An Analysis of the Intertextuality in The Hours and Mrs. Dalloway.doc

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1、析小说时时刻刻与达洛卫夫人的互文性An Analysis of the Intertextuality in The Hours and Mrs. Dalloway Contents摘 要I关键词IAbstractIIKey WordsIIIntroduction1I. Brief Reviews of the Literary Theory and Literary Text51.1 About Intertextuality51.1.1 Origin of Intertextuality61.1.2 The Production of Intertextuality and Kristev

2、a81.1.3 Intertextuality in Narrow and Broad sense101.1.4 Different levels of intertextuality121.2 The Hours and Mrs. Dalloway131.2.1 Mrs. Dalloway as Pre-text131.2.2 The Hours as Post-text14II. Comparative Reading Wielded Intertextuality162.1 Intertextual Reinterpretations in Symbols162.1.1 Flower16

3、2.1.2 Party212.1.3 Cake and Richmond242.1.4 City252.1.5 Clock272.2 Intertextual Reinterpretations in Characters282.3 Intertextual Reinterpretations of Themes302.3.1 Insanity302.3.2 Homosexuality322.3.4 Suicide and Death332.4 Other Intertextual Reinterpretations in The Hours35III. The Function of Int

4、ertextuality in The Hours363.1 The Criticism of Radical Feminism in Intertextual Recreation363.2 The Reinterpretation of Virginia38Conclusion41Biography43Acknowledgements44析小说时时刻刻与达洛卫夫人的互文性摘 要由法国的克里斯蒂娃提出的互文性是当代文学理论和文化研究的核心术语之一,也是后现代小说的重要标签之一。麦克.康宁汉的后现代小说时时刻刻与意识流小说达洛卫夫人存在着互文性,甚至可以说前者是后者派生出来的文学作品,而在阅读

5、前者时,我们又能对后者进行重新思考,从而更好地了解和把握两部作品中不同时代女性的生存状况和精神状况。本文第一部分将简单梳理互文性概念的学渊系谱并对本文研究的文本进行介绍;第二部分将运用狭义和广义的互文性方法对时时刻刻与达洛卫夫人进行对比阅读,通过对互文性具体方式结合文本分析,指出两者相互指涉、相互映射的部分;第三部分将讨论互文对于后文本时时刻刻的作用。关键词互文性;克里斯蒂娃;达洛卫夫人;维吉尼亚伍尔夫;时时刻刻An Analysis of the Intertextuality in The Hours and Mrs. DallowayAbstractIntertextuality is

6、a term first introduced by French semiotician Julia Kristeva in the late sixties. Michael Cunninghams novel, The Hours, is treated as the contemporary revision of Virginia Wolfs Mrs. Dalloway. When reading the former novel, we will surely have reconsideration on the later one, so that we can compreh

7、end and understand both the life condition and spiritual status of women in different epochs much better. The thesis is firstly devoted to a mainly discussion about the orientation of and the category in intertextual research. The Hours and Mrs. Dalloway are to be comparative read wielded different

8、forms of intertextuality in the second part. The third part is to argue about the function of intertextuality in The Hours.Key WordsIntertextuality; Kristeva; Mrs. Dalloway; Virginia Wolf; The HoursIntroduction Intertextuality is a significant sign of Postmodernism fictions. And it was first coined

9、by the French semiotics and feminism critic Julia Kristeva in her work Word, Dialogue and Novel when she was doing research on Bakhtins theory of double-voiced nature of language. After the coinage of Kristeva, many critics and theorists put forward their own views and perceptions on Intertextuality

10、 and intertextuality has been divided into the narrow sense and the wide sense. In the opinion of Sun Xiuli, who wrote the Brief Research of Krestevas Intertextuality in Wide Sense, Kristeva is the reprehensive scholar of intertextuality in wide sense and intertextuality in narrow sense is presented

11、 by Genette. Allen G. summarizes the opinions of predecessors in the way of list the followings: intertextuality origins Saussure and Bakhtin and Kristeva raise a production of it; Barthes holds a view of “text unbound” when indentifying intertextuality; Genette and Riffaterre have their structurali

12、st approsches on intertextuality; as situated readers, intertextuality influents Harold Blooms conflictual vision of the intertextual process; intertextualitys influences on Feminism and Postcolonialism, etc.The researches of intertextuality are very hot in China, and over 1100 pieces of theses can

13、be in . Most of them are referential to the purified academic researches toward intertextuality, such as the introductions, summarizing orientations of intertextuality and the category in intertextual research, the comparison between intertextuality in different systems and genres, etc. In the rest

