冰山理论(iceberg theory) .doc

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1、1.“冰山理论”(iceberg theory): one eighth of an iceberg is above the water. All of the rest is underneath the water.2.The Iceberg Theory (also known as the theory of omission) is a term used to describe the writing style of American writer Ernest Hemingway (July 21, 1899 July 2, 1961). Ernest Hemingways

2、“iceberg theory” suggests that the writer include in the text only a small portion of what he knows, leaving about ninety percent of the content a mystery that grows beneath the surface of the writing. This type of writing lends itself naturally to a version of dream-interpretation. If a writer of p

3、rose knows enough about what he is writing about he may omit things that will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. A good writer does not need to reveal every detail o

4、f a character or action.3.The Iceberg Theory is a writing theory stated by American writer Ernest Hemingway as follows: If a writer of prose knows enough about what he is writing about he may omit things that will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The d

5、ignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. A good writer does not need to reveal every detail of a character or action. This statement throws light on the symbolic implications of art. He makes use of physical action to provide an interpretation of the nature

6、 of mans existence. It can be convincingly proved that, while representing human life through fictional forms, he has consistently set man against the background of his world and universe to examine the human situation from various points of view.4.iceberg principleThe iceberg principle is a writing

7、 theory stated by a famous American writer, Ernest Hemingway, as follows: If a writer of prose knows enough about what he is writing about he may omit things that will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to onl

8、y one-eighth of it being above water. A good writer does not need to reveal every detail of a character or action. Now this principle has been applied in various fields. We could regard the small part which can be easily noticed as the 1/8 of an iceberg, and the part cant be easily noticed as the pa

9、rt under the surface. What cant be seen is the most important, because its the base of an iceberg, what it to the part above water is what the root of a tree to the trunk. We may admire a famous person very much because of his wealth and fame, but how many people know the struggle and sufferings beh

10、ind it? Are they dispensable? We can use the model of “iceberg principle”. His wealth and fame is the small part we can see, and his sufferings and struggle is the part under water, without it, the person wouldnt have acquired the fame and wealth he owns today.This principle also could be used in te

11、aching. The amount of material that teachers could present to their students is a small portion of the sum total of knowledge and skills that they possess. Like an iceberg, the level of expertise that is visible to the public is dependent upon a larger body of knowledge that is submerged out of sigh

12、t. So, it is particularly important for instructors to continually increase their knowledge and skill level because only a portion of the total body of knowledge will appear to be available; the same goes to learning. What the teacher could teach us is very limited, so if we want enrich our knowledg

13、e; we have to learn to use what we have learned to explore the unknown things.5.What do you know about Hemingways iceberg theory of writing? Hemingway and his tip of the principle of 20 to 30 years in the prevalence of this century on behalf of the Lost Generation on behalf of recognized literary ge

14、nre known as the United States is the writer of the twentieth century the first half of the most talented novelist Ernest genius. Hemingway. If one sentence summed up his people, and that is: a love of sports and sports a tough guy; A sophisticated reporter world; all the scars of a fighter; a Spani

15、sh bullfight fan; not only a good drink Also pay attention to the spirits of life gourmet. Hemingways thinking is very deep and unique perspective, the poet Allen? Tate as saying that he had an extremely delicate heart and a strong selective observation capacity. He Aoqi Te in the art of deep thinki

16、ng, the tip of the principle of can be described as the most representative and most well-known. In 1932, Ernest Hemingway in his works of documentary Death in the afternoon, the first time literature than done floating in the ocean on the tip, he said: the tip of the movements magnificent, because

17、he was only eighth in the On the surface of the water. Since then, many have made such an analogy. This image of Hemingway analogy, literary criticism aroused interest in the sector. As a result, the so-called tip of the principle of literary criticism has become involved in the study of Hemingway c

18、reated one of the important issues. It can be said that the tip of the principle of Hemingway was on his many years of experience summed up the image, he is dealing with the relationship between art and life followed by the basic norms. In that case, what is the tip of the principle of? In this rega

19、rd, Western critics carried out a great deal to explore. Let us take a look at how they are understandable. American Academy of Arts Critics pointed out that the horse Cosme: You extracted from the life of those who arouse feelings of their own distinctive details, if you are not on the terrorist at

20、rocities and out of touch with reality, and in accordance with the proper order to accurately describe the details, then You write will still arouse the readers emotional things to come. This is the Ernest Hemingway in his early close-up followed in the method of its own to limit the scope is very s

21、uccessful. Even in its scope, he is also Successful, as he described the picture show with a wide range of implied power. Betts Speaking on British critics of the Hemingway short story, said: The master of the art implies, that a word or two for more than two different The Art of the matter, then th

22、e short story house to do the work completed more than half. Elder critic of the United States of Hemingways tip of the principle of negative, he thought it was evasive tactics, Away to create a mood of emotional atmosphere. The community started to criticize the various ways that can help us unders

