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1、2009教 学设 计 征 稿高中英语人教必修一第四单元阅读课教学设计A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP江西省赣州市第三中学徐 英(341000) Email:Tel:13576699966一、教学课型:阅读课二、教材分析 1教材处理本单元中心话题为“地震”,阐述了地震的成因、震前预兆、地震造成的损失、地震时的应急措施以及震后的救援等。我将Warming-up 和Reading两部分组合成一课时。Warming-up中的图片是唐山地震和洛杉矶地震的两副图片,引出话题“一旦地震发生,将会造成怎样的危害”,为后面的主题作一个热身运动。Pre-reading 部分提供了地震前兆

2、的图片,设置了两个开放性问题,目的是增加学生的生活常识,提高他们的应变能力。这部分为接下来的阅读作了很好的铺垫,学生可通过运用一些生活常识来回答这两个问题。考虑到我们所在的城市没有发生过地震,课文的内容不符合学生的认知特点和已有的生活经验,因此我用图片和汶川地震的即时录象报道来补充其背景知识。Reading 部分具体描写了1976年唐山大地震的震前、震中和震后的情况。作者详细描述了地震来临前的一些不正常的自然现象及动物的反常表现;地震的来势汹汹并在顷刻间将整座城市夷为平地;震后人们勇敢面对现实并及时实施抢救和重建工作。本课词汇量大,并运用了大量的动词,使得描写更为生动,文中还有不少复杂的数字,



5、间交流,喜欢即时评价。在英语学习上,他们希望能学到知识性和趣味性兼有的内容,渴望从英语学习中获得更多的知识和能力。基于此分析,课外,我把学生分成三个大组,确定组长及成员,并分别布置学习任务,要求学生分工合作,收集有关资料,整理后在课堂上汇报。如组1负责收集各类灾难图片,找出相应英文名字。组二负责收集有关地震的前兆现象及相应图片。组三收集震后(如汶川地震)的摧毁情况及相应图片。课内,按座位,将学生分成六人合作组,相互学习、交流,以此激发学生兴趣,让学生互动学习,主动探索。 四、教学重点和难点:重点: 1让学生掌握本篇文章中的单词,词组以及重要表达。2.训练学生阅读能力。3.帮助学生学会合作。难点

6、: 运用所学知识表达自己的想法; 如何就课文内容展开话题讨论;如何能把课文的内容延伸与拓展;指导学生通过各种渠道如报纸、杂志、图书馆和网络等资源查找有关素材,培养其收集查找资料的能力。 五、教学方法 根据对教材及学情的分析,依托当前教学改革,课程改革等先进理念,我认为,阅读中,教师可以把图式理论引进教学中,所谓图式理论就是学生必须具备足够的背景知识,才能理解作者在文章中所表达的内涵。此处所指的背景知识就是指对作者利用文字所表示的具体事例背景的了解,背景知识越丰富,理解能力就越强烈。我的学生没有亲身体验地震,没有更多相关背景知识,因此为达成上述教学目标,我准备采用图式教学模式(如图所示):图式阅

7、读模式提供背景,填补信息浏览语篇,初步理解小组讨论,建构图式运用图式,加工语篇探究意识创造能力略读寻读阅读前阅读后阅读中 六、教学工具: Blackboard, computer-assisted teaching (multimedia),projector,七、教学时间:45 分钟八、教学过程Step 1 :Lead-inStep 2: Pre-reading(提供背景,补充信息)1利用头脑风暴的形式,让组一学生说出灾难词汇。幻灯片显示词汇,每个灾难词汇分别与下列图片做好链接。(组一展示图片)disasters volcano fire sandstorm typhoon hailston

8、e thunderstorm Flood drought earthquakeflood drought earthquake【设计意图】利用多媒体课件导入内容,或由学生展示其成果,形象直观,易于吸引学生注意,激发他们的学习兴趣。由各种灾难图片,自然引出本课话题-地震。Questions:Have you ever experienced one of these disasters?Which disaster may cause the worst damage? T:Sichuan province has just gone through a terrible earthquake

