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1、2021年职称英语模拟试题-E卷解析版2014年度齐国职称英语仿实摹拟试题(E卷)第一全体:辞汇选项(第115题,每一题1分,共15分)上面共有15个句子,每一个句子中均有1个词或者短语绘有底横线,请从每一个句子前面所给的4个选项当选择1个取绘线全体意思最邻近的词或者短语。问案一概涂正在问题卡响应的地位上。1 It is difficult to assess the importance of the decision.A. evaluateB. commentC. discussD. report2. You must try to wipe out the memory of these

2、 horrible events.A. strangeB. terribleC. unusualD. unfair3. As the headmaster made a long speech,the ceremony was prolonged by ten minutes.A. quickenedB. enlargedC. enrichedD. lengthened4 When a man knows that he will be put into prison if he uses a potentially deadly object to rob or do harm to ano

3、ther person,he will think twice about it.A. passiveB. lifelongC. unhappyD. fatal5 Because of adverse weather conditions,The travelers stopped to camp.A. localB. unfamiliarC. goodD. unfavorable6 There are some things in the class the teachers will not put up with.A. tolerateB. contributeC. resistD. p

4、rohibit7 Her behavior is extremely childish.A. simpleB. immatureC. beautifulD. pretty8 Courageous people think quickly and act without hesitation.A. complaintB. considerationC. delayD. anxiety9 A good employer gives hints to his or her employees without interfering with thei r creativity.A. freedomB

5、. assistanceC. cluesD. funds10 He is charming; nevertheless,I don?t quite trust him.A. howeverB. thereforeC. despiteD. afterwards11 Hundreds of buildings were wrecked by the earthquake.A. shakenB. damagedC. fallenD. jumped12 Academic records cannot be duplicated.A. borrowedB. purchasedC. rewrittenD.

6、 copied13 We have ample money for the journey.A. someB. littleC. extraD. enough14 The failure is not horrible because it helps to accumulate useful experiences.A. increaseB. spreadC. collectD. grow15 The union representative put across her argument very effectively.A. inventedB. explainedC. consider

7、edD. accepted第2全体: 浏览判别(第1622题,每一题1分,共7分)浏览上面的漫笔,漫笔前面列出7个句子,请依据漫笔的内容对于每一个句子做出判别,假如该句供应的是准确疑息,便选A;假如该句供应的是同伴疑息,便选B;假如该句供应的疑息文章中出有说起,便选C.BrandsThe word brand is a comprehensive term that encompasses other narrower terms. A brand is a name, term, symbol, and/or special design that is intended to identi

8、fy the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers. A brand differentiates one seller?s products from those of competitors. A brand name consists of words, letters, and/or numbers that can be vocalized. A brand mark is the part of the brand that appears in the form of a symbol, design, or di

9、stinctive coloring or lettering. It is recognized by sight but may not be expressed when a person pronounces the brand name.A trademark is a brand that is given legal protection because, under the law, it has been appropriated by one seller. Thus trademark is essentially a legal term. All trademarks

10、 are brands and thus include the words, letters, or numbers that can be pronounced. They may also include a pictorial design. Some people erroneously believe that the trademark is only the pictorial part of the brand.One major method of classifying brands is on the basis of who owns themproducers or

11、 middlemen. Sunbeam, Florsheim, Spalding (athletic products), and Sara Lee are producers? brands, while Allstate, Shurfine, Sysco, Craftsman, and Penncrest are middlemens brands.The terms national and private have been used to describe producer and middleman brand ownership, respectively. However, m

12、arketing people prefer the producer middleman terminology. To say that the brand of poultry feed marketed in three states by a small Birmingham, Alabama, manufacturer is a national brand, whereas the brands of Penney?s or Sears are private brands, stretches the meaning of the te rms national and pri

13、vate.实习:16. “Brand” is a general term which covers narrower terms such as “brand name”, “brand mark”, and “trademark”.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned17. A brand name is intended to impress customers with an attractive and original design while a trademark is intended to do so with a peculiar sound.

