected 24. mend; mended 25. inviting 26. Seeing; frightened 27 used 28 losing 29. heard 30. Knowing 31. associated 32. toleave 33. to do 34. to be discussed 35. moved 36. stolen 37. smoking 38. T

28、o make 39. to buy 40. to check 41. Not to fail 42.to be writing (to have written) 43. to have forgotten 44. being held; to be held 45. Having been scolded 46. admit 47. to get 48. jumping 49. go 50. are looking; being shown 51. have died 52. stealing; be punished 53. buying; ordered 54. gets; Suppor

29、ted五语篇训练:A bitten; seeing; became; cut; annoyed; was pulling; had been bitten; to stop;Rushing; helping B when; Hoping; sitting; disappeared; crawling; without C 1.has been done 2.has been 5.will be spent 6.is being made being planted 10.will be painted am dying; completed3.is 7.will be put goes; being 8.are To show; built being will give; 4.are collecting improved9.are 4


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