9、which shaked the whole area as well as our hearts. Let us remember the terrible days and remember the great love that people have shown during the unexpected disaster. 2教师播放一段约2分钟的汶川地震视频。组三展示震后摧毁情况-数据及图片。T:When the earthquake began, the ground started to shake. The people were frightened and rushed

10、out of the buildings. The buildings and bridges were destroyed, the car crashed and then the whole city was in ruins. Many people died and were injured, but some survivors were rescued by soldiers.【设计意图】播放视频目的是为了引起学生的共鸣并激发其想象的空间,教师引导学生注意观察地震发生时的情况;教师通过学生的图片展示,不断引出词汇,鼓励学生大胆描述当时的情景,尽快让学生建立与课文对应的背景知识,在

11、描述的过程当中使用课文中涉及到的词汇或者短语,并对生词要加重语气,这样学生可以通过画面和教师言语之间建立联系,为之后的阅读活动做铺垫。4.标题预测 What kind of information does the author try to tell us through the title ? (There must be something strange happening at night on earth.So the earth didnt sleep )Step 3:While-Reading(浏览语篇,初步理解;小组讨论,建构图式)1Skim the reading pass

12、age and then aswer the question: What does the passage mainly talk about?An earthquake happened in Tangshan in 1976.2Fill in the table after reading .The Tangshan EarthquakeWhenJuly 28,1976WhereTangshanHow many were injured or killedMore than 400.0003.Divide the passage into three parts and sum up t

13、he main idea of each part of the passage(use one word to describe).Para.1 before the quake signPara.2-3 during the quake damagePara.4 after the quake recovery【设计意图】整体理解课文。梳理清楚课文线索。快速阅读找出每个段落的主题句,为各个环节的理解和开展做铺垫,不仅可以培养学生概括文章大意和快速捕捉文章表层信息的能力,而且可以让学生深刻体会文章主旨。4.Scan the passage , try to understand each p

14、aragraph and finish the following diagrams.T:Its painful to look back, but can we avoid or at least reduce the loss caused by earthquakes? According to the pictures,what do you think will happen before an earthquake?(组二展示地震前兆图片)S1:There is bright light in the skyS2:The animals were too nervous to sl

15、eep, . (学生自由发言)Part 1:Read Para 1 and fill in blanks of the diagram below.(细节查读) Before the quake(sign)something strangesignsThe water in the wellrose and fell. The well wallshad deep cracks in themA smelly gascame out of the cracksThe pigs and the chickenswere too nervous to eatmice and fishmice ca

16、me out of fields; fish jumped out of bowls and ponds.In the skypeople saw bright lightsThe water pipecracked and burstQ:Why did no one notice them?【设计意图】图表可让学生有目的进行阅读,了解信息,提高其获取信息及处理信息的能力。Part 2:Read Para 2 &3 and fill in blanks of two diagrams below.(细节查读)What were these numbers referred to in Para

17、graph 2?During the quake(damage)numbersdamage3:42 A.M.Began to shake11 kilometersBelow the city ,underground20th centuryThe greatest earthquake 100 kilometres Heard away from Beijing1/31/3 nation felt this earthquake8 kilometresThe length of crack30 metresThe width of crack 15 secondsThe earthquake

18、only last so shortThousands ofFamilies killed ,children left without 400,000People were killed or injuredWhat were these numbers referrd to in Paragraph 3?75%The factories and buildings were gone90%The homes were gone Two Dams fellTens of thousands ofThe cows never give milk againHalf a million Pigs

19、 diedMillions of Chickens diedAfter the earthquake(recovery)What did they do for the city?Firstly, _( dig out & bury .)secondly,_( rescue the coal miners)thirdly, _( build shelters for survivors)the last, _( transport the water)【设计意图】查找细节:培养学生自主探究能力,理解细节,熟悉课文,加强记忆,检查对课文的理解。Part 3:Read the paragraph

