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1、2021年电大最新电大开放英语3考试期末复习试题及答案2021年电年夜最新电年夜凋谢英语3测验期终温习试题及问案第一全体外交用语1 I havent seen Belly for 10 years.(B) B. Neither have I2 What subjects are you studying?(C ) C. Im studying philosophy3 I wonder if you could help me.( D)D. Of course4 Hurry up. The lecture begins at 2:00.(A ) A. Dont worry. Weve got 2

2、0 minutes5- David, youve been losing your temper over nothing lately.(C)C. Im sorry. I shouldnt have blown up like that6Excuse me, I didnt mean to bother you.(C)C. Thats quite all right7.Thanks a lot. Youve gone to so much trouble.(A)A. Its no trouble at all8.Ive ordered pizza and salad. What else d

3、o you want?(C)C. A beer is fine for me. Im not hungry yet9. What would you like, tea or coffee?(B)B. Coffee, please10. Hello, could I speak to Don please?(D)D. Whos speaking11. May I help you, madam?(D)D. Yes, Id like 2 kilos of oranges12. Nice weather, isnt it?(C)C. Yes, it is13. Must I do the wash

4、ing-up tonight?(B)B. Leave it if youre exhausted14.Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is?(B)B. At the office15.Do you like watching football matches?(D)D. Football? No. Its a waste of time16. Hello, Sally. Hows everything?(D)D. Just so-so17 Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator?(A)A. Certainly.

5、 Here you are18. I dont like the spots programs o n Sundays.(B)B. Neither do I19. Whats the problem, Harry? (D)D. I cant remember where I left my glasses20 What kind of TV program do you like best?(C)C. Its hard to say, actually21. -What about going for a walk?(A)A. Why not? A good idea22. I think t

6、he Internet is very helpful.(A)A. Yes, so do I23. Which language do you speak at home?(D)D. English, most of the time24. Must we hand in our homework now?(C)C. No, you neednt25. Lets take a walk. (A)A. Yes, lets26. Hello, could I speak to Don please?(D)D. Whos speaking27. Do you think the exam will

7、be putoff?(C)C. Not likely28. In my opinion, youd better take acouple of days off.(A)A. Ill take your advice29. Would you mind if I open the windowfor a better view?(D)D. Of course not30I have an appointment with Dr.Johnson.(C)C. Please wait for minute. He is busy now31Afternoon, sir. Where to?(A)A.

8、 Please get me to the airport32Can I help you to get it down? (C)C. Thanks. Its so nice of you33Im trying to call Marie, but theresno answer.(D).D. Really? Maybe shes out34Are you sure about that? (D)D. Oh, yes. Im absolutely positive35Would you like to see themenu?(A) .A. No, thanks. I already know

9、 what to order36What if my computer doesntwork?(B)B. Ask Anne for help37Hows the movie? Interesting?(C) .C. Far from. I should have stayed homewatching TV38Is this the motel youmentioned?(B) .forgot to buy salt.C. checking2.Ann is studying (B)at university.B. politics3.After(C )the bid, major constr

10、uctionbegan in Beijing.C. winning4.Be sure to(A )your wife when you comehere this evening.A. bring5.-Can I get you a couple of tea? (A)A. Thats very nice of you6.Dont worry. There is (C)room for allyour books here.C. enough7.(A )fine weather it is!A. What8.(C )for the Olympic Games begin aboutten ye

11、ars in advance.C. Bidding9.Everything(D )if Albert hadnt called thefire brigade.D. would have been destroyed10.Her parents died when she was veryyoung, so she was (A )by her aunt.A. brought up11.(B)he said is quite right.B. What12.He kept the light in his room (B )thewhole night.B. burning13.He was

12、(A )about his new job.A. over the moon14.He has been (B)in hospital for amonth.B. in danger15.He spends a quarter of the day (B )B. sleeping16.It happened (D )a winter night.D. on17.If you (A )stop smoking, you can onlyexpect to have a bad cough.A. wont18.Its not safe (C )in the street.C, playing19.

