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1、6A Unit 7 At Christmas教学内容:B部分单词:a watch,a teapot,a wallet,a skateboard,a hairdryerC部分句型:Whose is it/are they? Its/Theyre mine/yours/his/hers/ours/theirs 完成C部分练习图4,5,61.教具:课件、板书纸(贴双面胶)、圣诞帽、圣诞树、气球、盒子(放入学生五件礼物)、学生3张练习纸;学生奖品。2.学生准备:学歌曲。布置学生回家预习所学内容。布置带物品:送给别人的带包装的小礼物;别人曾经送你的心爱礼物。 训练示范表演的一个小组。 Step 1.Wa

2、rming upListen and sing the song:Step 2.Presentation1.Free Talk.T:Class begins.Good morning,children!First let me introduce myself.My family name is Wang.You may call me Miss Wang.Im very glad to meet you. You are so lovely. (问学生)May I have your name?Nice to meet you.What day is it today?(Friday)Wha

3、t date is it today?(The 25th of November)What festival is the 25th of December?(Christmas)教该单词。Oh,yes,Christmas is coming.(放置圣诞树)Look,heres a Christmas Tree.学习该两词:Christmas Tree,Father ChristmasSuppose today is Christmas.Lets say “Merry Christmas!”教师带学生说,并拥抱两生。2.Play a game.T:Today is Christmas Day.

4、Let me give you some presents-当当当当,What are they?Ss:Theyre balloons.精选推荐T:OK,lets play a game-“Magic balloons”.How to play it?For example, look,there is a word on it.You must say it quickly. You can get the balloon.Then the other students say “w”.a watch-a wallet;利用学生说出新词。新授。a pot,tea-a teapot;skate

5、,board-a skateboard;hair,dryer-a hairdryer学生抢说,看哪组人多踊跃,就给哪组打星。T:Wow,youre so excellent!Lets say “Yeah”!3.T:OK,look here-当当当当,whats this?Ss: A box.T: Yes,a beautiful box.Lets play a game again.The games name is “Magic box”.There are some things in it.You cant see them,but you can see themfrom the hol

6、e.Guess,whats this?Whose is it?What are they?Whose are they? Yes,youre right./No,youre wrong. 装入学生的礼物,让学生猜测,并猜测是谁的,提问whose,教师新授,并贴板书。重点朗读mine,yours,his,hers,ours,theirs.比较后让学生讲解两种物主代词(Possessive Pronoun)的区别。3.Practice.1)看多媒体投影三幅图,教师和一生示范,让同桌练习。2)Check.Step 3.Listen,read and say1.T:Now,look,its Chris

7、tmas Day.What did Ben and his family do?出现连线题。T:Listen to the tape,then match.Whose presents?学生做连线题。2.师生问答校对。3.学生看手上对话,跟教师读。(注意朗读语气的不同。)4.学生读,五人小组分角色读。5.两小组表演朗读。Step 4.Consolidation精选推荐1.T:Boys and girls,today is Christmas Day.Lets have a Christmas Party.教师与另外三人表演。(放圣诞背景音乐)T:Today is Christmas Day.W

8、e have a Christmas party.They are my good friends.There are so many presents under the Christmas Tree.Come here,friends.Lets open our presents.Whose present is it?S1:Its his,s.T:Oh,its his.Here you are. Its from S1 S2:Open it for me,please. T:OK.Oh,its a How beautiful! S2:Thank you, T:Whose presents

9、 are they?S1,S4:They are ours.T:Here you are.S1:Theyre from S3.Can we open them?S3:OK,you can.S1:Wow,they are and T:Wheres mine?S4:Here it is.This is for you.T: Let me open it.Oh,its a Thank you very much.I like it very much. OK,lets sing a song. Merry Christmas!2.T:Please have a Christmas party,and

10、 give the presents to each other,then act.学生五人小组练习、表演。Step 5.Summary小结本课内容。1.Today we learned a lot about Christmas Day.2.And we knew a lot about Possessive Pronoun.Step 6.Homework:To prepare your Christmas presents for your father,mother,teacher,good friends,and so on,and say “Merry Christmas”. (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!) 精选推荐


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