中职英语基础模块2(新课标版)教案:unit9 everything is made in china.doc

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《中职英语基础模块2(新课标版)教案:unit9 everything is made in china.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中职英语基础模块2(新课标版)教案:unit9 everything is made in china.doc(7页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 9 Everything is made in China (第一课时 教学设计)一、教材分析1教学内容第一课时的内容包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking两部分,主要内容是关于物品构成材料的词汇和购物的对话。2教学重点、难点(1)教学重点通过对寻找身边材料和观看图片,学生能听懂关于物品构成材料和商品信息的词汇与句型。通过对话学习,学生能够进行顾客与售货员之间的对话。(2)教学难点学生能在真实的情境中进行顾客与售货员之间的对话。三、教学目标1. 知识目标(1)学生能够掌握关于物品构成的材料和商品信息的词汇,如:glass, cotton, plastic

2、, wood, stone, wool, silk, steel, leather, size, price, material, color, place of production, design, be made of, medium, etc。(2)学生能掌握购物时所使用的句型,如:What can I do for you?What color do you prefer?I want a large/ medium/ small size.What is it made of?Where is it made?四、教学步骤Step One Lead-in Brainstorming

3、 Teacher : What materials are they?Ask students to discuss what materials they can find around them in the classroom.Promotion: Whats your coat made of? Whats the table made of?Step Two Words Study 1. Match the objects with their materials. (Activity 1 )Teacher : Show the words and related pictures

4、of the objects on the screen.Students: Match the objects with their materials. Step Three Listening 1. Pre-listening Teacher: Ask several students about their clothes. The dialogue are as follows: T: What color is your coat?S: Its .T: Whats it made of?S: Its made of .T: What size is it?S: Its size L

5、.2. While-listening (1)Listen and answer the questions. (Activity3)(2)Listen again and tick the things they are talking about. (Activity 4)3. Post-listening ( class work and pair work )Step Four Speaking 1. Read aloud after the tape and pay attention to the underlined sentences. (Activity 6)Ask stud

6、ents to read the underlined sentences and memorize. What is it made of? Its made of silk.Where is it made ?Its made in China.2. Role play the dialogue between a customer and a shop assistant with the information given. (Activity 7)(1)Teacher makes short dialogues with several students first.Step Fiv

7、e Discussion Talk about the things you bought recently in pairs.Sample: A: I bought a new scarf last weekend. B: Where is it made?Step Six Homework 1. Remember and search more materials about the objects around you.2. Make up a dialogue of asking and giving information about goods.五、板书设计Unit 9 Every

8、thing is made in China What can I do for you?What color do you prefer?I want a large/ medium/ small size.What is it made of?Where is it made?. MaterialsUnit 9 Everything is made in China(第二课时 教学设计)一、教材分析1教学内容本单元阅读活动的目的是训练学生理解描述某人一天购物经历的短文,让学生能在一般的生活、工作语境中使用正确的叙事方式,并能完成相关语言(笔头)输出任务,同时读写活动也为学生完成单元任务作相

9、关的语言准备。2教学重点、难点(1) 教学重点学生能通过阅读有关某人一天购物经历的材料,获取相关信息。学生能适当结合被动语态描述某人一天的购物经历。(2) 教学难点学生能适当结合被动语态复述某人一天的购物经历。学生能结合实际写出某人一天的购物经历。二、教学目标2. 知识目标(1)学生能掌握和运用以下词汇和短语,如notice, candle, living room, label, fashionable, design, etc。(2)学生能掌握和运用以下句型。如She found a CD designed for young ladies.She found a skirt made o

10、f silk.Everything is made in China.三、教学步骤Step One Lead-in Activity 9: Look at the picture and answer questions. (1 ) Where did the story take place?(2 ) How did the lady feel?Step Two Reading 1. Read the stories and match the main idea for each paragraph. ( Activity 10)2. Read the stories again and

11、tick the things made in China. ( Activity 11)3. Read the stories again and complete the chart about Mrs. Lawsons Day. ( Activity 12)Step Three Writing Write a short passage about Allisons shopping day using the information in Activity 13.Step Four Homework Write a passage about a shopping day of you