13、(D )it with me and Ill see what I cando.D. Leave20.I dont suppose he will attend the meeting,( B )?B. will he21.I think all these are main points (B )much attention.B. worthy of22.I have given(C )eating meat.C. up23.I know it isnt important but I cant help(B )about it.B. thinking24.Linda offered him

14、 her congratulations(D)his passing the college entranceexams.D. on25.Mr. White has a wife and three children to( A )A. raise26.Mary forgot(B )a letter to her mother,so she wrote to her just now.B. to write27.Not only I but also Jane and Mary (B)tired of having one examination afteranother.B. are28.O

15、ur plane (A)from London at 7:00yesterday evening.A. took off29.On his first sea(D), he was still quiteyoung but showed great courage to face thestorm.D. voyage30.Shes unlucky, and shes always suffering ( D )luck one after another.D. ill31.She has lived here (B)three years.B. for32.Time is money! We

16、should (B )our time.B. make good use of33.They (B)the train until it disappeared in the distance.B. watched34.Thats al l settled. It (D)talked about.D. neednt be35.The bedroom needs (A )A. decorating36.- Whats happened to Tom? -(D )to hospital.D. Hes been taken37.-Which do you like better, real movi

17、es (D)cartoons?- I prefer cartoons _ real movies.D. or, to38.What a fool I have been! Why (B )I think of that before?B. didnt39.We must make a difference between (A )language and _language.A. spoken, written40.We ( A )every day when we were children.A. used to swim41.You must explain (C)how they suc

18、ceeded _ the experiment.C. to us, in42.You look ( D ). What _ you _?D. tired, havebeen doing43.Not until most of the people had left the airport (C )his sister was there.C. did he see44.They are (B )students that they all performed well in the nationwide examinations.B. such diligent45.She paid the

19、builder (A )the gate.A. to repair46.We( A )every day when we were children.A. used to swim47.The work(A )by the time you get there.A. will have been done48.It is assumed that students at an intermediate level will have a good (A )of the basic structures and vocabulary of English.A. command49.More an

20、d more people in China now (A )to work regularly.A. drive50.We (D)the bathroom and plan _ the bedroom this year.D. have paintedto paint51.I regret (B)that Im unable to help you.B. to say52.They all (B )the job.B. asked for53.We have our office (C )every day bya cleaner.C. cleaned54.Mother was busy.

21、Although she was notwatching the basketball on TV, she (A)iton the radio.A. was listening to55.In the fifties last century, many new cities( C )in the desert.C. grew up56.He (A)in the laboratory the wholemorning.A. has been working57.You like playing football, (B)you?B. didnt58.Thats the( C )gentlem

22、an Ive beentelling you about.C. very59.Dr. Hoffman proposed that we (A)themeeting until next week.A. put off60. China is (A)the east of Asia.A. in61. Parliament didnt think the PrimeMinister did enough in the improvement offair employment, (B)he was asked to writeto Parliament for further explanatio

23、n.B. so62.He asked me where (B)from.B. I came63.(B ), we keep records on all theexperiments so that we may have enoughdata.B. As a rule64.I thought that this would be a funny trick(A)Jim.A. to play on65.If the man (B )succeed, he must work ashard as he can.B. is to66.I prefer tea (A)coffee.A. to67.T

24、he beef I ate at the restaurant yesterdayis delicious. Id like to have it again even if itcosts (D).D. twice as much68.I have (B)finished the report.B. already69. Where (B )the recorder? I cant seeit anywhere. I _ it right here, but now its gone.B. have you put; put70.You look (D ). What _ you_ ?D.

25、tired, havebeen doing71.We are ( B )in the future of ourmotherland.B. confident72Frank plays (C )Alex.C. a lot better than73. I broke my leg when I (B)skiing inAmerica.B. was74. She was convicted (C)murder.C. of75. A new hotel (D)in the center of town atthe moment.D. is being built76. It is very con

26、venient (A)here.A. living77. I have lived here (B)1997.B. since78. The bedroom needs (A).A. decorating79. He is the man (D)dog bit me.D. whose80. Im tired. I (B)working very hard.B. have been81. Before she left on the trip, she (D)hard.D. had trained82. He keeps (B)at himself in the mirror.B. lookin

27、g83. The sun heats the earth, (C)is veryimportant to living things.C. which84. Ancient Greece is the (A)of westerncivilization.A. origin85. Please stop (B). It cannot help thesituation.B. shouting86. The big man has always been eating onthe go, (A)he has got stomachache.A. so87. Let me (B)the case c

28、arefully before Idraw a conclusion.B. look into88. He, as well as I, (D)a student.D. is89. She (C)her success to hard word andstrong will.C. owes90. Mr. Smith (C)a most important part inthe development of our city.C. played91. Id rather stay at home than (C)a walk.C. take92. Hardly (A)home when it b

29、egan to rain.A. had I got93. I prefer classic music (D)pop music.D. to94. All the team members tried their best.We lost the game, (A).A. however95. When we were having a meeting, the director (B)the bad news by telephone.B. was told96. Silk(B)by Chinese for thousands of years now.B. has been used97.