14、A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned18. Trademarks are protected by law while brand names are not.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned19. Some people identify the brand mark with the trademark.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned20. Among various methods of classifying brands, the one based on ownership is wide

15、ly accepted.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned21. Penncrest is a national brand.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned22. When classifying brands, marketing people tend to employ the categories of “producer-owned” and “middleman owned”A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned第3全体:归纳综合年夜意实现句子(第2330题, 每一题1分,共8分)浏览上面的漫

16、笔,每一篇漫笔后有两项测试义务:(1)第23- 26 题请求从所给的6个选项中为指定的4段每一段取舍1个准确的小题目:(2)第27-30 题请求从所给的6个选项当选择4个准确选项,分手实现每一个句子。Transport and Trade1 Transport is one of the aids to trade. By moving goods from places where they are plentiful to places where they are scarce , transport adds to their value. The more easily goods

17、can be brought over the distance that separates producer and consumer , the better for trade. When there were no railways , no good roads , no canals , and only small sailing ships , trade was on a small scale.2 The great advances made in transport during the last two hundred years were accompanied

18、by a big increase in trade. Bigger and faster ships enabled a trade in meat to develop between Britain and New Zealand , for instance. Quicker transport makes possible mass-production and big business , drawing supplies from , and selling goods to , all parts of the globe. Big factories could not ex

19、ist without transport to carry the large number of workers they need to and from their homes. Big city stores could not have developed unless customers could travel easily from the suburbs and goods delivered to their homes. Big cities could not survive unless food could be brought from a distance.3

20、 Transport also prevents waste. Much of the fish landed at the ports would be wasted if it could not be taken quickly to inland towns. Transport has given us a much greater variety of foods and goods since we no longer have to live on what is produced locally. Foods which at one time could be obtain

21、ed only during a part of the year can now be obtained all through the year. Transport has raised the standard of living.4 By moving fuel , raw materials , and even power , as , for example , through electric cables , transport has led to the establishment of industries and trade in areas where they

22、would have been impossible before. Districts and countries can concentrate on making things which they can do better and more cheaply than others and can then exchange them with one another. The cheaper and quicker transport becomes , the longer the distance over which goods can profitably be carrie

23、d. Countries with poor transport have a lower standard of living.5 Commerce requires not only the moving of goods and people but also the carrying of messages and information. Means of communication , like telephones , cables and radio , send information about prices , supplies , and changing condit

24、ions in different parts of the world. In this way , advanced communication systems also help to develop trade.实习: 23. Paragraph 2_ B_ 24. Paragraph 3 _A_ 25. Paragraph 4 _D_ 26. Paragraph 5_E_27. The development of modern means of transport _C_.28. Only when goods can be carried to all parts of the

25、world quickly _D_.29. Transport has made it possible for people to eat whatever food they want _B_.30. In the trade of modern society the transmission of information plays as important a role as _E_. 第4全体: 浏览了解(第3145题,每一题3分,共45分) A. Higher living standard B. Importance of transport in trade C. Vario

26、us means of transport D. Birth of transport-related industries and trade E. Role of information in trade F. Public transportation A. to send goods to various parts of the world B. at any time during the year C. has greatly promoted trade D. is it possible to produce on a large scale E. the transport

27、 of goods F. it is possible to produce on a large scale浏览上面的漫笔,每一篇漫笔的前面有5个成绩,每一个成绩有4个备选问案。请依据漫笔的内容取舍准确的问案。Spacing in AnimalsFlight DistanceAny observant person has noticed that a wild animal will allow a man or other potential enemy to approach only up to a given distance before it flees. “Flight di

28、stance” is the terms used for this interspecies spacing. As a general rule, there is a positive relationship between the size of an animal and its flight distancethe larger the animal, the greater the distance it must keep between itself and the enemy. An antelope will flee when the enemy is as much

29、 as five hundred yards away. The wall lizard?s flight distance, on the other hand is about six feet. Flight is the basic means of survival for mobile creatures.Critical DistanceCritical distance apparently is present wherever and whenever there is a flight reaction. “Critical distance”includes the n

30、arrow zone separating flight distance from attack distance. A lion in a zoo will flee from anapproaching man until it meets a barrier that it cannot overcome. If the man continues the approach, he soon penetrates the lions critical distance, at which point the cornered lion reverses direction and be

31、gins slowly to stalk the man.Social DistanceSocial animals need to stay in touch with each other. Loss of contact with the group can be fatal for a variety of reasons including exposure to enemies. Social distance is not simply the distance at which an animal will lose contact with his groupthat is,

32、 the distance at which it can no longer see, hear, or smell the groupit is rather a psychological distance, one at which the animal apparently begins to feel anxious when he exceeds its limits. We can think of it as a hidden band that contains the group.Social distance varies from species to species