20、again ,try to answer the following questions.(深层理解)1. Why is the title A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP?2. What does the sentence “Slowly, the city began to breathe again” mean?【设计意图】在泛读或略读之后,学生已知晓文章大意,教师应指导他们运用已学的知识和已有的生活经验对文中信息进行逻辑推理和分析判断,帮助学生掌握课文的段落结构,分析各段之间的逻辑关系,帮助学生准确理解事物发展规律、作者的观点以及文章字里行间的深层含义;同时

21、,教师指导学生在阅读文章时注意欣赏文章中优美词句。Step 4: Post- reading(运用图式,加工语篇) Read the passage again and fill in the blanks according to what you have read._ happened in Tangshan. For a few days, water in the wells _. From the _ of wells _came out. Mice, chicken, pigs and even fish became _. But the people in Tangshan

22、_ these events. At 3:00 am, everything began to _. It seemed that the world was _. _ of the nation felt it. A huge _ cut across the city, then the city lay _. Two-thirds of the people _or were _. Then later that afternoon, another big quake _ Tangshan. People began to wonder how long _. But _ was no

23、t lost. Soldiers came to help those _. Slowly, the city began to _again.Keys:Strange things , rose and fell, cracks, smelly gas,nervous, thought little of, shake, at an end, One-third, crack, in ruins, died, injured, shook, the disaster would last, all hope, survivors ,breathe小组合作,模拟采访震后目击者。根据时间灵活掌握

24、(附采访范文)。【设计意图】模拟记者采访震后涌现出的名人,组织一场采访秀,采访过程中注意运用课文中的内容。通过模拟实际情景,让学生在情景中灵活运用的所学知识并加深记忆。Step 5: Assignment (课后作业)1.Finish the exercises on P27-28.2Write a short passage about Tanshan earthquake.【设计意图】通过作业使学生复习课堂上所学知识,达到巩固效果。Contents on the blackboard(板书设计)Unit 4 EarthquakeA Night the Earth didnt SleepSt

25、ructure of the whole passage:Clue of the story: Time order Para.1 Before the quake signPara.2-3 During the quake damage Para.4 After the quake recoveryAssessment and Feedback(评价与反馈)小组课堂评价表(课后完成)非测试性评价:小组互评,了解学生的学习情感、策略,由组长负责,组织小组反思,填写下表(以5分制计),并存入学习档案。姓名小组合作工作量组内活动创意查找资料量班级活动参与情况提出问题个数参与活动进步情况附1:教学流

26、程图Brainstorming1.Lead inVedio2.Pre-readingpredictionSkimming 3.While-readingscanning4.Post-readingSentences appreciationGroup activity and dRetell and Interview5Summarryrize6.The ending图形意义说明图形意义说明 开始,结束教师活动学生活动决策,判断教学内容媒体教学内容流程线附2:采访示范One acts as a reporter from China Daily and another acts as a wi

27、tness of the Tangshan earthquake .They will have an interview.(R=Reporter W=witness) R:Hello.Nice to meet you.Im a reporter from China Daily.W:Nice to meet you ,too.R:I heard that you went through the Tangshan earthquake,didnt you?W:Yes, I was so lucky as to be one of the survivors.R: Would you like

28、 to answer some questions about the earthquake?W: Sure. R: Do you still remember those terrible days during the earthquake in 1976 in your hometown?W: Of course. Ill never forget it. It is really a nightmare. R: Were there anything unusual happening before July 28, 1976?W: Yes. For three days the wa

29、ter in the villages rose and fell. The well walls cracked. A smelly gas came out of the cracks. The animals in the farmyards were very nervous and ran everywhere. People saw bright lights in the sky and heard the strange sound. In the city, the water pipes cracked and burst.R: What about the people?

30、 W: People thought little of the events and went to bed as usual.R: what happened on that terrible day?W: At 3:42 am that day, the earth began to shake. A huge crack cut across houses, roads and canals. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. R: What happened after the quake?W: Rescue workers and doctors came. So did the soldiers.Teams were organized to dig out the trapped and bury the dead.R: What a terrible experience.I think you can rebuild your home city very well.W:I believe so.R:Thank you for answering my questions.W:Thats all right.


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