30、 You (B)to lock the door at night.B. ought98. Before I got to the cinema, the film (A).A. had begunA. to shout99. The patient acted on the doctors (B)and finally recovered.B. advice100. A lecture hall is (C)where students attend lectures.C. one101. Dont worry, your watch (D)and you can have it in no

31、 time.D. is being repaired102. The definition leaves (B)for disagreement.B. much room103. Not always (B)they want (to).B. can people do what104. Sadam(B)for 25 years.B. was married105. I dont want you to make any trouble, (C), I urge you to solve the problem.C. on the contrary106. Why (B)the old blo

32、ck of flats _ demolished next month?B. isbeing107. At present, the most important thing is that Britain needs (A)more to improve the relationship with the USA.More and more people.havehave been askingduewho-whichestimatedto have them installedyet to install文章2:开首Traffic in India means.have been sold

33、invehicleswithonpulledwatch outare recommendedbythat文章3:开首Most workers spend eight.workdaysenjoyextratoratherunderAs a resultlittleendhealth文章4:开首There are advantages and disbothtothandopreparesyetonnewashave文章5:开首Jules Vernes most famousmeaninginventedatstory-tellerto be whoeasywaysas well asSometi

34、mes 文章6:开首Peter Blake is a successfulusedwasdecidedbeensowhichownon-but文章7:开首Although internationalexcitingfrominfromwhichtoleavebeforeeffectslessenbestfor 文章8:开首Frank knew he was very illsometimesinmindlistenedbeadmittedremembernobodywheneveronlylike文章9:开首A study().has showntowhoeven ifmore likelyw

35、ereexercisingHoweverto reduceencourage文章10:开首A study has shown that fitness isthe keytoorthose who do notthe leastwhether or notto be fatbeingsmokingonto exercise文章11:开首 A survey was carried out lastyearbysharplyAlthoughto exercisewalkingwalkonto makeforfor文章12:开首Bill was on holiday and he wasveryab

36、outwhohad hadaboutsurprisedhisandwithBill cooper is portfoliomanager of the 13billion value thustfunds .for nine years running through his fathersexplanation one can make money throughbuying stockshard work only indicatedthat one was ready to start his career文章2:开首是:my mother reised me as bestas the

37、 couldpoor badly whichare not regular orfixed the three years of military servicethe anthor was surprised that he wasaccepted as a firefight文章3:开首:robert was born in a smalltown in Englandhis father is a rich farmerthere were a lotof thiever in the cityhe was afraid to lose his wallethe hopedto make

38、 fun of the thieves the thief make funof Robert文章4:开首I have two jobs growing up andthey all help share my lifehow to talk and behave properly workingin different occupationschallengingjoining a baseball game never be faraid oftaking risks文章5:开首Paper was invented by theChinese in the first century ad

39、in chinain 1500 one tre fasterhouses文章6:开首the entertainment profession ,orshou businessgeting the best tailoryonger singes arecatching upthey make him rich and famouscan be very annoying keep smiling文章7:开首may you wish upon a thousandstars?husband and wifeher motorhome they learn a lot more than ordi

40、nary school kidsglobal positioning syatem their life isrich and they stay closer to each other文章8:开首dear folks :I ve been here fouabout three weekslooks very different form what she expectedit is the cheapestto keep up in a differentlearning bnvironment less confident inmakinglanzhou文章9:开首a funny th

41、ing happened on theway to the communication.unhappyboth A and B moredisconnecetall of the above it actuallycreates a distand between 文章10:开首Cynthia woolly is calld thethe best professional woman baskbetballwell the team leader of a basketball team at a disadvantageshe doesnt want theyonger providing

42、 them eith a better文章11 开首:I was 15 when I walkedinto .he happended to walk into the shop and gotin by chanceit helped him understand theworld and himself proud of himselfperauding his boss to let him do the story ontvit helps people make sense of the worle文章12:开首we are all in rush .feel time is pre

43、ssing at the same time about time is doubtful aboutcan we savetimesaving文章13开首:PALO ALTO ,Californiachildren will get father if they spend moretime watching tvis more than fours a daythree hours childrend usually eat morewhile watching tvboth A and B文章14开首:Lillian hanson , a collegestudent .she hadn

44、t got enough moneyto furtherher education at collegethat she is 73 yearsold they were deeply moved by her spiritcares for study very much文章15开首the greatest recent socialchangers have been in the lives of woman .at about tewenty-five many children diedbefore they were fivewas unlikely to find ajob ev

45、wen if the wanted onemarry beforethey are twenty-five today more marriedwomen leave文章16开首:Once the king of India fell illand sent for his doctor.drinking bulls milk hated Gulbo verymuch He was upset.Because she wantedthe king to notice her.understood the girlsmeaning文章17开首:People all over the world todayare beginning to.the release of artificial or natural substancesinto the environmentall sides concernedwould make


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