23、tand the tip of the principle. However, if further from the aesthetics and poetics of the tip of the principle of in-depth understanding, it is clear that each of Appeal on is not enough. The tip of the principle of Hemingway in his Death in the afternoon, there is an explanation, he wrote: If he wa

24、nted to write an essayist for the very few things in mind, he knows he may omit things, so readers As long as the writers write the true will of the strong feeling that he had omitted, the author seems to write out like. Obviously, to emphasize here that the writer is omitted, Shui Mianxia advocate

25、of the seven eighths should be left to The reader to feel. According to the interpretation of Hemingway, the tip of the principle of a rough generalization: the so-called tip of the principle, is to use simple language to shape a distinctive image of their own feelings and ideas, emotions and buried

26、 it in the image of the maximum, So that it is full of emotion hidden, and deep thinking of the night and not hidden, so that literature can be emotional and can be thought of a clever combination of clear-cut image for readers to discover the feelings of the ideological significance of the work. Co

27、ncise text, the image of the distinctive, rich and deep emotional thinking is a tip of the principle of the four basic elements. Specifically, text and image is the so-called eighth and feelings and ideas is the so-called seven eighths. The first two concrete is visible, the latter two are among res

28、ides in the first two. To shape the image of the text, contains the image of emotion, and emotion among the implication of thinking. It is true that literature in general, these four elements are essential, but in Hemingways work is particularly prominent because he emphasized the feelings and ideas

29、 of implicit. Hemingways study of the tip of the principle of first of all to find out the underwater seven eighths because this is part of the iceberg. If Elders view of the substantive content of Hemingways works was the author of apparent pursuit of surface effect to avoid the drop, then a sharp

30、rise, the problem can not be avoided, that is what Hemingway is a certain depth of thinking big Writers, or shallow, limited to the word of Mo Liu literary skills? It is clear that the substantive content of Hemingways works were not avoiding the drop, but Elder did not see it. 海明威与他的“冰山原则” 1932年,海明

31、威在他的纪实性作品午后之死中,第一次把文学创作比做漂浮在大洋上的冰山,他说:“冰山运动之雄伟壮观,是因为他只有八分之一在水面上。”其后,有多次作过这样的比喻。海明威这种形象的比喻,引起了文学批评界的兴趣。于是,所谓“冰山原则”就成了文学批评界研究海明威创作的重要课题之一。可以说”冰山原则”是海明威对自己多年创作经验的形象总结,是他处理艺术和生活关系所遵循的基本准则。 那么,究竟什么是”冰山原则”呢?关于这点,西方批评家做过不少探讨。我们不妨先来看一下他们是如何理解的。美国艺术批评家马儿科姆指出:“你从生活中提取那些唤起了自己情绪的鲜明细节,如果你对暴行与恐怖并不闭目塞听,而按照适当的顺序准确地


33、然,上诉各家的论述是远远不够的。 对于”冰山原则”,海明威自己在午后之死中有一个解释,他写道:“如果一位散文家对于他想写的东西心里很有数,那么他可能省略他所知道的东西,读者呢,只要作家写得真实,会强烈的感觉到他所省略的地方,好象作者写出来似的。”显而易见,作家在这里强调的是省略,主张水面下的的“八分之七”应该留给读者去感受。根据海明威的解释,可以对”冰山原则”作一个粗略的概括:所谓”冰山原则”,就是用简洁的文字塑造出鲜明的形象,把自身的感受和思想情绪最大限度的埋藏在形象之中,使之情感充沛却含而不露、思想深沉而隐而不晦,从而将文学的可感性与可思性巧妙的结合起来,让读者对鲜明形象的感受去发掘作品的

34、思想意义。简洁的文字、鲜明的形象、丰富的情感和深刻的思想是构成”冰山原则”的四个基本要素。具体地说,文字和形象是所谓的“八分之一”,而情感和思想是所谓的“八分之七”。前两者是具体可见的,后两者是寓于前两者之中的。文字塑造了形象,形象包含了情感,而情感之中蕴涵着思想。诚然,就一般文学作品而言,这四个要素都是必不可少的,但在海明威的作品中显得尤为突出,因为他强调了情感和思想的含蓄性。 研究海明威的”冰山原则”,首先要搞清楚水下的“八分之七”,因为这一部分是冰山的基础。如果按艾德尔的观点,海明威作品的实质性内容被作者“以明显的追求表面效果”回避掉了,那么就引出了一个尖锐的、不可回避的问题,即海明威究竟是具有一定思想深度的大作家,还是浅薄的、仅限于玩弄文字技巧的末流文人?显然,海明威作品的实质性内容并不是被回避掉了,而是艾德尔没有看出来罢了。


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