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4、调实现。【英文摘要】Employment is a very complex but very important social and economic problems. Since the reform and opening up, Chinas higher education has undergone considerable development, college expansion realizes the dreams of people go to college. However, when we are pleased and encouraged by the g

5、reat development of education and the new environment of university, the increasingly difficulty of the graduate employment gives us a blow. College graduates as the countrys precious resources, force modernization, their successful employment is not only related to the implementation of personnel t

6、raining function of higher education, the social harmony and stability, is also related to the countrys rapid economic development. With the dual effect of the wave of global economic crisis and higher education changing from “elite” to “popular”, graduate employment faces a more difficult situation

7、. Research on the graduate employment is complex but new, in the present, in-depth study of the phenomenon of difficulties of graduate employment is really urgent.Based on the above realities, the paper focused on the students experience issues in the course of employment. Paper carefully describes

8、graduates choices in education and employment options, graduates of career guidance services, experiences of job applying and feelings in the course of employment, by the methods of qualitative research, shows the real situation of graduates in the process of employment. This is the graduates “ups a

9、nd downs of employment road”, the paper discusses four aspects of this “road”:first choice. Students entering college to being employed is an employment process, the choice of education and work is the beginning of the process. Followed by the service. Government, universities and intermediary servi

10、ce constitute a system of employment services guiding graduates being employed. The third is experience. Graduates encounter three problems in the job search process:employment traps, false employment and employment discrimination, which hinder their successful employment. Finally, difficulties and

11、confidence. Graduates all have their own views and feelings about employment difficulties, job stress and employability, understand the employment in their eyes can better solve the problem of graduate employment.Through research the employment experience of graduates in the employment process, the

12、paper summarizes the experience of graduates in the employment process in four areas: the lack of the rational choice capacity of individual education and employment, individual choice is always within the established system, “There is no unsatisfactory practice, and only unpractical ideal” and boun

13、ded rationality of individuals without adequate guidance and services. Graduates are employed in the collision of these four areas, the improvement of employment difficulties needs joint efforts of graduates, university, government and community. Therefore, the paper reached a grounded theory:the em

14、ployment process is a process that person continuously collided with self and society and then employed. The improvement of employment situation of the employment needs understanding the internal mechanism of employment process correctly, each subject in every aspect plays a role, achieved in a dyna

15、mic process cooperatively.【关键词】毕业生 就业过程 遭遇 质性研究【英文关键词】Graduates employment process experience qualitative research【目录】毕业生就业过程遭遇的质性研究摘要3-4Abstract4-5第一章 引言8-27一、问题引入8-12(一) 毕业生就业现状9-11(二) 问题的提出11-12二、文献综述12-18(一) 国外教育与就业的相关研究12-15(二) 国内毕业生就业问题的研究15-17(三) 国内外研究的评价17-18三、研究思路18-21(一) 研究目标18(二) 研究内容18-1

16、9(三) 概念界定19-21四、研究和分析方法21-26(一) 研究方法21-24(二) 资料的收集与分析24-26五、研究的效度和伦理26-27第二章 “酸甜苦辣”就业路27-59一、选择:就业之路的开始27-40(一) 对教育的选择27-34(二) 对工作的选择34-40二、服务:就业指导40-45(一) 政府调控40-41(二) 高校指导41-44(三) 中介机构配合44-45三、遭遇:求职之痛45-53(一) 就业陷阱45-47(二) 就业假象47-49(三) 就业歧视49-53四、困难与信心:他们眼中的就业53-59(一) 就业困难53-55(二) 就业压力55-56(三) 就业能力56-59第三章 毕业生就业遭遇的思考59-67一、遭遇:碰撞中就业59-62(一) 个人受教育和就业缺乏理性选择的能力59-60(二) 个人选择只能在既定的制度范围内进行60-61(三) “没有不实际的理想,只有不理想的实际”61-62(四) 个人的有限理性得不到充分地引导和服务62二、改善:多主体合力62-65(一) 毕业生自我提升63(二) 高校深化改革加强服务63-64(三) 政府加强调控和指导64(四) 社会各界积极配合64-65三、研究者的思考65-67结语67-68附录A68-69参考文献69-73在读期间发表的学术论文及研究成果73-74致谢74


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