14、part of the theses, searches on intertextuality in advertisement field, in the www Text in network building, etc. and in other forms take occupied a part, on the contrary, intertextual researches on literary works, contrarily, are kinds of rare.The Hours is an excellent postmodernism fiction. Michae

15、l Cunningham gives a rehearsal on the masterpiece Mrs. Dalloway and The Hours become a hotspot in American modern literature research. However, most researches are focused on the Stream-of Consciousness technique and Feminism in The Hours, and except of the emphasis of the existence of “footnote” st

16、ylish intertextual pastiche to Mrs. Dalloway, rare intertextual researches in other angles have been done.The intertextual researches in these two fictions become popular in China. Lauren Shih-Ming Tangs Virginia Wolf in Intertextuality: An Intertextual Study of Michael Cunninghams The Hours which p

17、ublished in is a previous research thesis, and she analyzes the intertextual pastiche of Stream-of Consciousness technique in The Hours. In 2004, Song Tao and Zhu Jie points out in their thesis: intertextual referential to Mrs. Dalloway exists in The Hours, and the The Hours inherits the style and t

18、heme of Mrs. Dalloway through a way of intertextuality, and this inheritance contributes to remolding and expounding to the masterpiece. In the same year, the systemic analyses of pastiche intertextuality are rewritten by Wang LiLi in her thesis.Yuan Suhua points out that the intertextual strategy i

19、n The Hours is not only simple pastiche, but also are oversteps and innovations. She also considers The Hours as introspection, criticism, subverting to the radical Feminism in Mrs. Dalloway.But the above these are simply listing the similarities in these two fictions or listing the system of intert

20、extuality. The realistic combination of theory and text rarely exists.Two mature theses are the An Intertextual Study of The Hours of Xie Ye and Mrs. Dalloway and An Intertextual Reading of The Hours of Wang Chen. The former one drives the concrete forms of intertextuality in narrow sense to classif

21、y the analyses towards similarities between the two fictions; the later one has intertextual readings aspects such as symbol, theme, writing technique, etc. This thesis synthesizes the predecessorsviews, and innovates in that, the analyses are arranged by follows two thread: one is the intertextual

22、study from symbolic, charactersto thematic, and the second is the concrete forms of intertextuality; in this way, the analyses shows the procedural steps of intertextuality. And the function of intertextuality in The Hours is also in investigation.I. Brief Reviews of the Literary Theory and Literary

23、 TextIntertextuality is one of the kernel terms both in modern literature theory and modern civilization research. Postmodern novel The Hours, which was published in 1988, is the third fiction of the American author, Michael Cunningham, and it won the PEN/Faulkner Award the year it was born, and won

24、 the 1999 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. The Stream-of-Consciousness novel Mrs. Dalloway is a classic fiction was wrote by the famous British female writer and the precursor of feminism, Virginia Wolf. When reading the two works, we can easily notice the conspicuous intertextual relations in them, and

25、we could even say that The Hours is the derived work of Mrs. Dalloway through an intertextual strategy. 1.1 About Intertextuality“Works of literature, after all, are built from systems, codes and traditions established by previous works of literature. The systems, codes and traditions of other art f

26、orma and of culture in general are also crucial to the meaning of a work of literature. Texts, whether they are literary or non-literary, are viewed by modern theorist as lacking of independent meaning.”1 In this way, texts become intertexts. Intertextuality is the intertextual relations of texts an

27、d the shaping of texts meanings by other texts. It can refer to an authors borrowing and transformation of a prior text or to a readers referencing of one text in reading another. Employed in structuralist, post-structuralist, semiotic, deconstructive, postcolonial, Marxist, feminist and psychoanaly

28、tic theories, the term “intertextuality” has, itself, been borrowed and transformed many times since it was coined by poststructuralist Julia Kristeva in 1966. As critic William Irwin says, the term “has come to have almost as many meanings as users, from those faithful to Kristeva original vision t

29、o those who simply use it as a stylish way of talking about allusion and influence” Origin of IntertextualityIt can be said that intertextuality has its origin in 20th Century linguistic, particular in the seminal work of Ferdinand de Saussure, a great Swiss linguistic. Saussure created a de

30、finition in which a sigh can be imagined as two-sided coin combining a signified (concept) and a signifier (sound-image). This notion stresses that its meaning is non-referential: a sign is not a words reference to a certain object in the world, but the combination between a signifier and a signifie