12、r own with the help of the words in Activity Unit 2 I saw a terrible movie.The chart (written by students )Useful words, phrase and sentences 四、 板书设计Unit 9 Everything is made in China (第三课时 教学设计)一、教材分析1教学内容主要内容为Language in Use部分,具体内容包括了语法知识(一般现在时的被动语态)、词汇学习(关于物品材料和产地词汇的巩固和应用)。2教学重点、难点(1)教学重点通过在情境中学习

13、,学生能正确使用一般现在时被动语态。通过活动操练,熟练掌握有关物品材料和生产的词汇及句型的用法。(2)教学难点 学生能准确运用一般现在时被动语态,根据图片提供的信息和提示词描述食品制作过程。二、教学目标3. 知识目标(1)学生能掌握有关物品材料和生产的词汇,如produce, deliver, test, put into small packs, pasteurize,etc. (2)学生能熟练掌握一般现在时被动语态的基本结构和用法,如:What is it made of?Milk is produced on the farm.Pans are used for cooking.Shoe

14、s are made in China.Where is it produce?What is it used for?三、教学步骤Step One Lead-in Vocabulary memory: Step Two PresentationAsk and answer questions in pairs. (Activity 20)Step Three Practice 1. Choose words to describe what Mrs. Lawson bought in Activity 21.2. Ask students to find the similar senten

15、ces after the teachers model. Step Four Grammar focus The Passive Voice of the Simple Present Tense1. Ask students to find the sentences that are similar to those above.( Activity15) Ask students to conclude the characteristics of the Passive Voice of Simple Present Tense.2. Match the questions with

16、 their answers. (Activity 16)Step Five Group workAsk students to discuss how milk is produced, teacher gives help if necessary, ask students to report in the class.Step Six Homework Prepare for the Unit Task in groups.四、板书设计 Unit 9 Everything is made in China The Passive Voice of The Simple Present

17、Tense 1. They are designed for joggers. 2. They are made of the best materials. 3. These candles are made in China. 4. They are used fro birthday parties. 5. They are sold at a very low price.Wordsabout milk is producedUnit 9 Everything is made in China (第四课时 教学设计)一、教材分析1教学内容这些内容总结了本单元的重要语言知识,并在完成真实

18、的任务中达到综合运用本单元所学语言的目的。2教学重点、难点(1)教学重点通过对话教给学生句子停顿的朗读技巧。通过单元任务(评选最佳销售员)提高学生综合运用语言的能力。(2)教学难点 学生能够运用本单元所学的语言知识完成一个真实的任务,即评选最佳销售员。二、教学目标4. 知识目标学生能熟练掌握和运用本单元的重要语言知识。三、教学步骤Step One Lead-in Teacher tells students that today all the students are salespersons, after one-minute product description, a couple o

19、f them will be chosen as the best salespersons.Step Two Unit TaskTeacher introduces the unit task. The steps are as follows:1. Brainstorm about why an Eskimo might need a refrigerator. List all your ideas on a piece of paper. 2. List all the special features of your refrigerator. Find out how they c

20、an meet the needs of the Eskimos.Step Three Fun TimeListen to the story and pay attention to the pauses.Step Four Homework1. Finish the exercises in Exercise Book.2. Do the self-check after class to check yourself.四、板书设计 Unit 9 Everything is made in ChinaThe reasons and the special features of the refrigerator an Eskimo might need Questions to answer:e.g. Who is it designed for? What is it made of? Why do you need it?五、教学反思本单元紧紧围绕产品材料与产地展开活动,从听、说、读、写四个方面全面训练,班级中不可避免地存在英语基础差异大的问题,但作为教师,如果能在授课时由浅入深,由易到难,从学生的实际水平和学习需求出发,帮助学生克服交际障碍,关注到不同水平的学生,引导他们完成相应任务,职高学生同样能体验到学习英语的快乐和成就感,爱上英语课堂。


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