33、. It is quite shortapparently only a few yardsamong some animals, and quite long among others.Social distance is not always rigidly fixed but is determined in part by the situation. When the young of apes and humans are mobile but not yet under control of the mothers voice, social distance may be th

34、e length of her reach. This is readily observed among the baboons in a zoo. When the baby approaches a certain point, the mother reaches out to seize the end of its tail and pull it back to her. When added control is needed because of danger, social distance shrinks. To show this in man, one has onl

35、y to watch a family with a number of small children holding hands as they cross a busy street.辞汇:observant 不雅察力灵敏的barrier 停滞物potential 潜伏的contact 分割;打仗survival 遁死,必然fatal 致命的mobile 可动的,举动的rigidly 呆板天,去世板天approach 晨走远baboon 狒狒实习:31. Which of the following is the most appropriate definition of Flight

36、Distance? 第一段“Flight distance”下的界说A. Distance between animals of the same species before fleeing.B. Distance between large and small animals before fleeing.C. Distance between an animal and its enemy before fleeing.D. Distance between certain animal species before fleeing.32. I f an animal?s critica

37、l distance is penetrated, it will第2段第2句以及最初一句A. begin to attack.B. try to hide.C. begin to jump.D. run away.33. According to the passage, social distance refers toA. physical distanceB. psychological distance. 依据文章相散间隔指心思间隔(第3段第4止)C. physiological distance.D. philosophical distance.34. Which of the

38、following could best replace the word “band” in “We can think of it as a hidden band that contains the group” (in Paragraph 3)?A. Strip of land 从高低文瞧,band可注释为strip of land (天带)B. DistanceC. SocietyD. Community35. The example of the children holding hands when crossing the street in the last paragrap

39、h shows that 最初一段A. social distance is not always needed.B. there is no social distance among small children.C. humans are different from animals in social distance.D. social distance is sometimes determined by outside factors.最初的那个例子标明相散间隔的存正在取可偶然由中界果素决意Clone Farm克隆农场Factory farming could soon ente

40、r a new era of mass production. Companies in the US are developing the technology needed to “clone”chickens on a massive scale. Once a chicken with desirable traits has been bred or genetically engineered, tens of thousands of eggs, which will hatch into identical copies, could roll off the producti

41、on lines every hour.Billions of clones could be produced each year to supply chicken farms withbirds that all grow at the same rate, have the same amount of meat and taste the same.This, at least, is the vision of the USs National Institute of Science and Technology, which has given Origen Therapeut

42、ics of Burlingame, California, and Embrex of North Carolina $4.7 million to help fund research. The prospect has alarmed animal welfare groups, who fear it could increase the suffering of farm birds.Thats unlikely to put off the poultry industry, however, which wants disease resistant birds that gro

43、w faster on less food. “Producers would like the same meat quantity butto use reduced inputs to get there,”says Mike Fitzgerald of Origen. To meet this demand, Origen aims to “create an animal that is effectively a clone”, he says. Normal cloning doesnt work in birds because eggs cant be removed and

44、 implanted, Instead, the company is trying to bulk-grow embryonic stem cells taken from fertilized eggs as soon as theyre laid. “The trick is to culture the cells without them starting to distinguish, so they remain pluripotent,”says Fitzgerald.Using a long-established technique, these donor cells w

45、ill then be injected into the embryo of a freshly laid, fertilized recipient egg, forming a chick that is a “chimera”. Strictly speaking a chimera isnt a clone, because it contains cells from both donor and recipient. But Fitzgerald says it will be enough if, say, 95 percent of a chickens body devel

46、ops from donor cells. “In the poultry world, it doesnt matter if its not 100 percent,”he says.Another challenge for Origen is to scale up production. To do this, it has teamed up with Embrex, which produces machines that can inject vaccines into up to 50,000 eggs an hour. Embrex is now trying to mod

47、ify the machines to locate the embryo and inject the cells into precisely the right spot without killing it.In future, Origen imagines freezing stem cells from different strains of chicken. If orders come in for a particular strain, millions of eggs could be produced in months or even weeks. At pres

48、ent, maintaining all the varieties the market might call for is too expensive for breeders, and it takes years to bread enough chickens to produce the billions of eggs that farmers need.辞汇:clone 克隆,无性孳生implant 植进;移植embryonic胚胎的fertilise 使受粗pluripotent 多能的embryo 胚胎chimera 嵌开体vaccine 疫苗实习:36Which statement is the best description of the new era of factory farming according to the first paragraph? 第一段最初一句A. Eggs are all genetically engineered.B. Thou


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