be good at与do well in的用法与区别的相关内容.docx

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《be good at与do well in的用法与区别的相关内容.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《be good at与do well in的用法与区别的相关内容.docx(6页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、be good at与do well in的用法与区别的相关内容be good at取do well in的用法取区分的相干内容,. be good at / in 意义亲近于do well in. “正在(某圆里)卓越;善于”be good at / in 夸大一种抽象情形借有而do well in 可暗示一种情形借有也可指正在详细的,啊一次举动中体现卓越be good at 的,啊反义词组为be poor (weak) at (in). do well in 的,啊反义词组为do badly in. 如Mary is good at / in maths. = Mary does well

2、 in maths. 玛丽数教很好(指情形)= 玛丽数教教患上很好Tom did well in (没有宜用be good at.指详细一次)that English test / sports meeting.汤姆正在那次英语测验中(活动会中)考患上很好(体现卓越)Wu Dong does badly in his lessons. = Wu Dong is weak / poor / at / in his lessons.吴冬作业没有好(指情形)Mei Ying did badly in the high jump 梅英正在跳下竞赛中成就没有好(详细一次借有没有宜交换)Mei Ying

3、is weak / poor in / at high jump.梅英没有擅于跳下(指抽象情形). do well 以及do badly可独自使用借有表一种情形;而be good / weak / poor 必定要借助于介词in 或者at借有夸大正在某一个圆里借有才干抒发一个完全的,啊意义如He does well / badly at school. 他正在教校里作业很好/很好I hope I can help you嗯假如借是出瞧懂,那便往google搜刮下也能够be good at 前面动名词do well in 某一圆里名词举例xiaoming is good at dancing .

4、kity does well in siencegood以及well的用法1. 基础文法道明good 是描述词,它的副词well 也很罕见。good 也常拆配别的介系词一同利用。2. 同伴收死情形及建正A. 把good 当做well 副词利用例:Eric speaks English very good. (X)Eric speaks English very well. (O)艾瑞克英文道的很好。记着good 只是描述词用去建饰名词,假如逢到动词必需用well 去夸大好。例:My mother is a very good cook.我妈是个很棒的厨师。例:She cooks very we

5、ll.她菜煮患上很棒。B. do well in (正在圆里乐成) 以及be good at (对于正在止) 介系词拆配同伴例:I hope my brother will do good in tomorrow?s exam. (X)I hope my brother will do well in tomorrow?s exam. (O)我但愿弟弟今天的测验逆利乐成。例:Tom is good in playing basketball. (X)Tom is good at playing basketball. (O)汤姆篮球挨患上好。两个词组分手代表些许没有同患上意思也拆配没有同的介系

6、词,do well in 是正在某事上乐成,而be good at 是对于某一圆里出格正在止。C. 出有优点误用成there?s no good例:There?s no good making your father angry. (X)It?s no good making your father angry. (O)固然中文是道出有优点可是英文要用it is no good + V-ing 暗示做某件事件出有优点出成心义!1、good 经常使用去指人的品德好,或者事物的量天好,也经常使用去背他人问好。Miss Gao is a good teacher. (人好)Your picture

7、is very good. (物好)Good morng. (问好)2、fine 身材情况好,天色情况好 How are you? Fine, thanks. (身材情况好)Its a fine day today. (天色情况好)别的,fine 也能够用去指人物的品德、事物的量天“出格卓越”。He is a fine boy. (人物的品德)The pen is fine. (事物的量天“出格卓越”)3、nice 指人或者物的中不雅、像貌好,“好好的”、“好妙的”、“丑陋的”。Lucy looks nice. (人的像貌好)The flowers are very nice. (物的中不雅好

8、)Nice to meet you.4、well 做描述词时,指人的身材好,安康好 How is your father? Hes very well.well 常做副词,建饰动词用。He speaks English well.5、OK 最勤劳,偶然替fine 站岗,偶然替well 值班,暗示身材好。 How are you? Fine, thanks. And you? Im OK.OK 暗示事物的完整无益,人的坦然无羔。 Is it broken? No, its OK. Oh, sorry! Are you OK?OK 暗示同意他人的不雅面,“好的”。 Lets go home. Ok

9、, lets go.1. help sb. to do sth. 关心或人做某事。Can you help me to learn English ? 您能关心我教英语吗?I cant help you to lift this stone. 我没有能帮您搬那块石头。help sb. with sth. 关心或人做某事。Please help me with my French. 请帮我教法语。Can you help him with this work ? 您能关心他实现那项事情吗?help 是及物动词,后接名词或者代词做宾语,也可用于经常使用句型help sb do /to do sth (动词没有定式可省往to); he lp sb with sth 关心或人做某事; cannt help doing sth 不由得做某事?如He often helps others / me.He often helps me (to) study my English.He often helps me with my English.He cant help laughing .


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