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1、Birkbeck College, University of London Faculty of Continuing EducationACADEMIC YEAR2006/07SUBJECT AREASManagementTITLEPrinciples of Marketing / Competitive Strategy(DAY RELEASE)MODULE CODEFFMN004UDCC LEVEL1CREDIT VALUE30ASSESSMENT TYPE100% courseworkAWARDS WITH WHICHCertificate in ManagementASSOCIAT

2、E AND STATUSPRE-REQUISITES/ENTRYApplicants must normally be over 21 with experience in a REQUIREMENTSresponsible for managerial role. Applicants must have a good standard of written and spoken English. .TIMESDay Release 1pm to 3pmDATESTerm 1: Weds 4th October 2006 Weds 20th Dec 2006Term 2:Weds 10th

3、Jan 2007 Weds 28th March 2007VENUERoom 103, Clore Management Centre, Birkbeck, 25-27 Torrington Square, London WC1E 7JLFIRST MEETINGWednesday 4th October 2006, 1.00pm 3.00pmCOURSE TAUGHT BY:Neil Coade MAThe course introduces students to the theory and practice of marketing in a competitive environme

4、nt. More specifically, it examines the process concerned with identifying, anticipating and satisfying consumer/user needs, and considers the methods by which organisations (public and private sectors) develop appropriate competitive strategies in order to succeed and survive in the face of environm

5、ental threats and opportunities.No previous knowledge of the subject is required. On successful completion of the course, however, the student will have acquired a thorough understanding of marketing concepts and sufficient practical competence and confidence in the subject to apply that knowledge t

6、o basic marketing problems and situations.Entry RequirementsThis course is open access. Anyone who feels they will benefit may enrol.AttendanceStudents are normally expected to attend at least 75% of the course. AimsThese are to develop the students critical understanding of the theory and practice

7、of marketing in the context of a competitive environment enable students to exercise independent and critical thought and express ideas with clarity and meaningOutcomesOn completion of the course, the student should be able to demonstrate, in writing and orally, the application of marketing theory t

8、o practice critically examine real life marketing case studies and propose realistic strategies for ameliorating marketing problems exercise independent and critical thought about marketing issues and express ideas clearly and in structured and logical manner construct an appropriate marketing plan

9、for either a private/commercial organisation or not-for-profit public/voluntary sector body work effectively as a marketing team member successfully complete individual and group assignments for assessment and undertake, with confidence, class case study/group exercisesTeaching and learning strategi

10、esIn delivering the course programme, a student-centred approach will be adopted. Formal lectures will be complemented by class discussions and problem-solving exercises. Visual aids, such as short video extracts, slides and similar illustrative materials will be employed to support the learning pro

11、cess. In some circumstances, typed lecture notes and printed handouts for the students personal use and retention, will be distributed at the beginning of each class meetings. A set of notes will comprise a detailed description of the content of the lecture plus summary of main points, self-completi

12、on exercises, case study materials and additional book/article references. These materials will facilitate and guide students self-learning between meetings.Numerous real-life case studies will be used to demonstrate marketing theory and practice in context. AssessmentThis comprises four pieces of w

13、ork: three written essays selected from list of questions and one group project. Each unit of assessment is worth 25% of the total marks. The essays are individual assignments, two of which are submitted for assessment during the first term, the third submitted early in the second term. The group pr

14、oject, the fourth and final piece of assessment work, involves a presentation and the submission of a written report. Course contentThe course comprises two modules: Principles of Marketing and Competitive Strategy. Module 3: Principles of MarketingIntroduction Rationale Teaching/learning strategies

15、 Students expectations Study skillsEthical considerations in marketing communications The role of the regulatory agencies Illustrative examples of controversial marketing communications Theory and practice of marketing Central concepts Marketing models Concept of the marketing mix Case studies (Read

16、ing: Kotler - chapter 1)Segmentation Theory of market segmentation Criteria for segmenting consumers Target marketing Positioning Case studies (Reading: Kotler - chapter 10Theories of products/services Products/services - definitions Concept of the product life cycle Planning product strategy Shosta

17、k, Ansoff, BCG, etc. Branding Case studies (Reading: Kotler chapters 15 & 16 Marketing plans Micro and macro analysis of the environment Setting goals and objectives Implementation Controls (Reading: Kotler chapter 3)Marketing research Ethics and market research Planning research activities Research

18、 techniques Image analysis and tracking studies Information technology and market research Case studies (Reading: Chisnall; Tull et al relevant chapters)Advertising Advertising in context Advertising theory Planning and implementing the campaign Measuring advertising effectiveness Case studies (Read

19、ing: Kent relevant sections; Kolter chapter 2)Public relations Theory and practice of public relations Public relations and the communications mix Building corporate and visual identity Managing media relations Case studies (Reading: Kotler chapter 23) Pricing and distribution policies Role of price

20、 and place in marketing mix Types of pricing policies Distribution in marketing Case studies (Reading: Kotler chapter 18)Module 4: Competitive StrategyThe nature of competitive strategy Porters competitive analysis Case studies (Reading: Porter chapter 2)Corporate strategy Nature of strategic decisi

21、ons Strategic choice and implementation Strategic management Case studies (Reading: Johnson & Scholes- chapters 1 4)Culture and stakeholder expectations Cultural context of strategy Stakeholder analysis Case studies (Reading: Johnson & Scholes chapter 5)Strategic choice Strategic options Differentia

22、tion and value chain analysis Strategic evaluation Case studies (Reading: Johnson & Scholes chapter 6 8)Strategic implementation Resource planning Preparing resource plans Managing strategic change Networking Case studies (Reading: Johnson & Scholes chapters 9 11)Group presentations and plenary sess

23、ionGeneral readingChisnall P. (1992) Marketing Research Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Johnson G. & Scholes L. (1997) Exploring Corporate Strategy London: Prentice Hall Kent R. (ed.) (1994) Measuring media audiences London: RoutledgeKotler P. (1997) Marketing Management London: Prentice HallOliver G. (1990) Marketing Today London: Prentice Hall Porter M. (1980) Competitive Strategy New York: Free PressRies A. & Trout J. (1981) Positioning: the battle for your mind Singapore: McGraw-HillTull D. S. & Hawkins D. I. (1993) Marketing Research New Jersey: Prentice-Hall


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