Engagement Lettermtllaw.net.doc

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1、Engagement LetterDated: _Personal and ConfidentialProspective ClientRE:Sale of: Our file no. Dear Prospective Client:I appreciate the opportunity to act as your legal counsel. This letter sets forth the basic terms upon which you have engaged this office to represent you, including the anticipated s

2、cope of our services and the billing policies and practices that will apply to the engagement.Although we expect our normal method of communication will be less formal than a written statement such as this, we believe it is important to set forth the terms of our engagement. We request that you revi

3、ew this letter carefully and, if it is consistent with your understanding of our respective responsibilities, please return a signed copy of this letter to me at your earliest convenience. Enclosed is an additional copy of this letter which you should retain in your records.In order to avoid confusi

4、on in the future regarding the terms of our representation, we believe it will be helpful to set forth in this letter the basic terms of our engagement. They are as follows:Scope of the EngagementRepresentation of the client and prosecution of the central matter of this engagement: namely, the sale

5、of a residential real estate property and an accounting to the Seller of the Sellers sale proceeds. The client understands that prosecution of the central matter for which the firm has been retained may require institution of ancillary proceedings. The Client hereby expressly authorizes such additio

6、nal action, as the Firm may deem necessary to protect the interests of the Clients claims or rights. Prospective ClientEngagement LetterPage TwoNo liability shall be assumed by the attorney for any offer to purchase contracts negotiated by the client prior to this engagement. McCarthy v. Tobin, 429

7、Mass. 84 (1999)A flat fee for services is quoted for representation. This fee shall include charges associated with document preparation on behalf of the client necessary to effectuate a sale of a residential real estate property. The flat fee quoted shall not include the preparation of occupancy ag

8、reements, easements, party wall agreements, complex affidavits relevant to title, or nominee trusts. If the client requires any of these documents, their preparation shall be subject to a separate hiring with the attorney. Case ManagementIt is understood and agreed that Attorney Mark Twombly Lee sha

9、ll be the supervising attorney in this case. Attorney Lee shall have sole discretion to determine whether his other partners, associates or paralegals shall perform any specific task required in connection with the Firms representation of the Client. The Client understands that, from time to time, o

10、thers will be actively involved in the conduct of any central and/or ancillary proceedings on behalf of the Client.Billing Policies and ProceduresLegal advice, counsel, and negotiation in this matter shall be billed out at a flat fee of _($_.00) dollars for all legal advice counsel and document prep

11、aration necessary to effectuate a residential real estate sale. This flat fee is quoted on the presumption that no more than five billable hours shall be necessary to effectuate the clients goal. In the event of unforeseen contingencies related to this transaction which require more than five billab

12、le hours of attorney time, a new fee arrangement shall be discussed and agreed upon by the client and the attorney. This engagement and the fee quoted will not include representation of the client in Housing Court or any ancillary proceedings to clear title to the property.We will bill you for any c

13、ash disbursements in accordance with our normal practices. We will ask you to pay any substantial expenses directly to the vendor or provider of the service, unless you have advanced the payment to us. Our firm will make advances for minor expenses on your behalf and bill you for them. We will conta

14、ct you prior to incurring any expense in excess of $ 100.00 dollars.It is the policy of this firm to withdraw from representation in the event our fees and/ or other charges remain unpaid for a significant period of time and we are unable to resolve satisfactorily arrangements for payment. In the ev

15、ent our engagement is terminated, you will continue to be obligated to pay any charges for our services and other charges incurred before the termination date. If for any reason our relationship is Prospective Client Engagement LetterPage Threeterminated, please remember, your legal matter, file, an

16、d all documents in it are your property and you may request them at any time.We look forward to working with you and are honored to represent you. Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions concerning these matters.Very truly yours,MARK TWOMBLY LEECOUNSELLOR AT LAW, P.C.By:Mark Twom

17、bly Lee, EsquireProspective ClientEngagement LetterPage Four Certification of ReceiptProspective ClientRE:Sale of: Our file no. The foregoing represents the entire agreement between the Firm and the Client. By signing below, the Client acknowledges that he or she has carefully read this Agreement, u

18、nderstands its content, and agrees to be bound by all of its terms and conditions; that the Firm has made no representations to the Client as to the likelihood of the outcome of any proceedings now pending or to be brought by or against the Client, and that the Client believes this Agreement to be fair and reasonable.I, the above named _, acknowledge receipt of the aforesaid engagement letter this_ day of _, 20_._ Prospective Client


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