31、d. So no sign has a meaning of its own. Signs only possess meaning on account of their combination and association to other signs. In Saussures opinion, signs exit within a system and have meaning through their similarity to and difference from other signs; “Authors of literary works do not just sel

32、ect word from a language system, they select plots, generic features, aspects of characters, images, ways of narrating, even phrases and sentences from previous literary texts and from the literary tradition”3 P11.Mikhail. M. Bakhtin has been styled one of the most important literary theorists of th

33、e 20th Century. His work is influential within the fields of literary theory and criticism, in linguistics, philosophy and many other disciplines.The age 1920s sees the beginning for understanding of Bakhtin and his forerunning ideas about intertextuality though at that time the term “intertextualit

34、y” didnt see the light. As to the attempt by Saussure linguistics to explain languages as a synchronic system, Bakhtin in Marxism and the Philosophy of Language argues that Saussure linguistics remains something describes as “abstract objectivism” for its lack of attention to social specificity. Bak

35、htin is more concerned with the social contexts within which words are exchanged. For Bakhtin, the relational nature of the word “stems from the words existence within specific social sites, specific social registers and specific moments of utterance and reception” 3 P11.It is Bakhtin who invites pu

36、blic attention to focus on the term “dialogic” which refers to the idea that “all utterances respond to previous utterances and are always addressed to other potential speakers, rather than occurring independently or in isolation. Language always occurs in specific social situations between specific

37、 human agents. Words always contain a dialogic quality, embodying a dialogue between different meanings and applications.”3 P211. Bakhtins emphasis on dialogism and other concepts and his insistence on the social and double-voiced nature of language are opposite to unitary, authoritarian and hierarc

38、hical conceptions of life, society and art. This perception can also be seen as origin of the term intertextuality.1.1.2 The Production of Intertextuality and KristevaThe term of Intertextuality was first coined in the late 1960s, by the French semiotics and feminism critic Julia Kristeva in her wor

39、k Word, Dialogue and Novel. She concluded that “any text is constructed as a mosaic of quotations; any text is the absorption and transformation of another. The notion of intertextuality replaces that of intersubjectivity, and poetic language is read as at least double” 3 .The basic connotation of i

40、ntertextuality is, “every text is the mirror of other texts, and every text is the assimilation and transformation of other texts. These texts consult, refer, and involve each other, so that they can intertexture an open network with eternal potential. Then this network can on one hand to build a hu

41、ge and open literary system of the past, the present as well as the future texts, on the other hand to constitute the developing processes of literary semiotics”.4Kristevas Intertextuality theory was mainly inspired by the Russian scholar Bakhtins views and it is who Bakhtin drew the conception of “

42、Intertextualitytext/culture relationships” into the literary critics theory. In Bakhtins Problems of Dostoevskys Poetic, he put forward the term of “Literary Carnival”, and it, actually, had given the expression of an Intertextual sense. Bakhtin also posted the systematic relationships between liter

43、ary dialogues an extra-literary dialogue.Kristeva had once given a special explanation of the differences between herself and Bakhtin. In one 1961 interview, she pointed out that : “Bakhtin did not use the term intertextualitydefinitely in his dissertation, but it seems that we could deduce this ter

44、m from Bakhtins view.” 5 P189190 Kristevas purpose was not only giving a faithful and exhaustive introduction of Bakhtin, but also deepening and expanding Bakhtins views. She said: “Firstly, I think, the parts, the sentences, the speeches and the passages of texts are not only the direct or indirect

45、 crossover of two voices in dialogue. Id rather say, the passages of texts are the crossing of many voices and many texts interventions. And these plenty of voices and texts interventions are not only involved in the semiotic field, but also the field of syntax and phonetics in language expressing.

46、Then I conceived the multielement of the participations of the phonetics, the syntax and phonetics. I think, compared with Bakhtin, my innovation is, I treat those outside interventions from different levels as syntax and phonetics levels as well as significance level. Im more interested in, which i

47、s much unique to me,the mental activities areas showed by the intervention of various texts from different sections. Analysis should not been simply limited in the final participated texts or just affirmed the Origin of those texts appeared in the work. We should considerer that what were referring

48、to is a particular dynamics with a spoken subject. As a result, just because of the existence of intertextuality, the spoken subject does not just turn out be a etymological subject or a identity subject.”5 P1601.1.3 Intertextuality in Narrow and Broad senseIntertextuality includes both the concrete and abstract ways of referring. The concrete referring is the mention of the visible and obvious references between the text itself and another text, or among different texts, while the contents abstract referred are in the outside word: the wider and more metaphysical literature, the social


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